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Seattle Struggles to Cope with Obnoxious Soros-Funded Illegal Aliens

VILNIUS, LITHUANIA. 12th July 2023. Joe Biden Remarks after NATO SUMMIT 2023.

One of the main problems with allowing massive numbers of foreigners into your country as “refugees” or for any other reason is that they always begin demanding political power at some point. Usually by violence and threats. The sanctuary city of Seattle is dealing with this right now as a group of especially obnoxious and violent illegal aliens is demanding better cradle-to-grave welfare benefits from their new hosts.

It’s like that Rudyard Kipling poem about the Viking invasions of England a thousand years ago—once you pay the Danegeld (blackmail or protection money), you never get rid of the Dane.

While other cities are dealing with much larger numbers of invaders, Seattle is having major problems coping with a group of just 240 of them. The city is broke and didn’t have a rainy-day fund set aside to take care of some random group of illegal aliens. This particular group is mostly from Venezuela, Congo, and Angola.

The group was being housed in a cheap $70-a-night Quality Inn hotel, at a cost of about $5,000 per day. The city ran out of money and the illegals got kicked out. Several of them were arrested when they got violent over being evicted. All the other illegal alien shelters in the city are filled beyond capacity.

Their sense of entitlement to welfare from the American taxpayers is so great that the group then moved onto the tennis courts at the Garfield Community Center. They pitched tents and started flying their national flags. Then, they set about doing what Joe Biden’s horde of invaders does best: dumping trash everywhere, pooping all over the sidewalks, and spitting at any Americans who wander too close to them. And that’s just their women!


The tennis courts and baseball fields at the community center are used by local Seattle schools for after-school sports practices. Those had to be canceled to protect the kids from getting raped, shanked and harassed.

Washington talk show host Ari Hoffman called the takeover of the community center what it really was: “It appears today’s action was a threat. Fund our hotel stay, or else.”

Some do-gooder donated $50,000 to the city, so they were able to move the group back into the Quality Inn for ten days. But that money runs out on April 13th. The Seattle city council is now scrambling to try to come up with $5,000 per day ($1.8 million per year) so they can keep just this one group of street poopers from causing more problems.

Unlike previous hordes of invaders, this Seattle group is organized and very aggressive. They all belong to a group called Comunidad Sin Fronteras (Community Without Borders), which is a George Soros-affiliated organization. They hold press conferences demanding more welfare.

These people have clearly been trained as Soros activists, complete with talking points to use as they issue veiled threats for more welfare. They say that if they can’t stay at the tennis courts, that would be a shame because then they might have to go camp out on the floor at the SeaTac airport. Can you believe these obnoxious jerks?

Listen to how these manipulative and entitled prima donnas talk to gullible reporters. This is what one Venezuelan told the Seattle media:

“This is not a good condition for children to be in. They’re missing school, they’re being traumatized, and our city officials are not listening to us.”

OUR city officials? These people are infuriating. And boo-freakin’-hoo about your children missing school and being traumatized. Guess whose fault it is that your kids are having a tough time?

And before you think, “Oh, well, that’s just happening in blue sanctuary cities,” that’s not true. This is happening all over the country. The town of Whitewater, WI, is a small, rural town of 15,000 people about a half-hour outside of Milwaukee. More than 2,000 Venezuelans have showed up and just camped out there. If the millions of taxpayers in the Seattle area can’t manage a group of 240 street poopers, what’s a little town like Whitewater supposed to do?

Fortunately, Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) says there is a “beautiful” plan in place to deal with this problem, starting next January:


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21 thoughts on “Seattle Struggles to Cope with Obnoxious Soros-Funded Illegal Aliens”

  1. What is happening to this country and the American people because of the poor leadership we now have in Washington is unbelievable. The fact that Democrats are condoning what is happening is even more unbelievable. This used to be the United States of America, the greatest country in the world, before Biden. Now I don’t know what it is. These people are supposed to be representing the American people, not millions of illegal invaders that are taking over the country with the blessings of Biden and the Democrats. Unreal.

    1. And what gets me is that the Democrats doesn’t want to know that they’re wrong because their egos are so huge they can see that Biden is doing all this and they don’t care just so they can win I’m so ashamed of all those democrats because if they cared at all about America then they wouldn’t be a democrat loser.

