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Biden Admin Continues to Ignore Border Chaos They Caused, VP Still has No Visit Scheduled

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich invited Vice President Kamala Harris to visit the nation’s southern border on Monday, requesting her to take an in-person look at the immigration problem her partner, Joe Biden, created.

Harris has twice before laughed off requests to visit the U.S.-Mexican border, but Brnovich has challenged her to take the matter seriously. He wrote, “As Border Patrol agents are busy apprehending large groups of aliens, cartels are simultaneously driving dangerous truckloads of drugs across different parts of the border.”

The attorney general is also suing the Biden administration over its deportation policies, claiming the president’s executive orders present a danger to the state’s citizens.

President Joe Biden appointed Harris last month to lead the nation’s response to the immigration surge. The vice president has since gone two weeks without a press conference to address the situation or put forth any kind of action to curb the insurgency.

No response, no report and no plans to visit the border summarize the current Harris response. Brnovich has rightly challenged the current hands-off attitude with his latest offer.

The White House has yet to officially respond, but don’t get your hopes up. If 100,000 illegal immigrants entering the nation in February isn’t enough to motivate Democrats to act, there’s not much that will. The game plan looks more like an intentional act to create a crisis rather than a genuine effort to end one.


A senior Border Patrol official told reporters an average of 5,000 people per day crossed the southern border in March. That would be more than 150,000 illegal immigrants in the past month if verified in the next Border Patrol report, marking a 50 percent increase over February.

Approximately 450-500 of these daily immigrants are reportedly unaccompanied minors. This could mean an ADDITIONAL 15,000 immigrant children in government custody within a month, nearly doubling the previous total.

The U.S. is on pace to have over one million new illegal immigrants cross our border by the end of 2021. Every one of those individuals must eat, drink, be housed and processed by Border Patrol.

Who pays for all this humanitarian assistance? You do. American taxpayers are the ones funding the Biden administration’s refugee crisis to create a third world America.

While the border leaks like a sinking boat, lawmakers remain behind their Capitol building wall, safely insulated from alleged online threats that fail to materialize. The National Guard remains strong in Washington, but has not been tasked with protecting the border.

As Biden and Harris refuse to visit the border, 18 GOP lawmakers visited the border in March. Former President Donald Trump is discussing a visit as well. By the time Harris gets around to a visit, Trump could probably walk to the Mexican border and back from his home in Florida.

Brnovich is right to be upset, suing the administration and challenging VP Harris to finally come and see what her administration’s policies have done to Texas, Arizona, and the rest of the Southern border areas.

What’s not right is how only the right is expressing concern, Democrats and the mainstream media are largely silent about the consequences of Biden’s border policy on the rest of America. We’re importing more people per month than live in the capital city of New Mexico. Does this not bother anyone other than a few Republicans?

There is reason Texas Democrats are crying out for their own party to respond. They see the local communities being stressed to the point of breaking along the border, and it’s not going away anytime soon.

In fact, it continues to spread northward, coming soon to a community near you. We need much more than a visit from Harris. We need to vote out Biden and Harris, replacing them with leaders who understand that the security of our nation matters and open borders create chaos.


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73 thoughts on “Biden Admin Continues to Ignore Border Chaos They Caused, VP Still has No Visit Scheduled”

  1. If she can not do the job FIRE HER. If she was in business the company would let her go. Get rid of Biden too.
    We all want the USA AMERICA back to normal.

    1. ARE we getting the iDEA that the HORE not DEMENTIA JOE is Running the Toilet that WAS THE WH????

    2. Hiden Biden the coward that he is should insist that his maid follow his orders or quit. These two clowns are in way over their heads and should both be fired.

      1. I agree 100%. They were not elected and they know it. Biden hid in his basement because he know it was fraudulent election. They are scum of the earth. They want to destroy America that is their agenda. Wake up people!

      2. both Biden and Harris need to be removed from office,these communists are backing they’re fellow communist democrats in destroying our country


    3. She cares more about spending our money to decorate her home and office than dealing with the border crises caused by her and sleepy Joe.

    4. She cares more about decorating her home and office at our expense than dealing with the border crisis she and sleepy Joe created.

    5. We all know she can’t do the job. All she is now is a built on babysitter to make sure Joe follows the script. Good to have someone orchestrating ELDER ABUSE. Sure hope Joe is aware that he is only a temporary illegal token President. Surely he is not so far gone that he doesn’t realize the handwriting on the wall or is he?

