A newly published study on ‘Covid-19 deaths’ in the UK in April of 2020 is so shocking that it’s difficult to even wrap your head around. If the numbers in this study are accurate—and based on a preliminary read they do look correct—it means that British hospitals euthanized tens of thousands of elderly patients and blamed their deaths on the coronavirus.
The motive for this should be fairly obvious. During the early days of Covid first spreading, they needed more deaths to scare people into thinking this was a deadly disease and not just a variation of the flu.
The study was conducted by Dr. Wilson Sy, the Director of Investment Analytic Research in Australia. Its title is “Excess Deaths in the United Kingdom: Midazolam and Euthanasia in the COVID-19 Pandemic,” and its publication date is February 15, 2024, on ResearchGate (link below).
Dr. Sy is an economics and finance lecturer in Australia. He noticed something weird about the data in the UK from April 2020. As we’ve reported here previously, Britain’s Office of National Statistics (ONS) is far better at publishing public health statistics than our own CDC. The ONS publishes everything, and they tend to publish it much more quickly than health authorities here in the US.
In April 2020 (pre-vaccine), the UK had a huge surge in excess mortality. The country had 45,000 excess deaths over the previous 5-year average. Why is that strange, looking back four years later?
Because the UK never had another surge of excess deaths as high as that one again. It didn’t happen later in 2020 during subsequent “waves” of Covid, and it never happened after the mass vaccination program started. Dr. Sy wondered how there could be so many excess deaths in April of 2020 when at the end of the day, Covid turned out to be no more dangerous than the flu. There should have been huge corresponding spikes during later waves of Covid, but there weren’t.
He may have found the answer in hospital protocols. This is really disturbing, by the way.
During the early days of the pandemic, the globalists really wanted everyone scared of the coronavirus, so they could more easily get the people to submit to lockdowns, forced masking, school closures, and eventually vaccine mandates. The problem was that there were not enough dead bodies piling up. They needed more deaths.
In the UK, hospitals started using a little-known drug called Midazolam to calm down elderly patients with anxiety. We knew even in the early days of Covid that the virus was more dangerous for the elderly. A lot of old folks were scared that this new Chinese virus was floating around. Midazolam is normally given in pill form, and it’s a form of sedative. It can help anxious elderly people or folks with dementia to fall asleep. The pills can’t hurt you.
If administered through subcutaneous injection in continuous doses over time, however, Midazolam can be fatal.
The National Library of Medicine here in the US states, “Midazolam injection may cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems such as shallow, slowed, or temporarily stopped breathing that may lead to permanent brain injury or death.”
Life-threatening breathing problems that result in death sure sound a lot like Covid deaths, don’t they?
Hospital protocol in the UK called for sedating and calming anxious elderly patients with Midazolam injections starting in March 2020, according to the ONS data. Within the next month, the continuous injections with Midazolam made tens of thousands of elderly British people stop breathing and die. That was awfully convenient since it corresponded to when world governments wanted everyone to believe that a respiratory virus was killing tons of people.
There is one additional use for Midazolam injections that they don’t utilize in the UK. Here in the US, it’s one of the two drugs that we administer in tandem when we execute murderers on Death Row by lethal injection. One drug stops their heart, while the Midazolam keeps them calm and stops their breathing.
According to this research, British doctors and nurses injected elderly patients with a lethal injection drug and then blamed their deaths from Midazolam-induced respiratory failure on Covid. That accounts for the huge spike in excess deaths in the UK in April of 2020—and all of the data was sitting there on the ONS website for anyone to see.
You can read Dr. Sy’s research on Midazolam and excess mortality HERE.
WOW – You can bet that the UK had a lot of Drs. of Death ! Some hospitals will do anything to keep the elderly sedated so that staff need not bother with them. This is absolutely shameful !!!!
The death stats here in the US were set up to scare the people into doing what these crookrd politicians wanted. You could die from a heart attacvk, accident, suicide, someone could shoot you between the eyes with a 9mm, it was still considered a COVID death if you tested positive and the virus might not have had anything to do with it. It’s the only desease that I ever heard of that was so deadly, yet you could test positive, not be sick, have no symptoms, not even know you have it, but yet you could die from it. They just made up a name for it instead of making sure the tests were accurate. The Dr’s, hospitals all loved it, because they charged 3-4 times as much if you tested positive. The politicians loved it because they had more control over the people than they ever had brfore. Nobody knows how many people actually died from the virus, if anybody did. Probably a lot of people died because they were being treated for the virus when something else was causing their illness. it was a scam from the very first and other than Biden’s open border policy, did more harm to this country and the people than all the other scams the politicians have ever come up with.
