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Maricopa County’s Vote Counting is a Still a Hot Mess Ever Since 2020

President Trump racked up another impressive rack of wins on Tuesday’s primary wins, with most of his picks advancing to the general elections in November. His picks went down in Washington state, which is easily explainable, but what in the Sam Hill is happening in Maricopa County, Arizona? They’re not done counting yet! Most of the state’s races have been decided, but the candidate that the Democrats feared more than anyone – Kari Lake – is in limbo with a slight lead. And Maricopa County has stopped counting. Just like what happened on election night in 2020.

Everyone kind of threw a fit in the media when Trump endorse “Eric” in the Missouri Senate race earlier this week, but for those of us in on the joke, it was hilarious. Both Eric Greitens and Eric Schmitt were great MAGA candidates for slightly different reasons, and Trump honestly couldn’t make up his mind between them. He left it up to Missouri voters, and Schmitt pulled out the win.

In Michigan, the Trump-endorsed Tudor Dixon sailed to the nomination for governor and will face off against Democrat Governor Lockdown Crazy-Eyes (Gretchen Whitmer) in November. Also in Michigan, John Gibbs staged an upset with the endorsement of Trump, knocking of Peter Meijer – one of the ten loser RINOs who voted to impeach Trump for “insurrection.” Enjoy your career as a lawnmower salesman, Peter!

Joe Kent and Loren Culp – the two Trump-endorsed candidates in Washington state – both lost their House races. This is what happens when Democrats take over a state and switch to universal mail-in voting. Democrat Secretaries of State and County Clerks control the ballot counting, and candidates that voters might actually like never stand a chance of winning big offices again (See also: Oregon).

But now to Arizona. There were some great Trump victories there on Tuesday night, but Kari Lake is still hanging on (as of this writing) with about an 11,000-vote lead over the Mike Pence-endorsed Karin Taylor Robson.

Blake Masters won his Senate primary, which as many have noted, has now completely exorcised the horrible John McCain from the GOP in Arizona. Make no mistake about it, Arizona is a RED state. Joe Biden didn’t “win” Arizona in the 2020 election, anymore than he “won” Virginia. Attorney General Mark Brnovich, who failed to prosecute provable election fraud in Arizona, lost to Blake Masters. Good riddance to that guy.

Rusty Bowers, the incumbent Speaker of the Arizona House, got tossed out the door like a biker’s wife. Bowers refused to allow the Arizona House to vote on decertifying the 2020 election, and even testified before the Liz Cheney January 6 Committee. Voters have had enough of him. Trump called Bowers “absolutely terrible” and even the Arizona Republican Party called on voters to kick him out. They complied (Yay!)

And the Trump-endorsed Mark Finchem blasted out a win for Arizona Secretary of State, arguably one of the most important elections in the country before the 2024 election.

But what about the Kari Lake race for the GOP governor’s primary in Arizona? Lake trailed behind her RINO opponent for most of Tuesday night. But she suddenly pulled ahead late Tuesday evening, by about 11,000 votes. And then they stopped counting. This is what Democrats ALWAYS do when they plan to steal an election via mail-in balloting. They stop counting without offering any explanation, and then they spend days “counting” new ballots as they come in.

They stop counting as soon as they know how many ballots will be needed to steal a race!

Maricopa County posted an additional 5,000 ballots to the vote total on Wednesday evening. Then they announced that they’d have no more results until Thursday evening after 7 p.m. Maybe they won’t manage to pull off the steal, but it stinks to high heaven. It’s the same pattern over and over again. Stop counting. Votes slowly trickle in for days and days. And then the Republican loses.

Wasn’t the whole point of these voting machines supposed to be that they would provide instant results on election night? Why is it days later and we still don’t know who the definite winner is in Arizona? I’m so old I can remember when all the ballots were counted by hand, and we had the results on election night, even during presidential election years. Now the counting takes days and days with the supposedly fast machines. We know what’s really happening here.

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5 thoughts on “Maricopa County’s Vote Counting is a Still a Hot Mess Ever Since 2020”

  1. Democrats cheat always, they have for decades. They are like scientists who will give any BS figures you want as long as they get a big research grant for their pet projects. Democrats are the same way, as long as it lines their pockets they will vote for it.

  2. As an Arizonan, I am angry! Why stop counting ballots? What skullduggery is going on? This is not the way to get voter confidence, especially after the debacle in Pinal County with the precincts running out of ballots! This needs to be investigated NOW! The Arizona voters need to sue the elections commission for not handling this properly. Hopefully, Kari will win. Get the damned votes counted and stop playing games!

  3. Typical cluster F*ck & shit Storm, every where & any where Liberal Scumbag Demonrats are at the helm.
    The Criminal Behavior & conspiracies are in the Liberal Demonrats DNA.

  4. Find out the name of the azz hole who stopped the vote counting ..start demanding that police be stationed as long as voting is going on that would stop the suitcases of spare votes under the table..this kind of crap has been going on since bush stole the White House remember who they kept counting votes in Florida until he won…crooked yet seems there is no such thing as election police…why is that ?

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