Democrats Conjure Up Another Whistleblower “Who has Firsthand Information” on the Contents of President Trump’s Ukrainian Phone Call

Dogpile politics has descended on the people’s House of Representatives. The yapping rat terriers that comprise committees headed by the likes of Shifty Adam Schiff and Elijah Slum Lord Cummings smell blood in the upcoming impeachment of the person they hate with the white-hot intensity of a thousand suns: President Donald Trump.

Their latest rendition of “different-day-same-old-bullshit” is yet another whistleblower. This time they hope that they have really, really got someone who can testify under oath to what Adam Schiff described as the President’s Mafia don-like bullying of a foreign leader to dig up dirt on a political opponent. Oh, and this time the whistleblower has real first-hand knowledge and may (gasp!) actually be a Republican.

So, the whistleblower-du-jour tactic continues as the press prepares for another flurry of dopey questions to the President. In fact, it’s almost comical to observe how President Trump plays those rubes like an impresario Stradivarius violin maestro (It’s the Judge Kavanaugh lynching 3.0.)

The Democrats are tripling down and betting everything on destroying President Trump’s prospects for reelection. They know that impeachment is dead on arrival if and when its fake articles travel to the U.S. Senate. So why do it?

Okay, you never-Trump RINO Republicans. Here is a message from the normal people of earth to you: Democrats want to peel off a few of you to add a bit of Mitt Romney gravitas to their case. If they can say, “See. Orange Man bad. Do not reelect. Even Mitt Romney says so. We love Mitt Romney. Never mind about all that bad stuff we said about him in the past.”

The President in the meantime has helped the Democrat left scuttle Gropin’ Joe Biden’s campaign. The press and their Democrat partners still don’t seem to understand how President Trump—on his own and without a war room coterie of political advisors—did just that. All the President had to say was words to the effect, “You people ought to be investigating the corruption of Biden.”

Now, no one can attack President Trump without admitting that at the heart of the matter is that it really looks bad when a sitting Vice President’s son is getting wads of money for doing absolutely nothing except bearing the Biden family name. And, of course, there’s that great YouTube clip of Biden’s actually bragging about doing exactly the same thing for which the Democrats are trying to impeach President Trump.

The whole Democrat impeachment process is a shameful mess. The dopey duo of Pelosi and Schiff come across as big-mouthed ankle biters. Schiff tries to channel Steven Colbert with a “parody” of President Trump’s conversation and only gets as far as Pee Wee Herman. Nancy Pelosi lectures on her constitutional responsibilities but refuses to let the entire House in on the act.

Now that Nancy has the votes, she seems to be inclined to let the House carry out those responsibilities. However, by following House rules the Democrats may at long last also follow the Constitution. Republicans, who have been stifled into impotent silence, will have a say in the process.

Hopefully before the whole House votes on a piece of railroad legislation, the Republican minority might want to point out how the Democrats do business. Here are three examples:

  1. The Democrats have a stable of political operatives embedded in the deep state. They are partisan hacks trained in second-hand whistle blowing techniques.
  2. Schiff committee staffers are running a whistleblower advisory service. They can help anyone draft lofty and patriotic sounding whistleblower complaints.
  3. Democrats are releasing a flurry of bogus threatening letters to the White House and the U.S. State Department. Those nasty letters are disguised as subpoenas containing the legally specious claim that failure to comply constitutes obstruction.

So, to recap, Democrats have marched left and are heading lemming-like over the cliff of what could be their biggest beat down since George McGovern urged Americans to “come home” and Fritz Mondale embarrassed himself with a 49-state shellacking by President Reagan.

What have they got? Well, there’s the Mueller Report finding that President Trump definitely was not exonerated—except of course by the Attorney General and a group of legal experts ruled otherwise.

Then there is the next whistleblower who probably heard stuff from people who were there. The first guy wasn’t all that believable. He couldn’t even identify who was present at the call.

This bears repeating: The Democrats have absolutely nothing to run on in 2020. The economy is great, jobs are plentiful, and President Trump has kept his promises. Instead of running on actual issues, Democrats will just say that President Trump was a bad person, and even some of his turncoat disloyal party members agreed and voted to throw him out of office.

Republicans need to hold the line here.

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