Classless Liberals Cheer Trump Virus Announcement, Wish for His Death

Well, this should be interesting. Twitter is flooded with liberals tweeting classy messages like “LFMAO I HOPE YOU DIE” after President Trump announced that he and First Lady Melania have tested positive for coronavirus. If you were to tweet the president’s numbers on the economy this week, Twitter would probably take it down. But death wishes against the President of the United States? Oh, those are perfectly fine.

And the president and First Lady are reportedly doing fine. Both supposedly have mild symptoms. We pray for their speedy and full recovery. And let’s face it: Quarantining with Melania for two weeks doesn’t exactly sound like a fate worse than death.

Most of the other people in Trump’s inner circle have tested negative, although advisor Hope Hicks and RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel have both tested positive at the same time. Both ladies had supposedly spent time traveling with the president in the past week.

This should be interesting, especially for liberals who truly believe that the coronavirus is a certain death sentence for everyone who catches it. When the president and First Lady make a full recovery, we can rest assured that they’ll flood the zone with conspiracy theories that Trump was never sick. It was all a ruse to drum up sympathy for him!

Although the president’s travel schedule will be restricted for a couple of weeks, the illness doesn’t really seem to have slowed him down much. Trump immediately tweeted that he would be overturning the ridiculous “revised” Navy SEAL ethos. Some SJW at the Pentagon, Department of Defense or SOG decided that it would be a great idea to make the SEAL ethos gender neutral.


A bright side of all of this is that President Trump will have lots of free time on his hands to come up with glorious Executive Orders, and his aides can’t just run in the room and swipe all of his pens.

Meanwhile, classless liberals offered these words of encouragement to the president and First Lady on social media:

Zara Rahim, who was an Obama White House advisor and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 national campaign spokeswoman, tweeted: “I hope he *dies*.”

Steve Cox, a guy who’s running for the California state legislature, announced, “I hope they both die.”

A Los Angeles record producer tweeted, “PLS DIE PLS DIE PLS DIE.”

And it pretty much goes downhill from there. You get the idea.

Let me just talk to the liberals here for a minute:

Hate to break it to you, guys, but even though President Trump is 74 years old and enjoys cheeseburgers, the odds are not in your favor. The chance of President Trump dying from coronavirus would only be 1 in 37, and that’s if he has some horrible secondary condition that no one knows about. The death rate from COVID has plummeted ever since we figured out effective ways to treat the virus. You know… like with hydroxychloroquine.

And while you are super-excited at the prospect of President Trump and First Lady Melania expiring, the truth is that this virus was never that deadly to most people in the first place. I know it breaks your worldview into little bitty pieces, but… the media lied to you. Just like they lied to you about Hillary’s polling numbers four years ago.

Here’s a fact that I guarantee you has never been said out loud on your preferred liberal media outlet, whether that is CNN or MSNBC: Among COVID patients under the age of 20, there have been fewer than 100 deaths recorded in the USA. And every single one of those young people appears to have had some sort of serious secondary condition.

The dangers of coronavirus have been wildly blown out of proportion by the media. The whole reason they did that was to try to weaken President Trump’s phenomenal polling numbers. He’s going to be just fine, libs.

And here’s another thing: While Joe Biden has been hiding in his basement all year, we’re about to see how President Trump handles running a campaign and running the entire country for a couple weeks during quarantine. That will be quite a 1-to-1 comparison, won’t it?

Who do you think is going to run a more vigorous campaign for the next two weeks? Joe Biden, who is quarantined all the time because he has one foot in the grave? Or President Trump, who gets to spend two weeks in isolation with Melania?

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155 thoughts on “Classless Liberals Cheer Trump Virus Announcement, Wish for His Death”

  1. These corupt Democrats can run their mouth but have no clue how to run the country .all they have is go after the president .only thing they will do is raise taxes and and open the borders and let the enemy in..California is burning should be an eye opener for evil Pelosi and her corupt dems in California but they have no idea what is really going on .look at all these dem run states ,rioting in the streets and fires. Keeping churches closed or burning them down is not going to work ..

    1. I am truly amazed by the vile haters who are wishing death on Donald and Melania, and their supporters. People can no longer hide what is in their hearts. It appears Jesus is making them show their true colors now. Disliking a person is fine, but wishing death on someone takes the wishers to a whole new level. Karmic pay back is nasty. May God have mercy on the evil in your souls.

        1. Satan is winning and dancing with glee that there is so much hatred and evil in this world!! We need to pray for our country, our President and First Lady, our leaders, and our fellow Americans more than ever!

          1. I love America… And grateful for free speech, being able to protect our family and love our God… I pray everyday for President Trump and Melania to protect this country and Make America Great Again..
            These vindictive and hypocritical Democrats will face God one day .. and send them where they belong forever.

