Twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton spoke at the 2022 New York State Democratic Convention in New York City as all eyes are on her to see the next escalation following the evidence special counselor John Durham revealed in his filings that she spied on President Trump. Clinton, meanwhile, called the news of her wrongdoing “a new right wing lie.”
Clinton used the public appearance as an attempt to shift the narrative surrounding the Durham investigation and its findings regarding her latest scandal.
“We can’t get distracted by the latest culture war nonsense or a new right wing lie on Fox or Facebook,” the former presidential candidate said. “By the way, they are after me again lately, in case you may have noticed.”
“It’s funny. The more trouble Trump gets into the wilder the charges and conspiracy theories about me seem to get.”
“Fox leads the charge with accusations against me counting on their audience to fall for it again,” she continued.
Clinton went onto claim that Fox was approaching legal liability for its reports on the Durham probe, saying, “And as an aside, they’re getting awfully close to actual malice in their attacks. But as I said, don’t get distracted.”
Clinton further blasted the Republican party during her speech, saying they are divisive, violent, and dangerous to U.S. democracy in what appeared to be another bit of misdirection from the Democrat.
“We are in uncharted territory. And make no mistake, our adversaries around the world are watching,” the former Secretary of State said. “Republicans are defending coup plotters. They’re curbing voting rights at precisely, the moment when democracy needs champions.”
She continued, “When we should be standing together against autocracies like Russia and China. January six, last year was a gift to them because they know something we need to remember. America is only as strong as our unity and our democracy allows us to be.”
Until recently, Clinton has been mostly silent on the Durham discovery that she hired a technology company to access servers at both Trump Tower and the White House in an effort to dig up dirt on President Trump.
On Wednesday, Clinton claimed that the scandal was little more than Trump “desperately spinning up a fake scandal to distract from his real ones.”
The American public, however, is not buying Clinton’s claims of innocence. Protesters gathered outside the Democratic convention where she was speaking to chant “Lock Her Up!”
Another sign-holding protester called the recent revelations “Watergate 2.0.”
Trump, called Clinton’s treasonous efforts to spy on him as president “a far bigger crime than Watergate.”
The former president said in a statement responding to the discovery, “What Hillary Clinton and the Radical Left Democrats did with respect to spying on a President of the United States, even while in office, is a far bigger crime than Watergate. It will be interesting to see how it was covered by the media and what Mitch McConnell and the RINOs will be doing about it. This is an insult to the Republican Party, but a far greater insult to our Nation.”
In a separate statement, Trump said, “In a stronger period of time in our country, this crime would have been punishable by death. In addition, reparations should be paid to those in our country who have been damaged by this.”
The truth always has a way of surfacing. I hope that all parties involved remain alive and well in order to see this whole thing through to the end.
God bless America.
As the people wake up the tyrants get nervous and try to cover the lies!!!!
The 21st century fox hunt would be Hillary Rotten Clinton. It`s not everybody that can give Putin a starter button and yellowcake uranium at a discount. It`s time she joined her brother. Biden and his bunch should be Died – Fried – and Laid to the side with the resent overabundant supply of refried beans.