    6. They’re running this country into the ground it makes me sick. Biden is making such a overbloated debt on our country right now . And all these executive orders it’s like we live in a communist country we can’t afford all this welfare to illegals ,and criminals and I mean criminals he’s destroying this country with his stupidity . And his sidekick vice president is absolutely worthless .

    7. We need to do it ,just like the B.L.M. did it. They done it with no trouble. No charges or anything. Why can we not do that on this. Is there any reason?

  2. Biden and Harris should be tried in California,Arizona and Texas, and then hung on the Capital steps. These people in charge are traitors and should be sentenced to death along with Perlosi, Schumer, and Obama. Satan has taken over the United States of America

    1. Hey Republicans ……….. is there an issue at the border ?!

      Hey Republicans……….
      how many more diseased, uneducated, jobless, homeless, illegal, undocumented aliens are you going to allow the democrats to let across our border today?!!

      Is there anyone , anybody who belongs to the GOP, who has the testicular fortitude to try and reverse this “ open border policy” that the Biden administration has implemented.

      There is a crisis evidently. I’m just one concerned taxpayer amongst many. I have an idea….. thinking out loud here. Perhaps collectively, as a group, we could just


      Now, I’m not quite sure what it was that the last president did to quell this influx of illegals into our country, but Joe and his lapdog should take a page out of Trumps book and engage the same system to keep these people out.

      We have more than enough problems to face without this travesty occurring.

      1. HAD ENOUGH///// I appreciate your response and agree mostly… THIS is in the OBAMA NOTEBOOK, to allow, thousands, or millions of poor, uneducated, diseased, orphaned, criminals, from all over the world, to enter into the U. S. OF AMERICA and “ADD” burdens on our states, communities, and unwanted “expenses” with educating, housing, feeding, thus, straining the “everyday” life of us that want no involvement , IT IS TIME FOR IMPEACHMENT OF “all” thats involved, some elected and some who “has” pledged to destroy America. i.e., SCHUMER, PELOSI, OBAMA, AND OF COURSE BIDEN..impeachment is and should be on the document first thing in the morning… SOMEONE WHO HAS SOME BRASS, NEEDS TO STEPUP, or a military “Coupe” to stop this destruction of america…

      2. WHAT BORDER???? THE COMMUNISTS of the WH have OPENED THAT ONCE SECURE BORDER TO ANYONE >>> even those on the NO FLY ZONE that are Muslim Terrorists… hey naything to APPEASE America;s ENEMIES from ABROAD and from WITHIN>>>

      3. Is there anyone in the GOP that has the guts to do anything, ANYTHING at all to put a stop to this nonsense. We all know what is happening here and President Trump and all of his Trump Supporters are still here looking for ways to correct this problem. WHERE ARE YOU GUYS? HAVE YOU ALL TURNED INTO SENILE OLD MEN BECAUSE JOE WAS ABLE TO STEAL THIS ELECTION BY BRING THST WAY. HE HAS HELP YOU KNOW, JUST IN CASE YOU HAVEN’T NOTICED. OBAMA AND COHORTS ARE REALLY CALLING THE SHOTS

      4. Had Enough…. Agree totally! We don’t really have too many good representatives. Most of the Democrats stink, and too many Republicans just look the other way. They should finish the wall, electrify it, plant land mines on the American side all along the border and put signs up in all languages warning of the danger. If the intruders get killed, it will be their own doing! But as a people, what can we do? We are so divided, rising up to defend our border ourselves will probably only make things worse. We would likely be fighting our own military who Biden would turn against us. Let’s face it…. America is screwed! Phony president, draconian executive orders, complacent citizens brainwashed by left wing propaganda dished out by the media, corrupt courts, mostly left wing academia. Is there any hope left? Maybe…. Trump 2024?

  3. biden and harris need to go, we need strong leaders. these two are a joke all they want to do is tax us more. we need help now , our people are suffering from all lost jobs . we need to create jobs not close them down .the pipeline was a bad idea. make america great again keep jobs here not overseas.


  4. I said it before I say it again. Biden doesn’t belong in Washington DC! But in a nursing home! He is running this country into the ground with those fool he has put in charge. And it going to explode soon!

    1. Biden, and his partners in crime are destroying our country ! They are CRIMINALS, and should be treated as such !! Get those idiots OUT OF OFFICE, and BEHIND BARS !!! JAIL, PRISON !!!

