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How the Crooked FBI Helped Joe Biden Before & After the 2020 Election

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is out of the doghouse. Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired McCabe in 2018, just a few days before McCabe was supposed to retire and start drawing his gigantic federal pension. McCabe had violated the law by leaking classified (but fake) Russia collusion information to the media, and by lying under oath when asked about the leaks.

This infuriating development in the Russia collusion hoax is par for the course for The Swamp. It’s now clear from new developments that tie the Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) kidnapping plot to the January 6 protests that the FBI and the Department of Justice have never stopped trying to frame President Donald Trump.

McCabe sued the Department of Justice in 2019 over his firing, and this week he won the case. The US government has been ordered by the judge in the case to rescind McCabe’s firing, to declare that McCabe has retired in good standing, and award him his full pension. McCabe will also be allowed to collect about $200,000 in back pay. And again, this is a guy who helped to fabricate the Russia hoax and foist it on the American people to sway the outcome of an election. When that didn’t work, the Russia hoax continued, for the purpose of undermining a duly elected president who threatened The Swamp.

The Russia hoax eventually died on the vine, but the FBI’s operation against Trump lives to this day.


Julie Kelly at American Greatness has uncovered a nationwide operation of the FBI to target suspected Trump supporters as “domestic terrorists.” That operation started well before the 2020 election in Michigan, continued with undercover FBI agents breaking windows and stirring up trouble at the US Capitol on January 6th, and now continues with the DOJ targeting parents who protest woke school boards as “domestic terrorists.”

This deliberate FBI targeting of law-abiding Americans is dubbed “Operation Cold Snap.”

Remember that bizarre “kidnapping plot” against Governor Gretchen Whitmer in Michigan? The one where 10 of the 12 alleged kidnappers turned out to be FBI agents and informants who hatched the entire plot? That was one of the beginning stages of Operation Cold Snap.

The FBI started this plot to undermine Donald Trump’s chances of reelection. They assumed that militia members and Second Amendment groups were more likely to be Trump supporters, so the FBI staged a major operation to smear Trump supporters as terrorists. The operation got under way in the summer of 2021.

Undercover spooks even set up a major “militia conference” in Ohio in June of 2020. The pretext of the conference was to protest COVID lockdowns which were still in place in blue states. That’s where the 10 (or possibly more) FBI agents and informants found a couple of patsies to engage in the plot to “kidnap” Gretchen Whitmer. This operation, according to Julie Kelly’s reporting, was being run by the head of the Detroit FBI field office – a guy named Steven M. D’Antuono.

The Whitmer “plot” was designed to coincide with early voting in Michigan. When the plotters were initially arrested, Joe Biden’s campaign immediately – and VERY conveniently – had a statement ready to go, which was probably prepared and handed to him by the FBI. Here’s what the dementia potato read off the teleprompter from his basement campaign headquarters in Delaware on October 8, 2020:

“There is a through line from President Trump’s dog whistles and tolerance of hate, vengeance, and lawlessness to plots such as this one. He is giving oxygen to the bigotry and hate we see on the march in our country.”

This was, once again, direct interference in a presidential campaign by the FBI. But it didn’t stop with the fake Whitmer kidnapping plot.

Steven M. D’Antuono was promoted, right around the time of the election, to run the coveted Washington, DC FBI field office. This was partly a promotion, and partly to allow D’Antuono to continue running Operation Cold Snap against Trump supporters. The FBI’s direct involvement in transforming the mostly peaceful protests on January 6th into an “insurrection” was just a continuation of the fake Whitmer kidnapping operation. They created a narrative that rightwing white supremacist domestic terrorists who follow Trump’s orders are trying to overthrow the government.

One connection that Julie Kelly doesn’t make in her excellent report on this, which you can read HERE, is this: I believe Operation Cold Snap is still going on. Calling parents “domestic terrorists” for protesting woke school boards is just a continuation of Operation Cold Snap. Justifiably angry parents are the new Russian collusion, as far as the corrupt FBI is concerned.