        2. I’m curious – are Democrats actually “people” To think they have the audacity to compare Republicans to Nazis. I guess their burnings are the closest they can come to crematoriums .

        3. I agree, it is very obvious that they do not know the results of making statements like these, that instead what they are asking to happen to our President and his beautiful wife Melania are possibly going to cause themselves harm in one way or another. I truly believe those who talk this way truly do not have God in their lives, or if they do, they completely have no clue as to how He thinks or acts, but if the continue talking this way, they will soon find out, and they may be very unhappy with the results.

        4. I am not surprised by any of these liberal comments and reactions. These Dems know that once Trump is re-elected, all of this evilness and hate will be stopped. Right now they think that they have won, but I truly believe that Trump will level the playing field. Many of the leaders of bad intentions for the best country in the world, like George Soros, Pelosi, AOC, Ilham, Bloomberg and Schumer to name a few, will all be properly dealt with by our great President! Trump will restore law, order and sanity!

          1. No truth comes from left and media. Strange they don’t mention 3 trillion Obama/Biden stimulus heist Eric holder botched fast & furious, Lois Lerner kingpin it’s scandal, Benghazi scandal, hillary secret server scandal, Sgt berghdahl scandal, solyndra scandal cost Americans 535 million, Dept of veterans scandal, spying on trump. (All under Biden watch)

        1. You’re absolutely right, they are pure evil and hateful and destructive, and as you can see, they promote violence in the streets. This shows what our country would be like if it’s under the power of the Communist Democrats. Anybody that would vote for this party and they’re evil actions, have something seriously wrong with them. We need to pray to take their hate & evilness away.

          1. There are “democRATS and there are Democrats”. I truly believe there are those “demoncrats who are more leftist, crazier than your “flyover” country Democrat, who are likely Democrat because they were raised Democrat and their parents are still Democrats, but who are truly regular people but don’t like Trump.

            Then there are the more crazed liberal, further to the left, and far more hateful/hatefilled, more looney fringe element than your more “moderate” variety. They are largely socialist/Marxist in ideology. They are the leftist mob, the TRULY hate-filled, rabid, venom-spitting, lunatic “fringe”…a LARGE Fringe, I’ll grant you, but not your normal, “moderate” Democrats (moderate Democrats are out there, albeit not recognized, not vocal, not known for their theatrics). Like fringe, – far-right (White supremacist or KKK variety), they are more apt to be unhinged. Too much time spent in Momma’s basement, playing video games, coming out in Antifa or BLM “peaceful protests” a la looting, burning. (after their paycheck from Steyer, Soros, Gates, comes in mail). You can identify these anarchists by their supporters: the”Neros of our day”; the media and the majority of the Congressional Democrats who fiddle with their mics and sing (in a repetitive monotone)”these are peaceful protests. Rome is not burning down. Those fires are an illusion. The fires you see were started by white supremacists (graphics started by the right wing media).” they tell us.

            Moderate Democrats/classic liberals are not voting or switched. RINOS are switching to Biden; and yes, there are moderate, centrist Democrats voting for President Trump this time around. They are the crazies who you see post venomous messages about Trump. I am just posting my humble opinion. I am posting about the difference I perceive about “moderate Democrats and the demon-possessed.

        2. yes they r so evil. They r blinded by the lies of Satan. I pray for Trump and wife to recover. MAKE AMERICA CHRISTIAN AGAIN TRUMP 2020

      1. Nothing the demorats say or do surprise me at all. They hate the fact that we the people voted Donald Trump into office and have sworn from day one that they would do whatever is necessary to remove Donald Trump and take away everything great he has done. They are pure EVIL and their intentions are also sickening and pure Evil!!!

      2. Yeah and strike them all down with lighting! I am a man of GOD and he will make sure they get the punishment they all deserve eternity is a long time too be wrong.

        1. The dems just don’t get the facts that this business man president has neutralized N. Korea and Iran, totally removed Isis, helped achieve a treaty between Israel and several arab countries, quelled much of the unrest in several US cities, markedly curbed the death rate of Covid, etc,etc,etc, all while looking down the barrels of so many dem and drive by media guns. If they are over 30, they don’t listen, and if under 30, they know nothing about History which has been removed from their curriculum. Come on man!!

          1. ABSOLUTELY!!
            The LIBS doesn’t like President Trump because he’s a DISRUPTOR of the DC SWAMP! President knew from the beginning who’s been dealing with. Who is the President that has done more for this country in less than four years. They cannot accept all the FACTS of what he has done to better this country, a PEACEMAKER, NOT A DIVIDER, NOT A SEGREGATIONIST LIKE OBAMA.
            NOT RACIST by all means.

          2. We need some honest history books and teach our children at home. I’m still waiting to see how the books tell the Obama story! Starting at Kenya.

