The fat Soros prosecutor in Manhattan’s big indictment last week went over sort of like a you-know-what in the punch bowl. Even CNN and MSNBC have been crying over their vegan cruelty-free soy lattes since it was unsealed. It’s a massive nothing-burger. Ruth Marcus at the Washington Post notes that the legal basis for the indictment is “unnervingly flimsy at worst.”
This doesn’t mean Donald Trump is out of the woods, unfortunately. It’s unlikely that the case will be thrown out, because guess what? The judge in the case donated to Joe Biden and ActBlue in 2020.
Not that the system is rigged or anything!
If you legally donate to a political party or a PAC in the United States, that becomes a public record. (If there’s no record of your donation recorded by the campaign or PAC, then the money is technically if not outright illegal.) Anyone can look up donations made to particular politicians, PACs or other entities on the Federal Election Commission (FEC) website. Someone thought to look up Judge Juan Merchan, and sure enough, he’s a Biden donor.
According to the legal records that they’re required to keep on campaigns, Judge Merchan donated $15 to Joe Biden in 2020. That was on July 26, 2020. The following day, he donated $10 each to the Progressive Turnout Project and Stop Republicans, both of which are fronts for Obama’s ActBlue.
Yes, this is the same ActBlue that was just caught in a massive illegal fundraising scheme for wealthy progressives by James O’Keefe, in his first video since being ousted by Project Veritas.
Some might argue that Merchan only donated $35 to a campaign and some leftist causes, so it’s not that big a deal. But it is in this case. These are the three donations on the record that Merchan has made, and all three of them fall on one side of the political spectrum.
You cannot turn around and tell the public that Merchan is going to preside over a fair trial against the leading presidential frontrunner for 2024 when 100% of his political donations went to President Trump’s political opponent, and to an organization dedicated to “resisting … Donald Trump’s radical right-wing legacy,” according to the New York Post.
Merchan’s wife reportedly hates Donald Trump, and it’s been established that his daughter, Loren Merchan, worked for the 2020 Biden-Harris campaign. Here’s Donald Trump Jr. posting about it on Truth Social. Loren Merchan’s LinkedIn account says she was the Director of Digital Persuasion for “Kamala Harris for the People” for all of 2019, during Harris’s failed attempt to make it to the first Democrat primary.
So, it’s not like the judge’s daughter was simply putting a sign in her yard or wearing a Kamala T-shirt around. She was paid a salary by Kamala Harris’s campaign. The fundraising firm she works for is still being paid for by the Democrats.
Eric Trump tweeted, “They are all hand-picked. It is all pre-arranged. This corruption is on a different level.”
Is it corrupt? Sure. Should we worry about it? Maybe a little, insofar as it will be a major election interference ploy by the Biden administration.
The greater danger to Trump lies in the special counsel investigation by the mysterious Jack Smith. This spook – whoever he is – is conduction what Julie Kelly at American greatness calls, “the most norm-crushing investigation in history.”
Smith has subpoenaed everyone in Trump’s inner circle at the White House to try to smear the president as the main instigator of the fake “insurrection.” He’s subpoenaed Mark Meadows, Trump’s former Chief of Staff, as well as Mike Pence.
Unsurprisingly, Pence has totally agreed to testify before Smith’s grand jury after he made a big point of (correctly) pointing out that it was unconstitutional and illegal for Smith to do so. He’s such a coward.
Why is this a bigger threat to President Trump than Fat Alvin’s indictment in New York? Because when Smith indicts Trump, it will be for a fabricated January 6 crime. Smith will have his grand jury indict Trump, and then he’ll immediately petition the court to hold Trump in pre-trial confinement, like the DC Circuit judges have done for so many of the January 6 peaceful protesters. If Trump ends up behind bars in the middle of the campaign, it’s likely to tear the country apart.
I don’t know about all of you, but I reached the end of my rope several weeks ago……
God help us all.
What can we and or the Republican party do about it? Who can we call?
Randy, I have e mailed and / or written to my state elected Republican officials when problems have needed addressing, but now it appears all that they care to do is TALK, TALK, and TALK.
They seem detached from the concept of
A C T I O N.
Wow seems like the demoncRat will actually stop at nothing to take their anger and hatred out on the one man who has actually stood in their way, but has not committed “suicide “! Oh he has committed one so called crime, that’s the crime of calling them out and displacing their queen hornet, as it should have been her turn! So now they will stop at nothing, will not hesitate to or stoop lower than we could ever imagine! I say this with a very heavy heart, if they actually get to put Pres. Trump in jail for any trumped up reason? That will be the beginning of the end for either one of two outcomes. Either the end of the dem party or the Greatest Freedom Loving Country the world has ever seen! That has gone to great lengths and shed plenty of blood and treasure at home and in far away lands, all in the name of Freedom!
