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RNC Leadership is Fumbling the Bag with Donald Trump—Look What Ronna McDaniels is Spending Republican Voters Money On

RedState has conducted an examination of the financials of the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the Democrat National Committee (DNC) between October 20, 2022, and November 30, 2023. It will make you sick.

Under the leadership of Ronna McDaniel, the RNC has not only been on a five-plus years-long losing streak for Republican candidates across the country but is also splurging on non-essential luxury items that have nothing to do with winning elections. McDaniel and the other leadership at the RNC are partying with the money that hardworking Republican voters donate to it.

There is a huge disparity between the priorities of the RNC and DNC which is evident from their financial records. The DNC is spending money to win elections, while the RNC is spending cash like a drunken sailor on shore leave. 



Here’s a comparison of some of the items that RedState discovered in its analysis:

The DNC spent $795 on floral arrangements for events over the 13-month period in question. The RNC spent $70,328 on flowers during the same period. Keep in mind that this is money that people donated to the RNC with the expectation of putting more Republicans in office.

The DNC spent $114,000 on consultants. The RNC spent $1,078,279.47 on consultants. That’s great if you’re a Republican consultant, but what did the donors get back in return for that? The Big Red Fizzle in 2022, in which Republicans barely took control of the House by a slim majority?

The DNC spent $45,000 on office supplies over the 13-month period. The RNC spent $297,717.64 on office supplies. How is this even possible? 300 grand on office supplies for a year?

The DNC spent $7,000 on limousine rides for people over the 13-month period. The RNC spent $263,127.25 on limo rides for its leadership. The RNC spent 37X more money on limo rides than the DNC in a year. Way to connect with the American voters who are struggling to pay for groceries and gasoline, Ronna!

Up next is voter file maintenance. For those who don’t know, this is a very important behind-the-scenes category that relates directly to winning elections. Parties maintain their voter files to make sure they still have the correct contact information of voters, so they can reach out to them for donations, to volunteer for campaigns, and do other important stuff.

The DNC spent $235,865.88 on voter file maintenance over the 13 months. The RNC only spent $39,233.50. I guess that explains where all the money for the limousine rides came from. The DNC spends six times as much money on voter file maintenance, which is actually important for elections, than the RNC spends.

Next is Get Out The Vote (GOTV) text messaging. This is an important one, too. When election day rolls around, whether it’s a primary or a general election, the party sends a text message reminding people that it’s the big day. They also text reminders on important deadlines for registration, mailing in absentee ballots, and other important things.

The DNC spent $1,676,923.29 on GOTV text messaging services. The RNC spent $86,019 during the same period. The DNC spends 19 TIMES more money urging its voters to get out and vote than the RNC currently does. We were all excited that Donald Trump won the Iowa caucuses a couple of weeks ago. But did you know that Republicans only had a 15% turnout for the caucuses? Most Republican voters may not have known the caucuses were happening because Ronna was too busy riding around in a limousine and sniffing flowers.

The DNC spent $0 on media booking consultants. These are consultants that call up Fox News or CNN and schedule an interview for an organization’s important figureheads. The Democrats don’t have to spend any money on this category, because they all have Joy Reid on speed-dial. The RNC spent $116,000 on media booking consultants.

Finally, state outlays. This is money that the parties disperse to state parties to help them win elections. Over a 13-month period, the DNC dispersed $23,835,437. The RNC only dispersed $13,800,200. That’s pitiful for both parties. The RNC dispersed barely 10% of its total donations to help win state elections, while the DNC dispersed 15%. Still, the DNC once again clearly places a higher priority on winning elections than the RNC does.

This is outrageous. If you want to make a political donation this year, don’t send it to the RNC. Send it directly to the candidates you support and their associated campaigns and PACs. The RNC doesn’t deserve another dime from rank-and-file Republican donors until they get their act together.

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31 thoughts on “RNC Leadership is Fumbling the Bag with Donald Trump—Look What Ronna McDaniels is Spending Republican Voters Money On”

  1. Get rid of this woman and let’s get someone in there who knows how to get donations !! And will spend it WISELY !!!

    1. This is why I stay as a registered Independent! Whether a politician is an elephant or a jackass they’re not to ‘ever’ be trusted! Money corrupts, every time!

    2. Like Mike Lindell. I stopped giving to Republicans 2 plus years ago. As long as she’s there, not one red penny and I think there a great many who feel the way i

      1. I think there is a lot of donated money being pumped into Ronna’s face and a lot of cloths being bought using the same money source.

