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Biden Flying Illegal Aliens That Trump Deported Back into the USA

It’s bad enough that our southern border has effectively been erased by the Let’s Go Brandon regime. But now Team Biden is going out of its way to fly illegal aliens who were previously deported by the Trump administration back to America.

This is being done on the grounds that the illegals were harmed when Donald Trump enforced American laws and booted them out. As soon as they got back to America, two of the illegals immediately filed lawsuits against the government, demanding amnesty as reparations for the trauma they suffered by having to go back to their home countries.

One of my absolute favorite things from Donald Trump’s first term in office was his willingness to deport loudmouthed illegal alien activists. Remember those? They first started cropping up during the Obama administration. They would hold press conferences and – without irony – would moan about how they have to “live in the shadows.” During his first week in office, Trump had one of those loudmouths arrested by ICE during a press conference and stuck her on a bus with a one-way ticket to Ciudad Hidalgo. Good times!

Jean Montrevil was another one of those loudmouthed illegal alien advocates from Haiti. Trump deported him in 2018. Claudio Rojas was in America illegally from 2000 until 2019. He was always holding protest marches and filing lawsuits demanding amnesty for himself and 20 million of his relatives. Trump deported Rojas back to Argentina in 2019.

But now Montrevil and Rojas are back in the USA, courtesy of plane tickets that Let’s Go Brandon provided to them. Both men immediately hired attorneys, filed lawsuits against the US government demanding amnesty as reparations for their respective deportations, and then called NPR to let them know they’re back in town. Life in the shadows is rough.

We don’t know how many additional previously deported criminals Biden has flown back into America, because the others aren’t as loudmouthed as Rojas and Montrevil. And the Biden administration isn’t being forthcoming about the numbers of returnees that have been flown here at taxpayer expense.


Meanwhile, thousands of Americans continue to be victimized every year by illegal aliens that Joe Biden is once again flooding our country with. The stories of those Americans are never told by the mainstream media. Here are just a few recent examples.

In San Jose, CA, Julio Cesar Carrasco-Diaz was just arrested for molesting children at his wife’s day care. This charming illegal alien from Mexico is accused of molesting kids from 2011 through 2019, and the cops suspect there are many more victims who have not come forward.

In Roseville, NC last Friday, an Obama “Dreamer” named Romual Ramirez-Silva ran over a 17-year-old American high school girl and killed her in a hit-and-run homicide. She was on the sidewalk when Ramirez-Silva swerved off the road and ran her over.

In San Antonio, TX, a 19-year-old illegal named Francisco Javier Juarez Gonzalez kidnapped a 58-year-old American woman at a car wash. He forced her into a vehicle at gunpoint, drove to a nearby park, and raped her.

In Bay Shore, NY, an enterprising illegal alien from Ecuador named Raul Guaman was arrested for posing as an Uber driver, picking up drunk coeds as they left the bars at closing time, and raping them. Police have found evidence that Guaman raped and robbed at least 32 college girls.

In Charlotte, NC, an illegal named Junior Alexis Ramos-Estrada has been arrested for raping a 14-year-old American girl and shooting her to death.

In Shakopee, MN, an illegal alien from Cuba named Alexis Saborit was arrested after his girlfriend – a 55-year-old woman named America Thayer – tried to break up with him. Saborit chopped her head off with a machete and left her headless body in the street near 4th Avenue and Spencer Street.

And last month in Las Vegas, NV, an overachieving illegal alien named Javier Jesus Uribe shot one person to death as they were sitting in their car outside a convenience store. Uribe then robbed a pedestrian at gunpoint. He then walked into the convenience store and fired several shots into the ceiling before robbing the place. He’s currently being held without bond, but since Las Vegas is a sanctuary city, it’s unlikely that he’ll be turned over for deportation – even if he’s found guilty at trial.

This is the hell-on-earth that Democrat Party immigration policies are unleashing on American communities. The fact that Joe Biden is going out of his way to fly previously deported illegals back into this country is a sign that things are going to get much, much worse before Donald Trump is back in office.

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10 thoughts on “Biden Flying Illegal Aliens That Trump Deported Back into the USA”

  1. Witnessing the debacle that is this PATHETIC administration, is like watching a daily train wreck that you know is inevitable. The question is, how do we, as individuals stop this ongoing disaster?
    It is particularly distressing when you live in a state where most of your elected officials are
    Dems. You can write to them, but it is useless.
    May God in Heaven rescue our nation.

  2. Dalt biden blames all that has gone wrong since he has been in office on the virus or Trump, what kind of weak ass president do we have? When it comes time to open his mouth with China, Russia, Iran, he becomes a total mute, what a lack of backbone, joe the tough guy has no leadership skills. joe biden the original Christmas scrooge, NOT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES, only president of the red states, his title must be changed this prat public farter should be impeached in 2022. Biden the baby killer needs to be thrown out of office. The only thing real joe biden will win in 2022 is formal impeachment, for his abuse of power, corruption, violation of his oath of office, lack of national security on our borders, federal and State law violations, lack of proper protection and correct use of our natural energy resources, failure to protect the public, with run away national organized crime, self created national shortages, mismanagement of our economy causing high inflation. Mismanagement of tax payor monies in too many areas, lets not forget to mention the tragedy Afghanistan losses of our military equipment, along with the unnecessary of loss of life. Accepting gifts money from adversarial countries with pay to play violations.Turning your back on the Cuban people after they asked for help, promoting electric battery vehicles use by attacking our current resources when what your seeking, won’t be available till 2050 so says your own energy secretary. biden is not the only one looking towards 2022.

  3. Arrest the entire democratic socialist communist party immediately if not sooner. They all are communists and treasonous to America. Time for thus foolishness to end. Poopypants Biden needs to be held accountable for his treasonous actions.

  4. WOW!!!! I agree with all of you!!! Their time is running out because people are finally starting to wake up!! I have seen this coming for a while because these people are vile and evil! Come on AMERICA and WAKE UP!!!

  5. Let me get this straight. Trump deported criminal foriegn nationals as our laws provide for… the Biden illegally and unconstitutionally sent them airline tickets to come back making them criminal foriegn nationals again according to our laws… and now these criminal foriegn nationals are suing the USA for enforcing our laws. If that is right then Biden should becarrested today for aiding and abetting criminal foriegn nationals to once again break our laws abd enter our country illegally! Under our Constitution one of the chief responsibilities of the President and his Executive Branch is to enforce our laws and not break them! It is the Attorney General’s sworn duty to apprehend Biden immediately!!

  6. Get them up to 15K feet, over the cat house & boot the scumbags out. Let the sky rain down illegal’s onto DC. Let the Demonrats clean up the mess. Problem solved. Maybe the air America pilots & crew can drop a pair & become patriots.

  7. The Red States need to find these illegals and send them to Hollywood, The Hamptons, Martha’s Vineyard, San Francisco, Delaware, Illinois, and every other Blue States that advocate for the breaking of our border laws! This is where they will be greeted with open arms by those advocating for lawlessness in our communities, let them deal with the consequences of their actions!


  9. Joe Biden
    Deejorno pizza
    What Do all of these asd up to??? ELECTION FRAUDE. STOP THE STEAL

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