    2. Agree, but send him to a nursing home in Née York so Cuomo can take care of him…
      Buck Fiden

  5. Governor Abbott should lead the other border states governor to call out States nation to close all borders. ‘We the People’ should call for immediate action to this mounting border crisis NOW. Let’s Texan lead the Republic to physically SHUTDOWN the borders NOW. Let’s call all the congress Representatives of Texas that Texas is Republic of Texas and we have the right to withdraw from the USA to save the ‘Republic of Texas now.

  6. How about the governors tell Biden & kameltoe that their states won’t accept these INVADERS into their states, if sleepy Joe & the Ho send them there against the governors wish’s , load them back on the busses & send them straight to Washington D C
    Let the jerks in the White House deal with them.

    1. I say load the busses and let them loose in DC close to WH. And a bus load outside of Pelosi’s house, and a a couple of buss loads to NEW YORK and California! How about each of the DEMs that are in the Congress in the white house! Ship them to see the POPE too, and don’t forget good old dear Obama whom had this idea that America needs to become a third world country so we can experience how the rest of the third world countries live. That was Obama’s Fathers dream and Obama was trying to fulfill his fathers dream! Yes it is has been written in his fathers book.

  7. Maybe slow Joe needs to go to the border to see the mess he has created. He and Congress should have to take these kids and let them live in their houses. Lets se have fast then send them back.

  8. Vice Presididn’t (Go to the border) Kamala Harris is just following Presididn’t (Go to the border) Joe (Groper) Biden’s lead to just ignore the Border Problem until millions of illegal immigrants come to America!

  9. This one is easy. As long as Ineligible Harris doesn’t go to the border to see the mess she helped create, she can stand in front of the Pinocchio Media’s cameras and say “I see no problems on our borders”.

    1. Don’t forget “FedUp”, she’s got to say it laughing at the end of her comment, it’s her trademark. Obviously, if she doesn’t have a clue about something significantly important, she laughs…..seems to be her M.O.

      Scary thing is…….she laughs a lot

  10. All talk and no action from anyone, file law suits all you want nothing will happen!
    Biden and Harris are a joke and the American people got what they voted for, live with it cause there is no one doing anything to stop what they are doing 4 more years a little less now see what else comes down upon us. Unless God has pity on this Country nothing will change. God loves us all, we are all his children, open the borders why enforce something that can’t be enforced! I don’t understand why we complained let them all come in we the taxpayers will take care of them we are doing it now so we will just continue as we have no choice, we have to pay our taxes no getting around that!!!

  11. Kamela Harris cannot go anywhere near the BORDER…there are too many illegal’s infected with Covid-19 and other various diseases from their trek across Mexico, and through our porous “border”…If she were to get sick, then then the Democrat Dream of making America a truly Socialist Paradise wouldn’t happen, when the senile old fool China Joe, finally gets kicked out of office….

    1. They asked Joe ‘ What do you think of Red China?’ He answered ‘ My wife thinks it looks great with our blue tablecloth’..

  12. You are so right. Charge everyone one of the Democrats, Biden, Obama, Harris, Clinton, Pelosi, Schumer, all DOJ, and home land Security with Treason and dereliction of duty and put them all in jail.

  13. Yup, we are doomed. We have airhead AOC, a BLM activist from Michigan, clueless Schumer, moron Maxine Waters, 1 fry short of a happy meal Pelosi, the court jester of the WH ha ha ha Kamala Harris, and the main character of this 3 ring circus the man with all the lights on but nobody’s home Joe Biden. So just sit back with a bag of popcorn and a beer and watch the show. Your going to pay for it anyway in the form of taxes. Can’t wait when they attempt to tax us on every mile we drive our vehicles. Thank Democrats for nothing.

  14. Drain the swamp and impeach them all and then charge and convict them all for treason under high crimes against America and it’s citizens. They’ve stolen your vote. They have taken your voices. They are now after your guns and money. Lastly it will be your life. I say a class action law suit against our illegitimate government if enough people can get on board and stop this nightmare.