Now,due to the vaccine, the side effects are the cause of death and sterility. The new world order to keep population in check. Why did the government reject Ivermectin(?) as a treatment? Because President Trump said it was a cure and they couldn’t have that! Orange man bad! They took a treatment away from the people, banned its use. If the public had any sense they would have done their own research before taking the jab. Did you know that cans of disinfectant had labels saying will kill germs for covid19 years before it became a pandemic? I’m afraid that they will try another pandemic plot soon to distract this election.
Totally agree with your assessment. My father in law had leukemia and was sent to the hospital because he wasn’t feeling well. After a few days he appeared to be doing fine and they were going to send him home with hospice care. All of a sudden, the doctor calls saying he is very agitated and she was going to give him morphine. We knew right there this was not going to end well. The next days they said he had Covid and 2 days later he died in the hospital. Death certificate said he died FROM Covid which was a lie.
I refuse to be hospitalized under all but the most extreme conditions. If I have to be transported by ambulance, then obviously I will go. Otherwise I will never consciously decide to be hospitalized. I trust few if any institutions, including medical ones!!!
America’s democrats seem over-exicited and anxious. Send the drug’s to America and help calm down the donkeys
I agree with all of the comments made above!
I was Leary of all the sudden deaths being attributed to Covid from the very beginning! I knew that the requirement to wear a dust mask to help prevent a VIRUS from entering one’s body was and IS total bull shit! I calculated the openings in the N95 face mask compared to the diameter of the virus and found that the mask opening is around 2500 times LARGER than the virus! That is like making a bullet proof vest out of chain link fence and expecting it to protect you!
The government (democrats) used the damn news media and social media to spread their lies and CENSURED ANYONE who had differing ideas or facts!
I still see uniformed people wearing ridiculous face masks around and many in their cars by themselves with the windows rolled up! I worked for five years on a nuclear test reactor (open core reactor) in Idaho where we were exposed to possible airborne radioactive dust, in those situations, we NEVER used dust masks for protection, we used full face respirators, had to shave and ensured an air tight seal before entering the hazardous area!
Prove it to yourself, put on a face mask and go into a highly dusty area for a few minutes such as a construction site where sheet rock is being cut then take your mask off while looking in a mirror and notice how much of that white dust accumulates on your face around your mouth and nose! Masks DO NOT STOP SMALL VIRUSES! They are only good for filtering large dust particles and saw dust and ONLY if tightly fitted and worn continuously while in the dusty area!
The medical organizations (CDC) are guilty as hell in perpetrating this EXPENSIVE HOAX on the world all for POWER AND PROFIT !
I do not and will not EVER trust the CDC or government under democrat control EVER AGAIN!
A Vietnam era veteran
Hi, I’m from the government, I’m here to help ! Don’t walk, run !
Thank you for your service. And to think doctor fraud-chi got away with this. But joe biden turns a blind eye to china.
We all know this is a farce on how this Government has betrayed the trust of the American People, where everyone needs to never take for granted our government has our best interests at heart where they as much as euthanize you to save the taxpayers a dime, to support their bloated wasteful programs to appease their entitlement voting base of the Communists DemonRatic Party.
Agree with all the above.
My name is Covid-19, and I did not do it!!!!!
That is hilarious, Robert! Thanks for the good humor and smiles today!!
I knew this was a scam from the start. And it became even more evident to me with Fauci’s preachings about it. I knew it was intended as a method of control, to scare people from going out, so they could implement their mail-in ballot voting process in order to win! AND — a money-making project for Fauci and the pharmaceutical companies who pushed the “vaccines.” I never even considered getting the shots, and didn’t wear a mask unless REQUIRED to get inside a medical facility if I had an appointment. Never got sick, never had a single symptom! And the only people I know who DID get the series of shots, became infected anyway, and were sick for two weeks with the symptoms. H-m-m-m-m — strange, don’t you think?
Correction – you mean fraud-chi, don’t you?
Her in the USA, Versed is mainly used for anesthesia, It has a very good amnesia effect and is a powerful respiratory depressant. Use of it thru injection MUST be monitored very closely for the duration of it’s effect otherwise you’ll have the “Micheal Jackson” effect.
The Biden Administration, along with The CDC will want to implement British policies using euthanasia as quickley as possible to use Social Security to finance Immigration vote brain-washing!
Doctors and hospitals chatged 3-4 times as much if you tested positive so all they had to do was say you tested positive and they made a fortune. They didn’t even have to test you. Politicians loveed it because they had more control over the people than they ever did. Fauci, who was making about $1200 a day, more than a lot of people living on SS make in a month, changed his mind about what to do every time the sun come up or one of the crooked politicians told him something different to say. Other than the 2020 election, it was the biggest fraud to ever hit this country and did more dameage to a country that was onced the greatest country in the world. God hekp us if we ever have to go thru another crock of bull like this one has been. We have no honest politicians anymore. we need to stop voting for these idiots we now have in office and put in people who will work for the American people and this country.
How long did it take you to realize the worm and CDC were lying? and they’re still lying..