A senior Biden regime bureaucrat confirmed under oath in a Senate hearing last week that your tax dollars are funding secret biolabs in Ukraine that work on dangerous pathogens. That bureaucrat, Victoria Nuland, said she’s worried because the “research materials” in those labs are so incredibly dangerous – and she doesn’t want the “research” falling into the hands of the Russians.
This should be the biggest bombshell news story of the year right, and yet most of the mainstream media continues to parrot Pentagon talking points that the story is “Russian disinformation.” If that’s true, why did Victoria Nuland say under oath that your tax dollars are paying for these secret biolabs – and she’s worried what’s in them?
If you missed the Senate hearing where this bombshell was revealed, here’s what happened. Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) only had a minute of time left to question Nuland, who is Joe Biden’s Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs. Rubio asked Nuland if there are biological or chemical weapons in Ukraine, expecting to get a prompt “No” response from Nuland.
But she didn’t say “No.” Nuland said haltingly and sheepishly that ACTUALLY, the US government is funding (with your tax dollars) a bunch of secret biolabs in Ukraine. She insisted that they are just research biolabs! But then she went on to admit that she’s very, very worried and scared that the research materials could now fall into Russian hands.
If the secret labs only have research materials in them, you have to wonder why Nuland is scared about this situation.
The Pentagon, the Department of Defense, and the entire mainstream media have attacked this story by claiming that the US government does not own any secret biolabs in Ukraine. That’s not a question that anyone was asking. No one asked if America OWNS the labs. We wanted to know about their existence, now that Nuland has proclaimed that, yes, American taxpayers are financing secret biolabs in Ukraine.
The fake news that the Biden regime is now putting out to try to do damage control is undercut by the fact that we actually had real newspapers in America a few years ago. They reported on the existence of the biolabs in Ukraine after the breakup of the Soviet Union. They reported that American officials started getting worried about these labs. And they reported that your tax dollars are now supporting those labs (in secret).
The Washington Post, for example, ran a story in 2005 about a biolab in the Ukrainian city of Odessa. (2005 was way before the Washington Post became Jeff Bezos’s personal anti-Trump blog.) Anyone who remembers the Cold War will get a kick out of this story. The Soviet Union’s callous disregard for the lives of its own citizens, and the general sloppiness and carelessness of Russian and Ukrainian scientists, is on full display here.
The Bush administration learned that the former Soviet Union’s old bioweapons labs were still operational in Ukraine. The one in Odessa was in especially bad shape. The Washington Post reported that the scientists were handling plague and other viruses while wearing white scientist coats and cloth masks (hey, it works perfectly for coronavirus, right?!). In Western biolabs, the most dangerous pathogens are only handled after the scientists dress up in space suits and pass through several decontamination chambers. Not in Ukraine!
The Ukrainian explanation for this was that THEIR scientists are so well-trained, unlike the talking monkeys in Western biolabs, that they didn’t need all that fancy-pants safety equipment. And besides, they couldn’t afford the space suits.
And in truly Soviet fashion, the biolab didn’t have air conditioning. On warmer days the scientists would open all the windows in the biolab, in the middle of the city of Odessa, while tinkering with the plague viruses. Needless to say, this kind of concerned the Bush administration. But nothing was done to “help” the Ukraine biolabs with your tax dollars until Barack Obama was in the White House.
Obama started sending your tax dollars to these secret Ukrainian biolabs in 2009 or 2010, so that they could afford space suits and air conditioning. In some ways, maybe that’s a good thing. It might be a good idea to have air conditioning so you can close the windows of your secret biolab where you’re working on the plague and other dangerous pathogens.
But again, if they’re just working on “research materials” at these labs today, why is the Biden regime still lying to us about the existence of the labs? Why are they financing these labs with our tax dollars and in our name, without our knowledge?
And Tucker Carlson asked the ultimate question about this on his show this past week: Why didn’t the Biden regime secure those materials in the weeks leading up to Russia’s invasion? It’s like the Afghanistan debacle all over again, where Biden left tens of billions of US military equipment behind for the Taliban.
This should be the biggest bombshell news story of the year. But all of the usual liars keep lying to us about it. I can’t wait for Donald Trump to be back in office, so we can have some honesty and hopefully accountability.
Obama through the NIH and Fauci secretly funded these labs through out the world. We already know the Obama Administration authorized $1.2 billion to Fauci, of which only $6 million went to Wuhan, the rest went to establish these secret labs around the globe. This is only one of the. Secrets the Democrats and Rino’s have been hiding, this is just the tip of the iceberg into just how long, and how extensive this deception and destructive behaviour has been being done by the US
they need to get rid of obama he is the main big mouth pushing joe. i dont trust that terrorist with anything.
Obama got rich during and after his term. He shared enough money to get it back to him. Two years after his term his worth was estimated at 100 million dollars. Obama is not that smart but he is corrupt and coniving.
Yet nobody is going to jail.
What can you expect in an all democrat controlled country? It all started in a race war caused by Obama.
