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Jen Psaki Gets Called Out for Using Putin as a Scapegoat for ALL of Biden’s Failures

Fox News White House Correspondent Peter Doocy called out Press Secretary Jen Psaki as the Biden administration attempts to blame Putin’s invasion of Ukraine for every one of the president’s failures.

Doocy alluded to an earlier claim made by Psaki that economists are predicting inflation would begin to slow by the end of the year – noting that the Biden admin has been making claims of inflation being “temporary” since spring of 2021 but the numbers have just kept climbing.

“We just heard you say….you think inflation is going to be temporary. We’ve heard you say [that] since last spring, so how long do you guys think temporary is?” Doocy asked.

“Well, again, Peter, I think what we do is we rely on the assessments of the Federal Reserve and of outside economic analysts who give an assessment of how long they think it will last,” Psaki replied.

“The expectations and their assessment at this point continues to be that it will moderate by the end of the year. There is also no question that when a foreign dictator invades a foreign country and when that foreign dictator is the head of a country that is the third largest supplier of oil in the world, that that is going to have an impact, and it is.”

Doocy then dropped the hammer on Psaki and called out their strategy to continue the lies going into midterms.


The Fox News reporter questioned if the intent of the Biden administration was to simply blame Putin for everything that has gone wrong during Biden’s presidency in the hopes of it salvaging what is slated to be a disastrous midterm election for the Democrats.

“And so to that point, inflation goes up today. The President’s statement blames the ‘Putin Price Hike.’ Are you guys just going to start blaming Putin for everything until the midterms?” Doocy asked.

“Well, we’ve seen the price of gas go up at least $.75 since President Putin lined up troops on the border of Ukraine,” Psaki replied.

Earlier in the week, Doocy sparred with Psaki over a similar issue.

It sounds like you are blaming Putin for the increase in gas prices recently, but weren’t gas prices going up anyway because of post-pandemic supply chain issues?” Doocy asked.

“Well, I think that there’s no question that as we have seen and outside analysts have conveyed this as well, the increase and the anticipated continued increase, which is I think what some of your colleagues were asking about, that is a direct result of the invasion of Ukraine, and also there was an anticipation of that,” Psaki replied, appearing to suggest that gas prices had only risen prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine because the markets had anticipated it.

The Russia/Ukraine conflict has proven to be rather convenient for an administration in Washington who was experiencing historically low approval ratings, and while that has not changed, the media has been working aggressively to try and shift the narrative surrounding the catastrophe that has been Biden’s presidency.

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44 thoughts on “Jen Psaki Gets Called Out for Using Putin as a Scapegoat for ALL of Biden’s Failures”

  1. The whole BIDEN administration is a bunch of “LIARS.” We need to clean our Country of ” ALL ” of “THEM.”

    1. Agreed 100%!!! Biden has lied his entire life about everything and anything. And made his family millionaires with the Democrat rhetoric “Plausible Deniability”. This is their excuse for everything…

      1. Amen.He is such a twitt.He needs to step down and so does the Kackling Hyena. They are a disgrace to the IS. BT WHe blames everyone and anyone for His failures.Pathetic

      2. Biden didn’t get rich from his government salary. Just like the Clintons, he got rich from foreign connections, not the least his business dealings with Communist China, along with his son Hunter.

      3. I would like to know how Biden who has lied about everything got as far as he has, yes influnce peddeling when Obama was president and Biden family name is not very good his 2 brothers his sister his children Hunter & daughter, his wife has to know and be involved. What a nice family!

    2. Didnt Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sell 25 % of American weapons grade plutonium to Russia? Now they threaten us with nucleur strikes if we intervene in Ukraine?.. Is this Treason?.. Did Biden make a Deal with Putin to look the other way and give Ukraine up for destroying Any chance of investigation into Hunter and his shady dealings there?.. Its not like Democracy and freedom or rights to choose our elected leaders is anything they want.. here or Ukraine…..kk

      1. Biden sold America out. impeach this poor excuse for a human being. Why do you think he was in the basement for 4 years. He wasn’t just wacking his weenie, he was selling us out.

      1. I am not in favor of a war with Russia but we all know, if we are being honest with ourselves, that one is coming. We don’t need to be afraid of it, we just need to lower our heads and get after it.

    3. All we ever get from Psaki and Biden is blaaaa lie blaaa lie and more of the same over and over. They find ways of not taking any responsibility for any failures and blame others constantly. Biden this is a fine mess you’ve gotten the USA into and it all started day one with you and your executive orders. Take blame for what you have done Brandon !!!!!!