      3. God said that their desire would be paid back TO THEM. Do whatever they are wishing on others will come back to them. Pelosi says she’s praying for The Trump’s (after bashing and trashing them theres been so many hateful statements come out of her mouth) but that praying stuff is all for show. She wants him out at any cost. God doesn’t hear the prayer of anyone with sin on their soul except a sincere prayer of repentance. So pelosi’s prayers are in vain. But God knows the thoughts and intents of the heart. I wouldn’t want to be in her shoes

        1. Jesus said “Blessed is the peacemaker for he shall be shown peace”. I didnt say it The Man said it. God bless you Mr. President, Melania, all who work with him and are in agreement with Gods plan.

        2. I agree with you Kitten , I don’t believed what they said I front of the camera showing they are caring , make no mistake everything they said is the opposite specially coming from Pelosi with her dirty mouth. Pelosi looks that she’s holier than thou. Pelosi , Maxine waters they’re both evil.
          The more they hate the President , the more GOD protecting him . Don’t you noticed democrats accuse him of everything and anything the President turned out innocent.
          This coming election GOD is in control .
          All democrats wants power they trying to make sure whatever it takes to control the country . I believe the power only belongs to GOD

        1. So true. Libs remind me of the selfish hippies I went to school with 50 years ago. Demanding their Eutopia provided by working people. I hope their vile hatred comes back double, no make that triple.

      4. These democratic people and Democrats exemplifies the thoughts of this party as a whole …this is why Americans Should never vote for a Democratic candidate ever again .or until the Democrats publicly apologize for all the vile statements to all Americans… until I hear an apology I will never vote for any democratic candidate… even dog catcher or any other office … I suggest the American public vote only for Republicans from now on too until a public apology from the DNC as I plan to do .. by the way I’m not A leaning or registered party supporter I’m an independent voter who votes fir whoever is best fir this country not my own personal needs .. do yourself And this country a big favor vote only republican for this election and more …

        1. Michaela, I agree with you. I am a registered democrat but left #walkaway. I am now conservative. God bless you and have a great rest of your weekend!

      5. You are truly right. These social media internet spots have made peoples true hearts come out for the world to see. I have seen in many cases when you wish something bad on someone, it usually comes back on that person.I think social media has been the worst mistake ever.

        1. I agree. Social media has taken us down a deep dark path. Satan must be smiling and God must be crying and we must pray, pray often throughout the day.

          1. Donald. the evil doers have always been there’. its just that now they have a platform in which to spew their hatred from. The problem is – is that there are a lot of stupid people about without the common sense to use intellect to tell which people are really evil. But however let us not forget that like attracts like just like evil doers will surely attract evil doers. There is a lot of evil around. i mean just look at the media and how they ignore all the good trump has done and instead just look for anything to lambast trump over no matter how ridiculously small. The problem is – is that most of the media is subservient to the money coming in from sources other than good and just want to do anything to get trump out for their own evil ends. they do not give a damn what happens to america. The pelosi’s and the harris’s etc of this world are the true evil – people just need to wise up before they are in a position to do anymore damage. The damage that would be done to the US under that evil would be irreversible. Hitler was posturing himself for what he did since 1932 and possibly before and we know what he was like when he eventually mesmerised enough people to vote for him. The so called democrats have been posturing themselves for a while now too. I say so called because the party that still calls itself democrat is no such thing and will stupe to any level of evil to get its own way. Yes folks the Dem party came into being for all the good reasons but it is not the party our parents or grandparents knew. i my self am democrat minded but could not and would not vote for this pure evil filth. its republican all the way for me now…..BTW Obama was awarded the peace prize > can somebody tell me what he did to get that because the man himself does not know either. Its the perks of the in crowd when they are in power…….

      6. May God be with our President and Our first lady.May God follow him and protect him all the days of His life And our first lady. Give him strength and wisdom to pull through all the hardship that he needs to do within this time of sickness and maybe raise back to the best he can beAnd win this election

      7. Very true because these people just started their own karma. May their soul accepts and affirms peace within themselves.

      8. they don’t have enough sense to know this can happen to them too, and I bet they are the kind of people who don’t have ANYBODY to pray for them. They are so toxic no one wants to be around them

    2. Pls remember that as evil as these tweets are, we need to pray for all those poor souls who have no compassion or goodness.

    3. You are absolutely correct. It also states in a special book, and hopefully you know what I mean, Trump will conquer this horrible minded people. Just keep the faith!!

    4. Alan, you have stated it perfectly! I find it difficult to understand why people who vote Democrat cannot see what’s going on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The varmints who would actually say they wished our president and first lady dead have to be sickos!!!

