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Texas Election Overturned Two Years Later Because of Voter Fraud

Senior female judge pounding after the judgment in the courtroom

During one of Kari Lake and Mark Finchem’s ongoing lawsuits over the stolen 2022 midterm election in Arizona, one of Katie Hobbs’s lawyers said something remarkable to the court last week. The attorney told the court that it couldn’t vacate an election from TWO YEARS AGO and remove a sitting governor from office after all that time.

That assertion basically means that elections stolen through fraud should be allowed to stand, otherwise it might hurt someone’s feelings. But it turns out you can overturn elections from TWO YEARS AGO because of fraud. That just happened in Texas.

We covered the election foibles in the blue city of Bridgeport, Connecticut extensively last year and into this year, after a judge ordered a re-do of the Democrat Primary election because of massive voter fraud. The city had to go through four separate elections to figure out who the mayor was because there was so much Democrat-on-Democrat fraud.

This race in Texas happened in another blue city—Houston, which is in Harris County. In the 2022 race for the 180th District Court judge, Democrat candidate DaSean Jones defeated Republican candidate Tami Pierce for the seat by 449 votes. Pearce went to court to challenge the results.

On Wednesday of this week, Judge David Peeples ordered a do-over election because there was too much fraud in the 180th District to know who the real winner was.

Yes, even though the election was TWO YEARS AGO, and DaSean Jones has been sitting in the 180th District Court judge seat all this time, Jones might not actually be the real, duly elected judge. That’s how it should work when an election has been proven to be fraudulent.

Pierce’s lawyers were able to show at trial that there were 1,430 illegal votes cast—far more than Jones’s 449-vote margin of victory. In his ruling, Peeples noted that 983 votes had been provably cast by people with residency issues. They either did not live in Harris County, or they had other problems with their address requirements.

Harris County election officials (all Democrats, of course) allowed 445 people to vote despite not showing a valid ID. An additional 48 mail-in ballots lacked the required signatures or arrived after the deadline to be counted as valid.

After the evidence of fraud was presented to the court, Jones’s lawyers argued that the case should be dismissed for some reason. That annoyed the judge, so he ordered the Democrat “election winner” to pay $65,000 in court costs for Tami Pierce.

Judge Peeples has not yet set a date for when the do-over election will happen.

It’s interesting to note the scale and scope of the fraud in this election. There was no massive, organized plot to steal the race for this judgeship in Harris County. In 2020, there was a nationwide scheme to implement drop boxes and mass mail-in ballots so the Democrats could steal the election from Donald Trump. In the 2022 midterms, Maricopa County election officials rigged over half of the voting machines in Republican districts on election day to disenfranchise GOP voters and steal the election.

Even in Bridgeport, Connecticut, the fraud involved a scheme from at least two city election officials who were caught on security cameras stuffing huge stacks of ballots into drop boxes. That was obviously organized.

But in the Harris County race for this judgeship, it wasn’t organized. This was just individual people voting who knew they were breaking the law and voted anyway. It’s as if individual Democrats have this innate instinct to cheat in elections because they no longer have any use for democracy.

983 people voted even though they didn’t live in Harris County. That’s not a mistake. It’s intentional fraud. Another 445 didn’t have a valid ID. Everyone in Texas knows you need an ID to vote. It’s a voter ID state. But the Democrats cheated anyway, just to steal one little county judge seat.

These small stolen elections matter, however. DaSean Jones is running for a seat on the Texas Supreme Court this year. He’s not even a legitimately elected judge right now, and he could end up on the Texas Supreme Court! That’s why these little elections matter, and why we must keep hammering against Democrat voter fraud in all its forms.

And yes, you can remove an elected official from office even though an election was stolen TWO YEARS AGO. Fraud is fraud, and you don’t get to keep the trophy if you cheat to win.

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15 thoughts on “Texas Election Overturned Two Years Later Because of Voter Fraud”

  1. Elections are one of the most important events that happens in this country. If there is any reason to believe that it is fraudulsnt, it should be thrown out and done over with enough evidence to ensure it is ligitiment.

  2. If everyone took this to their House of Representatives representative- we could get a majority and overturn this s—-show

  3. Every election, certainly above dogcatcher level, needs to have independent observers present in every aspect of the process and ANY deviation from established protocol must be challenged. No “emergency”, last-minute changes allowed. Our elections are the keystone of our country’s existence. ANY attempt by anyone in an official position to cheat should be considered treason.

    1. Agree,but the jails would be full of Democrats and need more jails.2020 will fill them,that was so far the biggest steal

  4. Well, knowing that there’s voting fraud out there, there should be reasonable doubt that Biden didn’t get 81 million votes! Democrats are cheating on each other too! They shouldn’t be resisting to get to the bottom of any claims made. I like the judge!! You’re going to pay her court fees!!!

    1. It should be MORE than reasonable doubt. He never campaigned – & he can NOT, even now, draw a crowd. Common sense. The laptop was hidden & Pres Trump was not allowed to address China & the Biden family at the debate. He tried. Chris Wallace stopped him. It was very visible- he was NOT competent. It’s NOT his age– it’s his mental acuity, definitely….. Pres Trump is so different at his age, than Joe Biden. I am 86 & there is a ‘world of difference’ between Joe Biden & myself. My mind is active, my vision is 20/20, I still drive; and I’m still working- real labor, not a soft job. And, I don’t talk ‘word salad’, OR indistinctly. Give me a break!!!

  5. One item that kept showing up in emails was: “Trump was right.” Does anyone see what has been said in relation to this trial?

  6. Why not subtract 1,430 votes from the previous 449 vote margin? Clearly Tami Pierce won.

  7. Why not subtract 1,430 votes from the previous 449 vote margin? Clearly, Tami Pierce won by 981 votes. Why inconvenience residences with another election and give democrats another opportunity to steal? DaSean Jones should step down and turn the power over to Tami Pierce. Tami Pierce should be compensated for the last 2 years.

  8. Democrats MUST cheat to win elections! They have done absolutely nothing for The American People in decades. They are all self-serving elected people based on the lies they convince the general population on what they stand for, yet profit personally on the information they receive and stick the tax-payers with their increasingly dumb-ass mistakes. Democrats are tearing this nation apart and using tax-payers money to acheive that goal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. What about the shit show 2020 election the biggest fraud in history— we all know this was a stolen ballot election. Should be stopped right now and said fraudulent president took out and real elect president put in . Gee can’t see this happening—- all very laughable. The democrats all power hungry and money hungry want to stay and get more power and money and them the world want be able to stand and then they all lose. The end of time .

  10. Agree with all about the 2020 fraud. You have to be a democrat to ignore reality and accept money to cheat. We need to make an example of the fraudsters Big-time and spend as much time and people to prevent the upcoming fraud election. My biggest fear is democrats paying someone to kill Trump. In that case we need a revolution and we have the guns!!!!

  11. When The Republicans learned of Texas’ discovery, why didn’t they call for the same investigation in all the states? And, if they found enough of the same evidence, why didn’t they reinstate Trump, instead of letting Biden continue to ruin our country? Come on Re[ublicans, you’re smarter than this,

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