Rubio did ask that question, then tried like hell to change the direction of her answers, he let her get off the hook to shut her up. These RINO Senators are actually worse than Dimcraps , because they waste the only opportunity we have to get the truth
You must have watched a different program than i did. That is not what I saw. Must have been a recast by CNN.
Where is our taxpayers money going to. We have already sent 16 billion to Ukraine and the Democrats want to send another 33 billion dollars. They can’t even track where the arms have gone once they leave this country.
A senior Biden regime bureaucrat confirmed under oath in a Senate hearing last week that your tax dollars are funding secret Biolabs in Ukraine that works on dangerous pathogens. That bureaucrat, Victoria Nuland, said she’s worried because the “research materials” in those labs are so incredibly dangerous – and she doesn’t want the “research” falling into the hands of the Russians.
Under the Muslim Obama, Biden, and Dr. Fauci and the Nazi democrats in congress all used our tax dollars to build BIO-WEAPONS LABS AND THEN TURN AROUND AND BROUGHT THEIR BIO-SHIT TO USE AGAINST AMERICANS.
Amen to that! There is proof now we need to demand that the LAWS in the Constitution are upheld against anyone involved even the ones that are lying about it we know who they are. Time for justice to be had on these criminals if we have any true justices left here in America. I don’t think any justices we have really care about this because they all have been blackmailed. They are just as corrupt. All I can say is every Christian loving American needs to get right with GOD and his son CHRIST JESUS and keep praying for GOD’S KINGDOM to come. The LORD will never forsake his people. GOD is who I get my freedoms from. Not from any man or corrupt politicians. Time for the corrupt government to be dismantled once and for all and we can do it with the help of GOD and CHRIST JESUS. That is the only way. That is all I have for now remember keep up your faith by prayers to GOD ALMIGHTY and our LORD and true KING CHRIST JESUS things will be ok.
For the things going on in this world must come to pass in order for our LORD JESUS CHRIST’s 2nd coming.
There is a clock that shows the timeline of the season for which we are in.
The Book of Daniel ch.9
I totally agree. Wait until we find the Labs right here on our own soil.
While important, the American part in the bio labs in Ukrain are not the biggest news item. The biggest continues to be crimes committed against humanity by Fauci, Biden, the FDA, CDC, NIH, AMA, the Biden administration, state and local governments, mRNA developers and manufacturers as well as law enforcement agencies across the USA. That being the crimes against humanity committed by these people to continue promoting and mandating the use of the deadly, dangerous and mostly ineffective mRNA drugs. These so called vaccines are responsible for tens of thousands of deaths, long term disabilities and miscarriages. These numbers are far far far in excess of what caused any other drug from being pulled from the market. For example, the swine flu vaccine was pulled off the market after 24 deaths while we are many thousands passed that with the mRNA so called vaccines. The citizens of this country deserve immediate action instead of learning today that 5 either uninformed Governors are either lax in their responsibility to protect their citizens or are outright criminals.
There is a lot of folks that agree with you, but none are democrats.
I totally agree but the biggest culprit is geo. soros the one pumping his money into the demorcrats to screws our country up to be a socialist utopia , he beling to the illuminated group the richest greedist whom control the world banking system.they the one causes economy collapse.we suffering because of it.
We need to get the dems out of the white housr and keep them put for good they are all crooked. We need the republicans in office forged and no more dems. thones in there now are no good. They just want more money and they don’t care about any of the rest of us.
Were the general public aware of the many crazy, mean and expensive operations ran by the swamp!!! If they were aware of the swamp’s plans for the everyday ( middle class ) people of America. Were the people aware of just how much of our tax dollars go straight into the Swamp creatures pockets or just squandered through miss management. We should put the entire lot of them in prison and confiscate all their illegally obtained wealth and put it back in the treasury.
I agree….treason is what they have done!! Why is it the American people don’t stand up and get them out of office. They are only looking out for themselves and getting richer with our tax paying money!!
Obama should be in prison along with many others including the fake president occupying the Whit House right now they are all guilty of treason against America
I agree
Obama should be in prison along with the communist leader Biden and many others all for treason
I agree with that also.
Going to need lots of rope to clean up all these corrupt ,treasonous A HOLES!!!! We should gain back enough wealth to dig the USA out of the mess we are in!!!!
What I want to know is WHY is this happening WITHOUT the American peoples knowledge AND did president TRUMP. KNOW this was happening if SO TRUMPS no better. About being honest with the PEOPLE. EITHER. I WANT THE TRUTH FROM GOVERNMENT
We control our future…not a woke media or company…it’s up to us to save America for our future generations…our children deserve a better future then we are giving them now…it’s time to take a stand and stop talking about it on these sites…a 50 million man march is what we need to D C where we take our government back.
I think Obama should butt out.
what is the matter with the Republicans in congress that they are doing nothing about these criminal acts. they are all about as worthless as tits on a boar hog.
I agree he is just an intasgator and a big month that thinks he is god.
It makes me sick to see our country going to shit in a handbag. we need Trump back in office.
We need all the help we can get to get rid of the Dems and all there lies andcrookednesss.