    5. It’s just typical of most Democrats; a bunch of low life, immoral, slime, whose only interest is satisfying their bloated egos. What a collection of losers. Trump 20202

    6. Alan you said it right! Good for you the nasty democrates need to shut up and go away as they never know what they are talking about. Nothing but a bunch of lies is all they can do to try to bring down our wonderful President. Well, they haven’t done it so far and I am sure they will not succeed in the future. Go TRUMP 2020!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    7. them vile ppl should see if there parent should do what there dumb ass kids want too bad them dumb ass are talking out of there ass because there mouth knows better

    8. AGREE, and do NOT vote for Steve Cox, CA. running for ?Senate or Congress;
      If I knew how to tweet, I would make sure their site, along with Facebook and others,
      REMOVE this hateful speech. Also, Zara Rahim, who worked with Obama and Biden(she
      is pure trash)

    9. I also am amazed at how evil human beings can be. You hope to believe that there is no American that could have such evil in their blood, but, unfortunately, that is not the case. The only reason that they hate POTUS so much is because he actually walks the talk and actually makes Congress work for the money they get paid regardless. He also holds people accountable, and liberals don’t like that, they want to do whatever and have it just simply be with no consequences. You can’t run a country that way.

      Also, if you stop to think about it, since everyone attending the Rose Garden announcement was tested before being let in, then there couldn’t have been any super spreaders there.

      Also, since he doesn’t get close to his supporters at his rallies, then it couldn’t be there.

      Also, since anyone who will be in contact with the President is tested before hand.

      Also, since the only other member of their family infected is the FLOTUS, then it couldn’t have been at the debate.

      I used to watch the major news media at one point because I trusted them, I actually haven’t watched any news media for about 15 years because I couldn’t stand the lies and the deceit anymore. The only reason I started to watch Fox was when the Pandemic happened and my roommate suggested that I watch Fox because they give you the truth. So I didn’t even know that the President was going thru so much and was still able to accomplish everything. After watching for about 4 months now, Fox is all I watch for news.

      I respect the President for going thru an impeachment, the Russia hoax, being called a Nazi, a hater. And even will all of the evidence to the contrary with the Russia hoax, the Democrats and liberals will not apologize. It truly boggles the mind that people can be filled with so much hate.

      The whole country is praying for the POTUS AND FLOTUS. They will completely recover and the President will be back on the campaign trail. I can hardly wait to vote for him.


    10. I wish President Trump and Melania a very quick and complete recovery and also a boost in support for the president’s reelection.

    11. California is burning because it is turning into the real Hell as it should be.I hope that the good people still there may escape on time!


    13. Nothing will wake Pelosi up unless they burn down her house and she loses thousands in liquor and ice cream.

  2. Nancy’s scarf is just for show. I think she needs a haircut.
    Our Heavenly Father is watching and listening. Death wishes on our President from the Left will be noted. Shame on you Dems.

    1. Very well said. These people making these evil remarks apparently do not understand or know the Bible tells us we reap what we sow. They don’t seem to understand they’re going to be punished by God.

      1. They don’t believe in God. They won’t believe in God until judgement day and then they’ll beg for forgiveness. They are disgusting.

    2. The funny thing about Nancy’s hair is it is a different color than it was just last week. I’m sure she did not color it herself. Either she went to a different shop or it a wig. She cannot fool us and the scarf around her neck is to cover her neck wrinkles which at 80 are not to be seen.

  3. These “D E M O C R A P S” are totally disgusting. Never wish bad things to happen to anyone but these “DREGS OF THE EARTH” deserve to happen to them what they wish on others.

      1. Never really understood “vengeance is mine sayeth The Lord” when I was young and didn’t really TRY to understand such foundations of biblical scripture, but once the years piled up a bit (still have some sand in the hourglass!!) I realize that doing harm and just THINKING HARM to the ones we dislike here on this plane is better off left alone here so God can do whatever is just at the next level!!! Always wanted to get even. But leaving it to The Creator is so much less stress and danger. And besides, He said it and it must be true and obeyed!!…………..I feel better now!!! I haVE EXPERIEINCED ALOT OF GRACE AND MERCY IN MY LIFE………AND IT’S GREAT TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED BY HIM!!!

  4. My prayers are with the president and first lady. God will judge the Democrats, and His wrath is greater than they’ll ever know.

  5. Best wishes to the President and first lady. As for the democrats, I hope they will receive their “happy” returns in full.

  6. God said to pray for our leaders. I see why now. Not for their death, but for wisdom, cause some are power mad. If God ordered us to pray, then we better do it. Biggest reason? Christ is the judge and every lie is recored and who told it; no liar will enter heaven, so heaven will not have a democrat nor republican president. Jesus is running the show here and there, until his father say’s, go get my children, and by the looks of the world’s unrest, it may be about time for the announcement.