    3. I do not understand how she even got reelected under her leader ship the Republican party is just flailing. She does nothing to find conservative candidates to run for the house and the senate , But then she doesn’t really support Trump which shouldn’t surprise anybody she’s the niece of never Trumper Romney. I wished we could hold a new election for the leader of the RNC now

    4. AMEN ! Reason why I’m a independent ! However; due to the Dems. seemingly constantly bashing Trump it will take a lot to have me vote for a Democrat !

  2. DITTO to the comment by Donna Jaggars!
    Get her out of there and replace Ronna with someone who knows what the Hell is going on!!!

  3. You are all forgetting one important fact; Ronna is related(niece) to Never Trumper, Mitt Romney…
    Enough said!

    1. Wonder why Rebublicans in office cannot see this, surely they have choices about who is in the job of supporting Republicans or are their heads buried in the sand???

  4. ShowMcDanials the door and throw the b—-h out! She hasn’t done anything for the party or candidates since she’s been holding the Chairmanship!

  5. I’m seriously disappointed in the republican party. They are proving themselves to be about as useful as a “Whoopie” cushion. All noise and hot air, but not much of anything else. I abandoned my democratic raising many years ago for the more conservative mindset of the republican party. But they are weaklings when it comes to actually standing up for their constituents. It’s time to either flush out all of the old school, do nothing politicians and replace them with true patriots or disband the entire party and start fresh with people who actually love America.

    1. I totally agree with you. Get her out of there asap. That’s what I call stealing and misappropriation of funds from the American Citizens. Especially Republicans. She should be prosecuted.

  6. Obviously, as a puppet for the elite, she is advancing their agenda i.e. removing true republicans and replacing them with RINOs, thereby establishing a one party system totally owned by the puppet masters.

  7. People like Ronna McDaniels need to be sent packing. Tell her to replace the money she spent on flowers and having a good time at our expense is over.


  9. She sounds like a Damn Rino to me !!! She needs to be Immediately Fired, and make Restitution for monies she spent without permission or that directly was not spent to help Republican candidates!!!! This makes me and I’m sure a lot of people hopping mad!!!!!!!!

  10. So who are the top dogs who put her in this role? AKA “elites”?
    She may be a looser, but they are bigger crooks for allowing this to go on.
    Until the elites in both parties get identified we will continue to go down hill as a nation.

  11. Did the RNC pay for McDaniels facelift and diet? They certainly haven’t spent it on winning elections. Stopped giving two years. My money goes to the candidates.


  13. I agree with most of the previous comments we must get rid of this woman and put someone in this position that will handle our money correctly. I will not make any donations as long as she is in office.

  14. I gave $680.00 to the RNC for the 2016-2020 election cycle.. Not another penny. COUGH UP THE MONEY RONNA. Future money from me will be sent directly to candidates.

    1. That is the only way I will send money,although it’s not a whole lot, but I don’t have much to give! Everone read the fine print as to where it’s going!!
      They need to fire her ass and get someone that will use it right!!

  15. I switched to an Independent from Republican, after the 2022 losses. And I stopped donating to RNC, they are part of the Uni-Party. Ronna needs to immediately resign and apologize for her frivolous lifestyle. Her Uncle Mitt Romney must be extremely proud of her. She is a total disgrace and if she does not resign. FIRE HER, NOW!

  16. Every time you hear McDaniel talk. You get the feeling she really a DEMOCRAT SPY! She wasted money she has no business spending on herself! But then you get the feeling all these men in the Republicans party must have be in a room alone with her! They just don’t know how to think amount themselves! McDaniel IS MITT ROMNEY NIECE! THAT ENOUGH TO STOP DONATED TO REPUBLICANS PARTY! YOU WANT TO DONATED THEN DO IT TO TRUMP AND OTHER CANIDATE, but not to MCCONNELL CONTROL REPUBLICANS PARTY!

  17. I have never approved of Ronna Romney McDaniel and I knew it was a BIG MISTAKE to put her back in that position. What a joke. Who keeps an eye on the RNC’s money anyway? Get rid of Ronna and get someone who can turn this thing around. I donated twice to the RNC but they aren’t getting any more of my money until they get rid of Ronna.

  18. Throw the bi—- out now . Everyone is so dam money hungry . Stop the madness— clean house — get the democrats and the fat Rino’s all out of all offices. Easy said but hard to do.!! I hope and pray trump makes it in so the madness can be stopped.

    1. This lying thief should be fired at once and prosecuted for spending all that money that was not hers to spend,
      This fat hog has to go!!!!!!

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