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12 thoughts on “How the Crooked FBI Helped Joe Biden Before & After the 2020 Election”

    The corruption and incompetence of the FBI is out of control and something has to be done about it as soon as possible!
    The FBI is one of the most corrupted and dangerous rogue government agencies in America, which needs to be completely torn down and replaced with a new agency that is not filled with untouchable criminals who can destroy innocent people’s lives, while they get away with their horrible crimes without even the bat of an eye.
    The corrupt incompetent FBI misses every red flag before every school shooting, then collude with the democrats to concoct a bullshit “Jan 6th Insurrection” lie, and even gang up with the democrat criminals to concoct a fake kidnapping plot with corrupt skank governor of Michigan Gretchen Whitmer to railroad some idiot into going along with the FBI’s Whitmer kidnapping plot – cooked up exclusively by the FBI.
    The FBI protects democrat criminals and attacks innocent conservatives with every bullshit lie they can come up with.
    The corrupt FBI even protects disgusting alleged criminal rapists, like USA Gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar. The FBI’s refusal to investigate Nassar allowed him to rape at least 70 more little girls.

    The American People need to DEMAND That we finally do away with the corrupt FBI and replace them with better intelligence agencies that cannot be corrupted and weaponized against Americans for political purposes!

  2. It is amazing that nothing is ever found or prosecuted when dealing with a democrat. They should be denied their pension, and have to return all their income from the time the problem started. How has Fauci still got a job, he used tax payer money to fund a biological weapon, helped release on the world this pandemic just to get mail in ballots. Ask yourself, why China denied the people of Wuhun from travel anywhere in China, but allowed travel anyplace else in the world. Follow the money and the logic….Use the science

    1. You say, “It is amazing that nothing is ever found or prosecuted when dealing with a democrat.” When leftist Democrats own and run everything (voting machines, court benches, MSM, social media, NYT, all Fed. bureaucracies, etc.) it is really not amazing at all.

  3. It is worse than just saying it’s a sad state when the U.S. FBI becomes a mirror image of the historical NAZI SS. It surly must be true since the Democrat police state anti-American constitutional criminals are never brought to judgement. The Republicans seem timid compared to the runaway socialist agitators. Such as Omar not getting kicked out of American politics for saying F Trump on the people’s floor! This is actually a staged multi tiered anti America movement to destroy the American economy and rebuild it with Global Marxism. Obama was a Muslim Marxist that won on the coattails of exploited black guilt accusations. He was smooth enough to only go 1/2 throttle and get the middle class to accept the new normal crap. Then the miracle of Trump got in the objective’s way, bringing immediate greatness and then at all costs, no matter how pathetic, a stolen election never got righted. So now we have a wooden dummy and a NAZI pseudo scientist breaking the back of the American economy with lies of variants and inoculations run rampant! Not one death from the original Omicron host country, South Africa. How stupid that American children are addicted in mass to TIC TOK and CCP video productions of silly video games! Not a future machine shop manufacturing apprentice in their entire population!

  4. The fbi gestapo, with corrupt wray at it’s helm,will see karma when Trump is elected again in 2024.This corrupt entity,will no longer exist when it’s reformed, because now it’s nothing but a corrupt joke.


  6. 2022 is the year, midterm elections, no one wants them anymore, so they will lose the House and Senate for sure… but wait, 2:00 am a truck full of ballots arrives and the dems pull out a record setting win with the most votes ever in history and retain the House and Senate to proceed wit the evil Biden agenda that they are going to make happen no matter what. They are going to cheat big time, now will Americans let it happen twice in a row?? I don’t think so, buckle up because that will be what triggers removing this fake president in there because of a stolen election.

  7. I am from the government and I am here to help you…go to prison. The FBI has stepped over from identifying and breaking up criminal conspiracies to actively fomenting them. There are many January 6th operatives that have not been charged, even though they were active in the “insurrection”. We now know this was the democrat’s Reichstag moment. Their hearings into this are political theatre to prevent republicans and especially Trump from being electable.

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