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LOL: January 6 Insurrectionist Wins Ohio Republican Primary Race

A guy whose main campaign ad was a rap video about Joe Biden crapping his pants in front of the Pope has won his Republican primary race in Ohio – and I can’t stop laughing! As an added bonus, JR Majewski is a January 6 “insurrectionist” who attended the Stop the Steal rally in DC with a million of his closest friends. There are very few things going on in the news these days that highlight the political sea change in the Republican Party and in America than stories like this. Holy cow! You did it, JR!

Based on Tuesday night’s primary election races, it looks like Ohio is no longer a swing state. It’s not purple, with an off chance that the Democrats will win it in a presidential election again. Ohio is now red. With Donald Trump’s perfect 22-0 endorsement picks all winning their primaries on Tuesday, Ohio is now Trump country! And the primary elections of candidates like JD Vance and JR Majewski prove this. The establishment hates those guys.

That’s not to say that Majewski is easily going to sail to election in November. He has a tough race against a 40-year Democrat incumbent swamp creature – Marcy Kaptur. This 75-year-old Nancy Pelosi ally has dominated the 9th District in Ohio since 1983, and she’s running for reelection again.


Ohio’s 9th District is somewhat famous. Barack Obama campaigned there back in 2008, and he won the state in his victory over John McCain. The 9th District was where Obama ran into a plumber making $40,000 a year and tried to talk to him on the street. Joe Wurzelbacher listened patiently to Obama, and then told him that his policies “sound like socialism.” And a star was born.

Sarah Palin dubbed Wurzelbacher “Joe the Plumber,” and he became an incredibly familiar face to every Republican in the country. Wurzelbacher ran for the 9th District congressional seat in 2012, and he was an ideal populist conservative candidate.

Marcy Kaptur won reelection that year in Ohio’s 9th with 70% of the vote. Joe Wurzelbacher got clobbered because the voters just weren’t ready for a populist Republican. It would take four more years of Barack Obama steering the country off the cliff for that movement to really take hold. Much like Sarah Palin, Joe Wurzelbacher was a proto-Trump candidate. They were Trump-style America Firsters before Trump even came along.

So, is JR Majewski going to go down in flames like Joe the Plumber did? I’d say probably not. A lot has changed in Ohio’s 9th District in the past 10 years. The district was basically a 50-50 tie between Joe Biden and Donald Trump (assuming that there wasn’t a ton of Democrat ballot trafficking there). Marcy Kaptur is highly unlikely to win a 70% blowout this time.

There’s a very real chance that the media will have someone other than Marjorie Taylor Green to pick on after the dust settles from the 2022 midterms. Trumpian candidates like JR Majewski are coming to the rescue.

Don’t get me wrong. Populism is never a sign that a country’s political landscape is in healthy shape. It’s what happens when the voters pull the fire alarm in frustration. When the main political parties in a country have ignored the will of the people for far too long, you get either populism or violence. We’re seeing populism on the rise on the political right with Trump-backed candidates, and we’re seeing violence on the rise on the political left with BLM and Antifa.

Guys like Majewski don’t get elected when your country is headed in the right direction. They get elected when the voters are ticked off. He defeated an elected Ohio state representative and state senator on Tuesday. No one had ever heard of him before, and his opponents outspent him by a huge margin. And he still won!

America is hurting right now because of Joe Biden’s disastrous policies. The Democrats are going to pay a heavy price in November, and hopefully JR Majewski will be celebrating another victory on election night.

Here’s JR Majewski’s rap masterpiece that helped him win his primary race. The music isn’t very good, but man – our side of the political aisle is definitely having fun, aren’t we?

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2 thoughts on “LOL: January 6 Insurrectionist Wins Ohio Republican Primary Race”

  1. Our country needs many more
    JR’s! With this turn of events,
    perhaps there is hope for our battered country after all…….

    God bless America.

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