Weak Republican lawmakers breathed a huge sigh of relief after the fake inauguration back in January. They’d really dodged a bullet! Phew! Now that the inauguration was over, they wouldn’t have to make any hard choices for America. But patience and public pressure are starting to win out. A few weeks ago, it seemed impossible to hope that Pennsylvania would ever conduct a valid audit of its 2020 results. Today, it looks like Pennsylvania Senate Republicans are going to authorize a full, Arizona-style forensic audit. They’ve been kicking and screaming to avoid it. Don’t you wish that Republicans would fight for an election victory the same way that Democrats always do when they lose the presidency?
No conspiracy theory is too insane for consideration whenever a Republican wins the White House. Conversely, when a Democrat wins (or “wins,” as in Joe Biden’s case), the election is immediately declared clean as a whistle and the ballots must be burned, lest anyone should try to look too closely at them.
We were just treated to three years of the Russian collusion kook theory after Donald Trump wiped the floor with Crooked Hillary in 2016. In 2000, George W. Bush “cut a secret deal” with the Supreme Court to steal Florida from Al Gore. The media even paid to audit the 2000 Florida results months after that election, to try to overturn the election results. In 1988, George HW Bush used secret racism with his Willie Horton campaign ads to trick people into voting for him.
One of the biggest doozies that people have forgotten about was the Democrat Party’s attempts to overturn the results of Ronald Reagan’s 1980 victory over Jimmy Carter. The wacky theory hatched to try to remove Reagan from office was that Reagan’s campaign had clandestinely traveled to Paris in October of 1980 to meet with Iranian ayatollahs. In that secret meeting, the ayatollahs (according to the conspiracy theorists) agreed to keep American hostages in captivity until after the election, in order to hurt Jimmy Carter’s chances.
In the minds of Democrats, this was grounds for invalidating the Reagan presidency and removing him from office. Reagan must have colluded with Iran. How else could Democrats explain Reagan’s 489-49 electoral college landslide over Carter?!
To make matters worse for America, the Democrats had a “witness” to the secret Paris meeting between Reagan’s campaign and the Iranians. That was a woman named Barbara Honegger. And we’re using the term “witness” a bit loosely here.
Ms. Honegger did not actually “see” or “witness” the meeting as it took place between Reagan’s campaign and the Iranians. That’s because Ms. Honegger – the primary witness to this historic crime – is a noted paranormal expert who loathes Republicans.
Honegger testified that she knew about the secret meeting because she could hear the voices of supercomputers… from the future.
Democrats in the House of Representatives launched a years-long, multimillion-dollar investigation into the secret Reagan-Iran meeting based on the word of a woman who can hear supercomputers from the future in her head. And this was back in the 1980s, when millions of dollars was real money. Honegger also revealed that the Pentagon had use satellites in outer space to part the clouds and make the sun shine directly on Reagan’s face during his inauguration. Which probably confirmed another suspicion for the Party of Science!
After millions of dollars and years of investigations, congressional Democrats were finally forced to admit that the Reagan-Iran meeting never took place. But you’re a conspiracy nut if you think that Pennsylvania’s election should be audited! Not that the Democrats have given up hope on the existence of the meeting yet. They went back and investigated it again in 1991, hoping to uncover something new. That was three years after Reagan left office, but you never know!
The good news is that Republicans don’t have to call on any paranormal witnesses to prove that the 2020 election was wonky. The bad news is that voters have to publicly shame their elected state Representatives for months to get them to do what we want – which is audits, audits and more audits.
State Sen. David Argall of Pennsylvania has finally succumbed to public pressure and personal shaming from President Trump. Argall has announced that his committee in the Pennsylvania legislature is going to empower an Arizona-style audit – and his committee has the authority to subpoena ballots. So that’s something. But wouldn’t it be nice if we didn’t have to pull fingernails out of these guys to get them to do their jobs? We’re not claiming to have evidence from supercomputers from the future. We just want to look at the damned ballots.
You damned right. Just show us the proof right?
Put up or shut the heck up!
Everyone knows Trump won that last election/selection. What the devil does in darkness, God will ALWAYS BRING IT TO LIGHT. AMEN!
They schemed with those mail in ballots. Why do you
think Pelosi fought so hard to see that they would be
sent out and blamed the pandemic as her excuse .?This was their ace in the hole, but guess what she still lost. Poor old soul, she should learn how to play with the big boys or go home and take forgetful Joe with her.
Barbara: your right. The democratic party is a criminal organization, communust, wolf in sheeps clothinh. They would prefer millions on wasted fake investigation rather than on national defense or improving the infastrue of trtansportation, air ports and other federal tax supported items. When\ the Panama cannal was srating constgruction. the first thing was kill the Mosquetoe and larve. than drain the swamp. Think of the democrat’s as the mosquetoe and larve. Get the point.
jail! take the money and stuff we paid them, and lock them up for screwing with our Constitution of the United States. AT LEAST CHARGE THEM & let them Defend themselves in our Court system. please
The Sell-out GOP has used the miserable excuse that they refuse to “stoop low” as the Democrats do to win. Nope, they don’t “stoop low”, they just bend over and bow.
But notice, according to the Democrat Party, it was a crime to deal with radical Islam in 1980. But those same Democrats now openly support radical Islam in the US Congress and even put them into office.
Can the Dhimmicrat Party possibly stoop any lower? By the way, look up the word “Dhimmi”, it is THEM.
The legislators who do not hear the cries of the people, will be remembered in the voting booths all over the country. I hope there will be anice selection of candidates to choose from…because there are many Rino’s needing voted out.
Vote THEM OUT.Plain and simple.
Here here. Amen to that.
These politicians forget that they are elected to work for us they are our voice so if 80% of the people want audits they should push for them. If they aren’t doing what WE want vote for someone else show the slackers that WE THE PEOPLE are not putting up with slackers half of them would be fired in the real world
You have to know that this is PA, The State where all of the dead get to vote and the Governor and Secretary Of State allow it. Hopefully they will follow through with it and prove President Trump WON. After they do they need to arrest wolf and the Secretary Of State who suddenly resigned after the election
The so-called insurrection on January 6 was a legitimate protest against a stolen election that destroyed American democracy and the democrats are still keeping the political prisoners locked up in solitary confinement until they can be locked up for years while letting BLM and Antifa off Scott free while the Rinos collude with the traitors.
A great many RINOs need to be purged from the ranks of the Republican Party. They need to be seated in the Dunce corner so they can contemplate how damaging their feckless leadership has been.
Even before the audit occurs, could someone simply merge the publicly available files showing 1. the number of “persons who are recorded as voting” and 2. “the total number of votes cast” for President? The allegation that they are 200,000 different deserves to be debunked or validated. Such an easy task.
Also, in Allegheny County where Judicial Watch gained the county’s agreement to purge registered voters who by law must be removed because of bad address (returned mail), or failure to vote in a specified number of elections, Would someone scan the list of voters and tell us how many of those ineligible voters actually voted?
Allegheny is one of those roughly 348 counties in the U.S. with more registered voters than its population! At least there should be a follow up to see if there’s any number of votes that are highly questionable among this group.