  7. Hopefully the President and first Lady will prove to the American people that Covid is not as bad as the (Democraps) say it is, and that the drugs that Trump has been talking about since this thing started really have positive affects

    1. They do work but the lying media won’t say anything about it because this is part of their New World Order grab. We need to stand strong and not take any of their vaccines they are the mark of the beast. I know myself and my family will never take their vaccines and if they try to threaten my family that will be the last thing they ever try. Americans won’t stand for the tyrants any longer it’s been way too long so time to fight back take off the mask don’t be a sheeple. This virus is the flu and any flu can lead to pneumonia. Same thing like the sars. It is treatable and curable. Don’t let them keep feeding you B.S. turn off the TV’s don’t watch any of their shit that is how they control you go outside and enjoy the life GOD has given you spend time with your family and as my Grandma used to say don’t sweat the small stuff. These demonrats are the small stuff.

  8. I am known by my pen name, Gaucho Sam. Routinely I contribute to Fox News comment sections and just as routinely Fox blocks us and many others. I support our President fully and wish and his wife full recovery.
    Fox, in turn, allowed dozens of Obama/Hidden Bidden supporters to flood the comment sections with ghastly death wishes against the President.
    Base, foul, crude, ghoulish monsters. I retorted in kind and advanced copies of the Hidden Bidden supporters death wishes against the President to relevant security functions.
    Are the death wishes also Obama’s “legacy”?
    I have suspicions as to how the virus got to the WH.

    1. I agree, it’s also pretty ironic that President Trump acquires Covid shortly after presidential debate, I question if he was purposely infected.

      1. I agree Donna I believe this was purposely done by the democrates ttry and put the jinkx on the President since they don’t know how to be kind to anyone not even anyone in their own party. God will punish them for all the rotten things they have done to our wonderful President and it will come back to bit them, I really hope so!!!!!!!!!!!

      2. Are you kidding Donna? I’m praying for you that you don’t get it , but to accuse the president ? Really ? Those that pass because of corona virus do they wish to happened to them ? Of course not , same with the president . Don’t judge if you don’t want to be judged
        Get well President Trump and the First Lady

  9. This is so sad ! They are showing who they are by wishing death for our President and Melania. Maybe God is using this to show us their true EVIL! Maybe some people did not realize how bad they are. NOW THEY DO

  10. We are seeing Ezekiel 22: 23-31 come to pass. It describes exactly what is going on right now. Read the whole chapter, but pay close attention to these last 9 verses. Who will stand in the gap and stop the flow of evil into our country?

  11. Wish unto others what will happen to you. This is something I learned while in school. We all have some thing to be thankful for that’s our freedom and thanks to people like President Trump we still have that. I thank God everyday I wake up fro that. Stop and think would like to live in Mexico and earn 75 cents per hour? I was in business and I had a exchange student from Mexico. They were in the same business and that’s what they paid and needed 3 cashiers for every 1 hired due to theft. While Our starting pay was $8.25. Min. wage was 5.40. We had no or very little theft. Treat people like you want to be treated.

  12. Never wish harm on others b/cos what goes around comes around. Karma will catch up with you. Don’t do onto others as what you don’t want others to do onto you.
    Pres Trump works very hard. He is serving and meeting many people. That’s why’s he got Covid-19. It’s an indication of selfless dedication without fear of exposure. Biden may not get Covid-19 b/cos he hides under a rock or in his basement but he will be exposed to mental decay for obvious reasons. Take your risk. The risk of not doing anything to be save is the greatest risk of all. That’s why radicalized Democats suffer from anti-social obsessions.

  13. The Democratic Party is the biggest disgrace this country ever had. They should all be moved to the Third World.

    1. I pray for the quick recovery for all effected by the China virus, but especially for our great President and our beautiful First Lady.

  14. My prayers of a speedy recovery for the president and the first lady. May God be with you and bless you .

  15. It is a national disgrace what these liberals are wishing for our President and his lovely wife. They say what goes around comes around!!! Evil has taken over our country big time! Our children have been brain washed by the communist for many years and they absolutely think socialist/communist is the way to go. Apparently they never been to a socialist country. I have traveled to many countries and no where on Earth is there a blessed country like the United States Of America!! We have it all!! God Bless America forever!


  17. Another low point for “Dummicrats”—-Never ask how low can they go!!!—Its going to be interesting how the president campaigns the next 10 days or so from either Walter Reed or the White House. Look for some surprises—for instance it gives the Trumpster more time to call into TV and radio programs or even Zoom!!! What if he called in every Top Radio Station in each state??? Conservative or Liberal–no matter—just give the Libs the heads up not to get Nasty-Personal—-stick to questions on the issues at hand –Riots-Economy-Military-Foreign Policy-Peace Deals-Covid (this is a chance for the Prez to deliver the TRUE covid numbers! and answer the Mask debate—not everyone agrees on there effectiveness–also to smackdown on why a national mask mandate does not make sense–how Libs can use that to inflict fines and even jail time on the Public and Wield their POWER—THEY LOVE IT—–Their doing it now!!!!!) If you want that their are Tyrannical countries out there that will deliver—As for the USA –NO WAY!!!!!

