Biden Ruthlessly Moves to Shut Down America’s Largest Christian University

Joe Biden’s administration is aggressively moving to shut down the largest Christian college in America, Grand Canyon University (GCU). During a recent House Appropriations Committee hearing, Biden’s Dept. of Education Secretary Miguel Cardonas openly bragged that they hope to shut GCU and other similar “predatory” universities down.

GCU officials have pushed back against Cardonas’ remarks, claiming that the Biden regime is cracking down on them due to “deeply held bias” against Christians. While that’s certainly true, pointing it out isn’t going to phase this totalitarian regime.

During the Appropriations Committee hearing, Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CN) asked Cardonas what he was doing to shut down GCU. Rep. DeLauro specifically called GCU “a predatory for-profit school.”

“We are cracking down not only to shut them down but to send a message to not prey on students,” bragged Cardonas.


His central argument against GCU is that it often costs students more money to complete a degree at the school than it says in their advertised materials… sort of like with every secular, taxpayer-funded, not-for-profit college and university in the world. Every year, 90% of college freshmen surveyed say they believe they’ll finish their bachelor’s degree in four years. Only 33% of them actually do.

For public universities and colleges, 63% of students will require six years to complete a four-year degree. The other 37% almost never finish their degrees—but universities are happy to take their money in the form of student loans anyway. So, who are the predatory ones?

The Biden regime certainly hates Grand Canyon University and wants to shut it down because it bills itself as a private Christian school. But they hate it even more because students who attend GCU can’t rack up massive student loans that will make the big banks even wealthier. GCU students are paying out-of-pocket for their education, and the Democrats who control most of the higher education system in America hate that. They want people trapped in student loan debt because they are easier to control.

As an example of just how aggressively Biden is trying to shut down GCU, the Department of Education fined the school $37.7 million last November. The fine was over allegations that the school had misled students about the cost of its doctoral degrees over several years. In other words, GCU is being treated like Donald Trump in his bogus Letitia James prosecution in New York. A fine of $37.7 million for a college or university is unheard of.

By way of comparison, Penn State was fined $2.4 million, and Michigan State was fined $4.5 million. What did those colleges do? They failed to address Jerry Sandusky and Larry Nassar’s child rape scandals. But the Christian school gets a $37.7 million fine for doing business in the same way that every secular school does.

Come to think of it, it’s exactly like the situation with Donald Trump in the New York City property valuation case. Trump was fined half a billion dollars for carrying out real estate transactions in the exact same manner as every other realtor throughout history.

Cardonas actually said in the hearing, “We have students graduating 60-thousand to 70-thousand dollars in debt, only eligible for jobs making under 30-thousand–that to me is unacceptable.”

He just described every college and university in America! But it’s only the private, for-profit Christian university that doesn’t suck any money out of the taxpayers to keep its doors open that this regime wants to shut down. Fortunately, the Department of Education is being sued by the Goldwater Institute on behalf of GCU right now.

The institute says that the Department of Education is refusing to release any documents or public records related to the $37.7 million fine against GCU. The lawyers say the records would likely shed light on coordination across multiple federal agencies in what appears to be “intentional targeting of a successful university based on extraordinarily thin allegations.”

This regime is attacking any and every institution in America that stands for family, faith, or freedom. Basically, any institution that is not under the full control of the communists in the Democrat Party is fair game in their eyes. There are nearly 6,000 colleges and universities under their control, and they want to destroy and shut down the handful that are not. This is the cost of voting for the modern Democrat Party.

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25 thoughts on “Biden Ruthlessly Moves to Shut Down America’s Largest Christian University”

    1. I believe that this is why Trump is talking about online college because the failing rate and costs are too high. While a campus is a growing up experience it’s also a distraction. Wasted time and money without successfully completing the course. Now, Trump isn’t handing out laptops like Obama and his phones,but he’s working to make it work for those wanting to improve their education.

    2. Democrats think Obama boy is there god. The democrats are the most dangerous thing facing Christian people since the communists revolution of 1917. If you are really a Christian there should be no reason to vote democrat. They stand against everything Jesus Christ advocated. Being a Democrat communist socialist equals the same thing as devil worshipers.

  1. These demonRats will be after every Christian school, and churches next in their path of complete destruction of America. If only they could really understand that they are fulfilling Bible prophecy about the end times we are living in now, but they would rather believe Satan’s lies than the Word of GOD. GOD has given them over to a reprobate mind, fer the evil they have and are doing not only to the Christians but also to His Chosen People Israel.

  2. These demonRats will be after every Christian school, and churches next in their path of complete destruction of America. If only they could really understand that they are fulfilling Bible prophecy about the end times we are living in now, but they would rather believe Satan’s lies than the Word of GOD. GOD has given them over to a reprobate mind, fer the evil they have and are doing not only to the Christians but also to His Chosen People Israel.