Hopefully some Fresh Truthful Honest Blood.
None of this fake promises…. Or it could be
Called LIES!! Enough is Enough!!
The democratic party is all crooks. We had 8 years of nothing while Oboma was in office and he is the one running the country and it is now 4 more years of nothing.’
I’m with you Drema but we gotta admit our guy couldn’t quite get that infrastructure bill through and all the jobs that come with it….not to mention upgraded roads, bridges etc. And we also have to painfully acknowledge our boy raised U.S.A. debt by $10T which of course caused inflation that the current SOB is taming….its painful, but we gotta look ourselves in the mirror
but we gotta admit our guy couldn’t quite get that infrastructure bill through and all the jobs that come with it….not to mention upgraded roads, bridges etc.
Because of too much damn resistance via the Dims in part!!
Trump could bring up Jack Smith role in Bill Clinton trail. Knowing what BOTH BILL AND HILLARY has done is way damage to the country. Than whatever phony lies he going to try against Trump! If I was Trump lawyer I put Jack Smith on the stand! First question I will asked him was he PAY BY MERRICK GARLAND? Then reminded him he under OATH. Demanded him hook up to a polygraph machine in court.
I’ll Tell You What You Can do Because It’s Obvious looking around at the “State” of the Culture, Our Society, Our Country Is Frayed & Breaking Down. Look to Constant & Consistent Murders, Mass Shootings, Assaults, Car-jackings, Robberies, Black on White, Kids & Adults, Black on Black Crimes & Others. All of this has been “Directed, Planned, Orchestrated” for Now, 14+ Years. When “He” Was Put In, Twice & Now a 3rd By The Stand In Proxy Figurehead We have ,They’re Trying to Pass off as An Actual Leader & a Live 1 at That, Things Have Got SOOO much Worse, Again, All Planned. These Are the “Transformations” They Told Us they were Going to Do. Now, We’ve Been Sufficiently Weakened On ALL Fronts, In Every Single Way, Every Single Branch, Agency, Department From Local to National to Federal Across This Country, Including the Planned Migration, for the Purpose of Having the People Ready to “Work” & Vote once They’ve Succeeded in Locking up More Who Dissent, Disagree & Dare to Challenge Them & Their Communist Regime Now Obvious Right Here in The “Transformed America”. They’ve Weaponized & Infected All of it. They’ve Had 14+ Years to Indoctrinate An Entire Age of Young People & Have Also Succeeded in One of 2 Things for All of the Youth. They’ve Dumbed them Down & they’ve Emboldened & Empowered the “Entitled” Their Belief Not Ours, To Side with the “Regime” Against the Common Sense, the Moral, the Pro-America, the Lawful & Become Their “Stooges” Their Goons, Their Thugs & With All the “Groups” & the Untold Millions of Illegals, All those Divided into Various Groups, including the Welfare Dependent, the Lgbtqi, abc Crowd, All those Easily Manipulated into Believing somehow Our Government is going to “Protect & Support, Them”. They Couldn’t be More Wrong, More Out of Touch & Reality. Yet what you see now in OUR Country Are Those So Out of Touch, So Not in the “Real” World We Wonder at least I have, is the Entire World Upside Down? No, it’s Not. It’s About the Same Things It’s Always been About, Money & Control & Power. Same 3 through out every Civilization. Here we Are. Ripe for Another Entire Nation to be Brought Down As They Watched it Happen & Didn’t Think They Could Do ANYTHING to Stop It. Well, We Can. But It’s Also Only One Way it’ll Ever Happen. UNITE, UNITE, UNITE. If We Do Not as the Largest “Group”, Come Together, If We Continue to Do Nothing, This Country Will Continue the Downward Spiral We’ve been in for 14+ Years. The Enemies Are Within. More so Within Then Out of Country, Now it’s Both, Foreign & Domestic. They’re Here & We have to Fight them By UNITING. Worse is Yet to Come If We Continue to Do Nothing. Too Much Has Already been Done. We Unite For & Around Trump Because As it Stands, He IS The Only One, Again, Willing To Fight Them For US & OUR Country. Some Demonrats Have Crossed Over, But We Need All PRO-America to UNITE & JOIN Together. Only Way. Everything has been Escalated. All the Communist Actions that we Thought Could & Would NEVER Ever Happen Here Have Happened & The Worst is Still Coming. We Have been Intentionally Weakened For the Taking DOWN as the Great, Free, Safe, Secure, STRONG, Sovereign, Moral, Respected, Independent, Prosperous Nation, We USED To Be. UNITE.
Great post Debra.
Thank you!