    1. Well said, thank you. For all the nasty, hateful. Un/ American comments, you should all be ashamed. President Trump is a true American and had done so much for our country in less than 4 years!! If you lived in another country, which might be good for you, you would be jailed or worse for your ugly comments. Think about that before you vote for socialism. MAGA. Praying for President Trump and our First Lady Melania!!

  18. I pray every day for wisdom, knowledge and understanding for President Trump and his family – that they will continue to be true to their beliefs for the people and our country. I pray for healing, health, happiness, joy, and peace for our President Trump and First Lady Melania and all who are suffering from sickness and disease that have been and are working to serve the people. God Bless All.

    1. And Twitter can kiss my ass along with all those idiots that are wishing the President to die. They are only proving once again what everyone already knows about liberals.

  19. As a proud boy I’m standing fast, and wishing POTUS and first lady a speedy recovery. I have not kneeled at any game or speciall event. But today and all this 14 days I will in prayer. God bless you.

  20. This should remove all doubt that what the satanists, socialists and sodomites really want is to kill the President. It is also clear that they want to kill us as well. Once the President recovers from the virus that was created in the Wuhan lab funded by Biden and Obama, and that was released by Xi Jinping at the request of the democrats to implode the United States, the left will almost certainly try to kill him. We can expect accelerating violence during the remainder of the campaign, full-scale insurrection if (when) he is re-elected and, in the event that the election goes by hook or crook (more likely the latter) to Joe and the Hoe, first pogroms and then Rwanda-type genocide directed by communists and black supremacists against European-Americans.

  21. As Christ followers, we are called to love God first and others as ourselves. Imagine if we all did that today. While we do pray with all our hearts for a quick and full recovery for President Trump and Melania, we should also pray for those who are empty and live in darkness. They don’t even know it, but their fates are sealed unless they truly accept Jesus free gift of life and forgiveness. We are all sinners and need a Savior. God bless POTUS/FLOTUS and America
    Chappy T.

    1. Absolutely agree, these empty souls have given their all to evil and need our prayers for enlightenment of how God wants,needs and requires us to live. Jesus can save anyone from eternal damnation and wants to, but we must first as Him into our lives. Prayers for our President , First Lady and everyone who is suffering.

  22. I love you, President Donald Trump! You are the best President in our country. We are praying for you and your wife for the speedy recovery from the coronavirus. President Trump, you have been working very hard day and night for our country. We know that you love your country and people more than anything else. That is why you need to take good care of yourself first. Then , you can continue leading the USA to be great again for another four years . Pray, hope, don’t worry! God bless you and your family, President Donald Trump! God bless America!

  23. I pray for a speedy recovery for the Trump Family. What a role model family for our country and what a GREAT leader!!!

  24. As we have found out with this election, the ALL the large democrat ran city’s which have been under their control for at least 40 years have been run into the ground and we now understand that the Republicans have been helping to support these cities for at least 2 decades so no wonder the hate from these people as anytime someone shows you up for the fools you are they get mad, we are at a point of no return, our country depends on no democrats ever getting back in control.

  25. I’ve been doing alot of research the last couple of months and this takes the cake.
    I am now a 100% Retrumplican.

  26. Putting it point blank, all the stupid demos agenda is to turn our country into a socialist/communist country where they will have all the power. Then they will take all are rights and money away to try and finance it., zbut, even if they do this, it won’t work for long because all of us true Americans will rebel against them and take our country back. President Trump and many other true Americans are trying hard to defeat the demos purpose and I really believe that, in the long run, we will be the victors!d Powell

    Fred Powell

  27. God is on Pres. Trump’s side. These hateful people will find out soon that this country will be with God. There are more people praying that God heals the Pres. and Melania and for the USA to turn back to God . I have no doubt that God hears our prayers. God bless America!!!

  28. I’m 80 with heart, lung and blood problems and at this point in my life I would volunteer to have COVID 19 treatments if I could spend 2 weeks recovering with Melania. Please send me info on how to volunteer, please.

  29. I wonder if those “godless” demons have ever thought that maybe, just maybe, we want to see them dead? And violently? That would be a great punishment for those whom wish it upon our President and by the way. it is illegal to say what they say about a President.

  30. The funny thing about Nancy’s hair is it is a different color than it was just last week. I’m sure she did not color it herself. Either she went to a different shop or it a wig. She cannot fool us and the scarf around her neck is to cover her neck wrinkles which at 80 are not to be seen.

  31. The democrats can all go to hell where they belong! They are a disgrace to this country! I wish a speedy recovery for President Trump and the first lady. President Trump is the greatest and he will win in November! He is a true leader who cares about this country and its citizens! God Bless Him!

    Marie DiTirro

  32. These vile and disgusting democrats should beware of what they wish for, because if Trump should not be able to run for reelection, the GOP will name a replacement who might well be more difficult to defeat than President Trump is. Running against VP Pence could very well be their undoing.