  3. I wonder just how many Christians voted for biden using the excuse of, I’m not a single-issue voter. dems, leftist and msm convinced so many voters that freedom of choice to abortion was the most important issue in our country. And what did they get for it, watching this administration divide us and flushing so many other freedoms and rights down the drain along with our economy, justice system and our energy independence on and on and on. Thanks! IMO

    1. The Biden administration is a total failure. That’s all I’ve got to ssay. People like Pelosi, who are even allowed to voice an Opinion like she has against Netanyahu should be fired from her position. If America had laws. And we don’t. We are currently Lawless.

  4. Is it any wonder why Freedom loving Americans, regardless of religious conviction or affiliation, would not raise a finger in opposition, if the DOE where to be abolished? Having said that, one must also wonder what ‘American Liberty Report’ believes it can or will accomplish if: “On this website we’ll cover ‘people who are fighting’ (the government and carry their messages) to the White House”? It makes this commentator (me) more than a tad skeptical and slightly nervous, whenever any author, critical of the Biden Administration, in particular, remains anonymous. Which is why I refuse to list anything other than my IP address. Oops.

    “Thankfully, the onerousness of the current, artificially imposed political climate, is beginning to show signs, of losing it’s ‘Cold War iron grip’ on the public’s, resolve to constitutionally resist. ‘The deep states desired ‘chilling affect’ upon untold numbers of Freedom loving Americans’, whose voices would have been heard, in unison, loud and clear by now, were it not for the very real threat to our Freedom, the precise threat that all government imposition is designed to accomplish, first by testing our religious convictions and then by effectively silencing any and all opposition to that threat.”

  5. When you hear about any negatives coming from the leftist government bureaucracy about states, schools and corporations it’s because they don’t want federal control because of their funding . They seem to use the Cartel motto take our money we control you and smart institutions don’t want their deviant control and behavior in their lives.

  6. If we don’t get rid of the dictatorship that is in power now we are not going to have a democracy anymore our country is doomed twinkle toe Joe Biden is a puppet dictator for the dictator Obama and his cronies two thirds of the democrats are with the dictator they need to go starting with Schumer and the rest of the idiots

  7. A very good reason not to support this ruinous program or the crew behind it! Tax payers money where the taxpayers go to schools should be the requirement!

  8. If Joe Bozo wants to shut down colleges and universities because of academic fraud and costs, he should start with Harvard, Yale, and the rest of the Ivy League institutions of lower learning.

  9. The communist democrats are not even trying to cover up that they are after GVI because it is a Christian school. democrats are minions of satan. Everyone of them has been bending over for satan


  10. Crawl in Joe Biden is the worse thing to ever be in the White House. Some one should shut the whole democrat party down they are nothing but satanic devils. Hope and pray that Trump can get back in the White House. If not we the people have hard roads to travel.

  11. These evil devil worshippers who call themselves democrats all need put out of all government officials and never aloud back in. Were on a course right now to destroy the American people. I just read where the democrats are letting the illegal immigrants in to destroy yes they want them to hurt the American citizens. And we the true American people are paying for are on destruction. We need to stop these democrats and fast. We need to learn how to stop this destroying of our country.

    1. America needs to demand two term limits on all CONGRESSMEN NOW!! WE DON’T NEED ANY SITTING ON THEIR DEAD BUTTS FOR 46 YEARS!!!

  12. These evil democrats want nothing more than to take all churches and anything to do with Christians away from us. So why would any christian vote for these evil democrats . To fine that Christian college 37.7 million dollars is saying they want it gone*** . They are doing the Christians the same way their doing Trump , they want are fall**. People wake up our time is running short the democrats are going to go underground and the war is going to thin out the population. The democrats will have total control. They know the Christians will fight against them.

  13. A prayer: please God give us the American people the strength to carry the weight of the democrats destruction of our great country. And please God give us Trump to take the weight of the destruction off so we the American people can live. In God we love amen

  14. Biden should not pretend he is a Christian! We see you Biden! The Pope has blessed one of Satan’s minions to do his dirty work. Going against God’s chosen people will not be good for him. Trump will be chosen for president this time around. Nothing can stop that,not Biden’s dirty deeds done dirt cheap. We are taking our country back!

  15. In the 60’s I attended a private school. A teacher was caught showing communist propaganda to some students at her home. She was fired and deported back to France. This was in a school where the mom’s were stay at home and could pay attention to what was going on in their kids school activities. OF COURSE BIDEN WANTS TO CRITICIZE PRIVATE SCHOOLS. They don’t teach our children the “narrative”. They fire teachers who are caught teaching the “narrative”. China is playing a long game. They said they would destroy us from the inside out. This has nothing to do with Christianity or lack thereof. This is war. We had better sit up and take notice.

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