      1. That is something the ass hat has never done and never will do. New democrat rules apparently require blaming Putin or Trump for things that go wrong.

  2. The demonic rat playbook.First deny its their problem.2nd deflect problem to someone else.They do this all the time.

    1. To show u how stupid they are PELOSI told reporters what they do! Dumb and Dumber! They are too proud! Been getting away with it for too long!!!!!!!

      1. Arrogance and pride destroy people not to mention haughtiness.Thtey will answer to The Lord Our God for what they did and there is no getting free passes on that.

  3. The Democratic plan was Trump bad and arise Biden regime and the no plan Administration happens .Now that the Federal Gov, is in shambles the try anything game is priority. When no one is in charge we are a society going into freefall into disaster. I am afraid to ask if things could get worse,they use to say when disaster hits grab your ass and hold on

    1. You might just want to grab it and kiss it goodbye it looks like ol brain dead will have us in a nuclear war before the end of this war

  4. Jen Bukkake the Demonrat puppet, SKANK, Would not know the truth if she tripped over it. The skank is a propaganda pusher who defends CRT, pedophilia & transgender life styles as being ok in her book. This tells everyone she is a Demon, Satanist COCKROACH.

  5. Amazing how soon it’s forgotten that before Jan. 20, 2021 America was energy independent, had secure borders, had a pipeline in place, and very little inflation. It’s confusing that everyone sees the embarrassment except the Democrats. It was all predicted ths was gonna happen.

    1. Right on….everybody knew what was going to happen, predicted it but the mainstream media and the never Trumpers made sure we would end up with the doddering fool Joe Biden as our POTUS. I hope you’re all happy.

  6. When you’re clueless and have no knowledge of what you’re supposed to be doing, it’s human nature among leaders to lie about what they think they know. This administration is so clueless, they don’t know what they know. History will reveal that this President and his cabinet members were the most unqualified people ever to hold the positions.

  7. Trump predicted this would happen. It is embarrassing that this country would actually vote such an empty shellhead Biden into office. ( or did we?)
    The media can spin all of the lies they want to, but this administration is so bad that voters can see right through the media’s lies and midterms might actually be fun to watch!

  8. This red headed can’t tell the truth! Even her kids must think she crazy! Sure wouldn’t want to be her husband! Woman is the second coming of a Biden! Born a liar ! No Russia invaded has nothing to do with America inflation! That was created by DEMOCRAT AND BIDEN WITH ALL OF OBAMA ADMINISTRATION IN CONTROL. We need to put them out of their misery mind! Even if it someone close on the jobs! Take back our country and open up the XL PIPELINE! YIU LEFTISTS CAN WALK TO AUSTRALIA! SINCE YOU THINK CLIMATE CHANGE CAN BE STOP OR CONTROL BY FOOLS IN THE GOVERNMENT! Don’t get on any airline to fly out of America! Or drive a car! Your idea is so stupid you can’t see the truth!

  9. Pakistan is dead wrong, IF we had a strong leader in the White House, IF we were still energy independent and IF our borders were still secure Putin would not have attacked Ukraine. I lay all the blame at our Commisar in Chief, Joe (where’s my Depends) Biden.

  10. All we have seen are cover-ups on their mistakes since they first illegally entered the WH. And she has the nerve to call Putin a dictator!! What would you call Biden’s first days of “residency” when he sign the EO’s first thing off the bat…and refused to continue to build that wall (which already had tax payer dollars allocated to do so) – and what would you call not being concerned about the safety of the US people by leaving the borders open to drugs, illegals, sex trafficking, tax burden, diseases, etc. etc.??? And what about the Covid mandates which have not been proven to help anyone….really science shows the opposite effect??? I would say we should be careful in calling Putin names he doesn’t deserve. If he was the monster everyone is saying he is….would he have given the Ukraine citizens 2 weeks notice of invasion? He gave ample time for them to make alternate arrangements for safety. Such hypocrisy as I have never seen!


  12. Is there a DOCTOR IN the house???? Haha???? Someone who can fix all the adlebrained???? Yeah.. some DOCTOR.. can’t fix her own shit ass husband

  13. I am so sick n tired of the lies n corruption going on with the current administration n the idiot in chief…all they do is lie…plan events like 1/6 piglosi n her cohorts planned that…they planned the plandemic…they are anti-american…do nothing but ruining our accomplishments from TRUMP…they are disgusting communists…they have something to gain with Russia n Ukraine…they had a hand in this war…they are war mongers… deliberately cutting off our energy independence… trying to push CRT on our kids… can’t wait till the mid-terms unless they rigg it again…

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