  33. Such a shame that they can be so hypocritical all they have done since he was elected is try to tear him down when Obama was elected even though thousands of us did not like it he was our president and at least we acted respectfully even though we did not want him an office a shame that they can’t give the same respect to the president of the people voted in there so childish and they have held the garage all these years you can see it in their face is in and the voices no matter what they’re their word

  34. These people are too ignorant to know Trump is the only one protecting them from some really angry and tired patriots!! This will not be forgotten when the time comes!!

  35. You can say directly to the democrats and the deep state that GOD will punish them. Please note it does no good because they do not believe in the Lord or Jesus, only satan, power and money. We,as good Christian’s know what will happen to them. My family and I send our prayers, love and wishes for a speedy recovery to our great President Trump and gracious First Lady. God Bless you both and God Bless America.

  36. These people who post these nasty comments are either IGNORANT or EVIL! They either don’t know the real agenda of BLM and Antifa, or they are part of the seditious attempt to tear down the American Constitution! The ignorant ones are just brainwashed by our own CIA owned main stream media. With some help from liberal professors and researchers who set ou,t years ago, to poison our children against their own country, using their energy to focus their ideals and goals! FYI, over 20 of those “teachers” have been arrested for sedition! How did this happen? Look at which party has been running the Department of Education. Slowly easing our true American History in a quagmire of lies meant to make our own children the slaves of communism! Take note of the EVIL of the main stream media and the democratic party! They want to overthrow our country so they can continue to traffic our children for their sick games! The deep state is real and lives in people like Hilary Clinton, Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Barrack O’Bama and George Soros! The good new is that POTUS has exposed this evil agenda, using the DNC’s own “weapons” against them! Why do you think they hate POTUS so much! He’s exposing their corruption and treason. They know their days are numbered now, so they have ‘unleashed’ all their ‘arrows’ to take him down! Didn’t work very good, but they can’t stop trying because if he wins….they ALL go to Gitmo! And good riddance! God Bless Donald J Trump for draining the swamp! MAGA!

  37. Thats why I switched parties. They are all sick people. Does not matter if u dislike someone, but to wish someone like are President hoping will die? just shows why we cant trust or even think of getting the liberals in office. These r truly sick people.

  38. dems showing their true colors. anyone who would wish someone to die is a heartless person with no heart at all. i have always said dems have no morals or values and are full of hate and contempt. god bless our president and first lady and all whohave been affected with covid.

  39. Prayers and best wishes to the President, First Lady and everyone who has contracted this awful virus. Some days I lose hope for our country but reading all of the above remarks gives me so much hope. We have truly good people in the US and I hope they outnumber all the rest who have been so hateful, not just with the current situation but during the past nearly four years. Pray, vote and continue to be the great people you are.

  40. Too bad the females who spewed out these idiots didn’t have them aborted. Such scum, such ill-bred, ill-educated, illiterate and despicable bastards. What a shame body parts were wasted to create these scumbags. I hope all of them die or get killed. Tit for tat. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

  41. They also cheer the deaths of unborn babies. Republicans cheer the deaths of criminals and terrorists which is not within the teachings of Christ either. With cautious optimism, the number of unborns being killed is higher than anything else which why it is fruitful to pray for a very uncertain victory of the president in the election or the conversion of his opponent if hew wins.

  42. Poetic justice would be, Pelosi’s house in the Nappa Valley burning to the ground. With her in it. Just a thought.

  43. In addition to being pure evil for them to say that out loud online there is more. That is “Hate Speech” and is a federal crime! It was the liberals who created that law. Now, they should be prosecuted and imprisoned for that crime.

  44. There is nothing to say about these people that say such vial things except that they themselves are dead. They have no soul and are pure evil. We support these people by buying their music, watching their TV shows and movies, reading their newspapers. watching their new shows and supporting their sports. They are privelidged egotistical scum who do not care about our country. They could do alot to bring us together but are putting all their efforts into dividing us. Their day is coming.

  45. May God Be with the President because he has surly left the Democrats. Satan is taken hold of them and fearfully may never let them go. They have chosen their side to live by. May God have mercy on their souls.

  46. I sure hope God puts his healing hands on Mr. & Mrs. Trump. This country needs them. If the dummycrats steal their way into power, this country will be like the deepest depths of hell when they’re finished.

  47. You know these IDIOT dumbocrats better hope the Commander in Chief lives because he is the only one keeping these IDIOT COMMIES ALIVE

  48. Wake up America! These the nasty people who want to run the country (in the ground). They have no decency nor compassion for anyone. These heartless people need to be challenged ON EVERYTHING. EXPOSED for the hateful vile demons they are… We need to challenge them…Don’t wait for the calvary, there isn’t one coming.