    2. Unbelievable???? This is how liberals operate. If you’re finding it Unbelievable then like all leftists you’re either uneducated or you believe lies. We the people are NOT fact we’ve been telling you, warning you and now your jaw has dropped? Who did or have you been voting for? The perpetual bleeding heart mentality that has been very demonstrative for generations that we baby boomers don’t claim, have been running this country into the ground since they started burning their bras and instigating affirmative action. This is what you get…plain as the nose on your face. Hopefully you will vote and it won’t be for more of the same. So much for what’s her names summer of love. Wonder how many offspring were conceived during this one that the taxpayers are funding.

      1. I guess you were commenting on my comment. Yes I find it unbelievable. I am 93 years old, have seen some stupid things done by our politicians, but never anything like what is happening now. And what is really unbelievable is the Democrats that are condoning what Biden has done. That is unbelievable, How can anybody in their right mind approve of allowing illegal invaders to take over the country. I like most people have worked all their lives, paid their taxes so this country would have the money to help the American people who need help and now it is being used to help people invading this country, who have no right to be here, have no right to receive one cvent of the taxpayers money, and Biden and the democrats now are griping about it happening. Don;t they have enough sense to know who is responsible for it happening? That is the main reason we need to get them out of government and replace them with people who will work to represent the American people like they are being paid huge salaries and benefits to do. Right now it is a complete waste of taxpayers money.

  2. George Soros? For a person who lives outside The United States, Leftist Presidents sure give The “HIEL” to this monster!

      1. Thanks for that bit of information..we all can assume he and those like him live and go wherever they want and recruit in the process but I hadn’t heard of his residence in NY. That dried up jaba shouldn’t be around too much longer but his offspring are sitting in position.

      2. New York has become “outside of the United States.” Or shall I say “the Divided States”.

  3. Apparently the decency laws that apply to the rest of us don’t to illegals. Put them on a plane or a bus and take them to Biden’s doorstep.

    1. Never mind spending any unappreciative illegals any thing other than a bus trip back to the border then forced out of this country. Stop passing the buck . Do the right thing. KICK THEIR DISGUSTING OVER STAID VACATION PAID BUY TAX PAYERS BECAUSE OF BIDEN’S LIES. They will never be allowed to be citizens. If any state of the union grants them the immediate right to become citizens they should that state succeed from the union of the rest of the states, and therefore be cut off of every bit of government funds for anything they wanna do they’ll be isolated.

  4. None of you Illegals are owed Anything. You have homes, Go Back to them. You are not Welcome here. We Do Not want you.

  5. This is all part and parcel of the Democratic socialist plans ship illegals around the nation! Get them registered to vote in time for this next election. Over 11 million illegal votes that they expect will vote for the party that flooded them with free bees. Soros funded imports from third world countries with the expected out come of destruction of our nation his intended goal! We must secure our elections and prevent non-citizens from voting! Demand photo identification for all votes to be acceptable to be counted including mailed in absentee ballots. True the vote eliminate the ability to abuses of our voting system! Seal the border eliminate the illegals do not reward them as they have been!

    1. What’s seriously disturbing is some of the south Texas ranchers, the king ranch in particular, Kleburg, support open borders, all green energy, in particular, wind farms which are seriously detrimental to our environment. I just can’t comprehend any rancher embracing any leftist, bribem , politics or policies. He must have landed on his head when he fell off his horse. Actually I guess he landed on his wallet so he got more padding from demorat supporters.. he’s throwing his hat in the ring for something or was anyway.

  6. Sounds like a job for a few pounds of lead. But of course this is the third most communist state so why should we care if they are finally getting their just reward? Just goes to show you that it takes more than an address in America to be an American. Flying their country’s flag? That sounds like war to me. Take’em out!

  7. Behind this invasion are leftist president Andres Lopez Obrador, Nicolas Maduro, Miguel Diaz y Daniel Ortega, presidents of Mexico, Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua, respectively, who in collusion with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights are financing, implementing, and executing this invasion of foreign criminals evacuated from the prisons of those countries, who are coming together with “third terrorist columns, and drug cartels, whose mission is to destroy USA and victimize America Citizens, as these invaders spread and boast at the border, using their babies and also criminals wives as Shields, claiming falsely “political asylums” alleging “persecution” when in reality is “PROSECUTION” for crimes perpetrated in their countries; the mere fact of waving their countries flags to enter illegally and during the looting, robberies, and murders of police officials and American Citizens, corroborates the concatenated enemy invasion to USA. The solution to this invasion is the arrest, prosecution, and deportation of these criminals public enemies.

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