    1. they are both worthless, ruining what trump had done, draining the swamp, we need him back to get us good again. these two idiots dont even know how to run our country, all they want is money in their pockets. impeace both of them

    2. Wonder what would happen if a million armed Americans stormed Congress to eject all the left wingers? Nice to dream.

  15. She’s still being schooled by Obama, George Soros Farrakhan & other marxists anti American has beens.

  16. I love your comments but nothing is going to happen to these people who are going to ruin our country. Now they want to give the illegals checks while our people are suffering. Maybe we all need to protest against Biden and Harris. Wish we could impeach them all. Trump kept us safe and fought for each and everyone of us. Democrats what do you have to say now about your wonderful president? hope the illegals come to your hometown not mine.

  17. Please wake up America! This administration is deadly to all that makes this country great. I’m 77 years old, and have never seen this country in so much danger.

  18. I say send them all to the White House and the Vice Pres. home to live. Let them take care of them with there own money. Then they can laugh all they want. He can’t talk straight and she only knows how to giggle.
    Remove them fast. We don’t need stupid’s and have the son pay for his crimes. China pays them

  19. We would not be in this mess if justice was served when these corrupt politicians were exposed. But it was hands-off, favors, money passing from one crook to another, lies not challenged. Even when Biden confessed the voter fraud, it was ignored. Stolen Presidency. Those who were responsible for justice being served need to be removed. We need to send them all to prison!!!


    WE THE PEOPLE (aka SILENT MAJORITY) had countless opportunities to have stopped this nightmare, but we chose to give the DEMOCRATS what they expected of us, to REMAIN SILENT! Thus, making us equally complicit in the fraud perpetrated against United States Americans!

    Isn’t it time you actually did something, took action? How much more damage needs to be done?

    I urge everyone who reads this to PICK UP THE PHONE and call your REP AND SENATORS in DC and DEMAND IMMEDIATE IMPEACHMENT OF BIDEN AND HARRIS.


    HARRIS is guilty of violating 18US Code 2381 Treason, 18 US Code 2382 Misprision of Treason, 18US Code 2383 Rebellion or Insurrection, 18 US Code 2384 Seditious Conspiracy and 18 US CODE 2385 Advocating Overthrow of Government!

    Can you tolerate gasoline prices, product prices all going up, the WH being run by Harris, Pelosi and Schumer? Literally destroying our country, allowing thousands of illegals into our country bringing in God knows what diseases?

    Then copy and paste this information into an E-Mail and send to friends and family asking them to make the calls, then forward on to their friends asking them to make the calls and forward on! WE NEED TO MAKE THIS GO VIRAL!

    Members of the House

    Members of the Senate


  21. Let’s make it visible to them!
    The border states should just load the immigrants on buses, take them to DC and drop them off. Let the lawmakers deal with the mess they created.

  22. Why are we having a border crisis when we are dealing with covid. When are we going to help Americans citizens especially in our inner cities instead of putting illegals first before American black citizens in our poorly run big cities. This policy is outrageous.

  23. I can answer your questions with one word Damon , STUPIDITY!!
    We have the Stupidest so called people that is supposed to be running this country, and they are
    Wright into the ground.

  24. Harris keeps laughing because she knows the jokes on Americans. She knows the Harris administration can’t handle the job.

  25. They DO NOT CARE about the disorder, They want to crash and bring down the country to build it back up with socialism and totalitarian NWO. I pray you all listen and those with the power take charge to FIRE the whole administration in there now.

  26. What good is the Supreme Court if they can’t give a opinion on this BULLSHIT, they sit on their ass and watch the country come apart……….Military with loaded guns to the Boarder………thats all they will understand. and piss on Biden and the halfbreed………..

  27. kam lie alot is too busy complaining about her new living quarters to worry about going to the border. The Cackler-in-chief hopes the crisis will spread across America.

  28. Is there a real possibility that our ELECTED? representatives would impeach themselves, Don’t think so!!!

  29. Sleepy senile Joe put Kamala in charge of boarder is same as let the fox guard the hen house. When Kamala was CA attorney general, CA became sanctuary state, police is not allow to ask criminals of their immigration status, and they would not let ICE take away illegal immigrants.

  30. We need to do it ,just like the B.L.M. did it. They done it with no trouble. No charges or anything. Why can we not do that on this. Is there any reason?

  31. Yes why not we should do it ! They’re running this country into the ground it makes me sick. Biden is making such a overbloated debt on our country right now . And all these executive orders it’s like we live in a communist country we can’t afford all this welfare to illegals ,and criminals and I mean criminals he’s destroying this country with his stupidity . And his sidekick vice president is absolutely worthless .

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