    1. Someone needs to come up with a better description of Pelosi than “two faced”. If she was literally two faced, would she be wearing the one she has on now?

      1. well said john. with a shit face like that i bet she wonders which end to put on the toilet every morning. 🙂 seriously though i can’t bear to look at her because i can see the evil in her eyes. its a side to me i have had since a child which makes aware of the evil in people.. shame more people do not have my god given ability.

  50. Someone needs to come up with a better description of Pelosi than “two faced”. If she was literally two faced, would she be wearing the one she has on now?

  51. The good Lord has everything in control. With all the corrupt things that the dems are doing to the President. It ends up blowing up in the dems faces. I am not saying that Trump is perfect. I am saying if the good Lord wants Trump in office another 4 yrs it will happen. Plain & simple. Even with all the corrupt things the dems doing.I even sent a message to the President saying the same. We must continue to pray for the President & First Lady & for their recovery from covid 19 & pray for their safety.This is a spiritual war folks. We must also pray about the destruction & the violence that has overtaken the cities. I heard something that is right before the WV & Baylor game today that made a lot of sense. Even despite are differences we all must get along. I always end by saying this a house divided against itself will not stand. It costs nothing to be a patriot. Even though I am peaceful one. The only time I will go against the gov & law is if it goes against the Lord.

  52. A vote for Biden is a vote for KILLING FULL-TERM BABIES. If they can kill a baby and give it a STANDING OVATION, think how easy it would be to KILL Trump Supporters, Catholics, Christians, Jews or anyone who disagrees with them.

    They are EVIL and have lost their HUMANITY. That is why they can make such disgusting, vile, evil, hateful comments.

  53. These people are sick between the ears! Anyone wishing ill will on another needs some serious help!! GET YOURS TODAY!!!!!!

  54. Would you expect anything else from the leftists. None of them have one shred of decency, integrity, dignity, self respect and after seeing comments shows clearly how mental institutions need to be opened back up. They represent every depravity in this society and think it’s ok. There are standards people have to live by in society. No wonder they act this way, they have no scruples. Fortunately, our President believes in the Lord, has many of decent society praying for him clearly something the other side doesn’t have. Their actions prove it.

  55. The one thing that the Dem’s, not all, but those diehard Leftist Radical Socialist Rabid American Hating ones, that one thing is a pure hatred. It comes from deep inside them and comes to the surface as a stink. Hatred will eat at their rotting souls and will consume whatever sanity they ‘ever’ had.
    I would pray for those who hated so much to recover their own souls before they preach to those who Love Trump, or at least support Trump.

  56. Be assured that the vile venomous waste coming from their mouth will be returned to their mouth on judgement day. Prayer is far far stronger then any amount of hate that can be generated. These haters should thank God they or their family aren’t suffering from this horrible illness and remember how they portrayed themselves if it does. Wishes sometimes do come true , but for who?

  57. Sorry Alan, you are incorrect. The DemoRATS know exactly what they are doing. Their hatred for Pres. Trump & this country is all that matters. It starts with open borders & goes downhill from there. They want this country & it’s history (some not very nice, but we learn from our mistakes) go down, PERIOD. They want a “NEW WORLD ORDER” PERIOD. This all starts with BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA, THE ISLAMIC TERRORIST SYMPATHIZER. Pelosi, Schiff, Murphy (CT), lying Tricky Dicky Blumenthal, Schumer, Waters, Biden, Harris & Feinstein want to ” rule the roost”. They don’t care if they destroy the U.S.A. in the process. Mass chaos & rioting in the cities, they want that. No, prisons, that’s ok too. They are a disgusting bunch.

  58. Remember if it can be burned,mutilated,buried,annihilated,ruined,decimated,massacred,dismantled,slaughtered,
    obliterated or eradicated the Dems will do it. That includes anyone and anything that gets in their way or disagrees with them. Go ahead and put a Dem in the WH and you will not be protected from this party either.

  59. In some ways I don’t hold it against the dummycrats for wishing Trump’s death. I’ll be cheering when the day comes for the Clintons, Obamas, Schumer, Pelosi family, and De Blasio’s death comes, along with a few other stupid worthless dummycrats. The difference is that when a conservative wishes the death of any dummycrat, the dummycrats scream bloody murder and throw a temper tantrum then they threaten to have Antifa/BLM burn your house down. So when the dummycrats say they wish Trump will die, I can say the same of their current senile old geezer of a candidate along with his sidekick slut.

  60. extremily good news .president trump is coming along good,and improving rapidly.all Alls well and he may be relested tomorrow .thank God and God bless the United States of America!!!!!!!

  61. God Bless President Trump and First Lady,. Prayers for a Speedy Recover. God Bless America in this trying times.

  62. Three years now we have been in contact with President Trump, asking him to restrict the military to their bases and allow us to resolve the liberal dem bloodsuckers problem, once and for all.

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