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WOW! Senator Rand Paul Reveals U.S. Must Borrow from China to Deliver On Massive Aid Package for Ukraine

Republican Senator Rand Paul revealed to Breitbart news that in order to supply Ukraine with $40 billion in aid, the U.S. has to borrow the money from China.

Breitbart News Daily host Alex Marlow spoke with Senator Paul as the legislation to send $40 billion in military and economic aid to Ukraine makes its way through Congress – despite mass food shortages and dangerously high inflation here at home.


Paul has acted to “single handedly” hold up the Ukraine package, calling for the package to have an inspector general to ensure that the billions of dollars are spent appropriately.

The senator noted that many Republicans and Democrats liked the idea of having an inspector general have oversight on the tens of billions of Ukraine aid; however, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) pushed senators away from Paul’s proposal because the inspector general would be “ruthless” with the spending.

Paul said that it is a good idea to have a “zealous guardian” of the taxpayers’ money.

Paul also noted that in order to fund that Ukraine aid package, America would have to continue borrowing from China.

“I think it’s important to know that we don’t have any money to send, we have to borrow money from China to send it to Ukraine. And I think most people kind of get that, and many Republicans will say that when it’s a new social program, but if it’s military aid to a country, they’re like we can borrow that, that’s a justified borrowing,” Paul explained to the Breitbart host.

Paul was one of the 11 Senate Republicans to vote against advancing the Ukraine aid package in the Senate.

Paul said that the Republicans who voted in support of the package have contributed to America’s deficit and this undermines their argument that President Joe Biden is solely responsible for the rampant inflation under his administration.

The Kentucky senator said, The problem is that it all leads to inflation, so it kind of hurts the Republican argument that Biden’s spending and Biden’s debt leads to inflation, except for when it’s bipartisan spending and that doesn’t really count.

Republicans added over $100 billion in new debt with Democrats in providing direct subsidies to semiconductor companies and also by increasing the National Science Foundation, one of the most wasteful organizations in Washington.

Paul further added that many Republicans are now lining up to grant $48 billion in coronavirus relief to restaurants, even though most coronavirus lockdowns have been over for at least a year.

Marlow asked why so many Republicans, even though they sound like Paul in terms of rhetoric, often vote to borrow from China to send money to Ukraine.

Paul said the “bipartisan consensus” is to have Republicans vote for increased military spending, and Democrats boost social welfare spending.

“This is the bipartisan consensus right now on Ukraine. Republican and Democrat leadership are exactly the same. So they get together. But in order to get together to get this, it’s guns and butter, you look at the $40 billion, it’s a lot of guns, but in order to get the gun they had to give out a lot of butter and so there’s a lot of spending going to European countries for food throughout the world,” Paul said.

He added, “What we’ve done is given away the farm to make us weaker.”

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19 thoughts on “WOW! Senator Rand Paul Reveals U.S. Must Borrow from China to Deliver On Massive Aid Package for Ukraine”

    1. Rand is spot on. The debt owed will NEVER be paid back. All of this will remain on the US Taxpayers back. Furthermore when did the USA become the money bank to the world?

  1. Throw out all the self-serving Senators and Representatives of BOTH parties. Vote in fresh blood that are patriotic, that believe in and honor our Constitution as written, that have enough common sense to understand what fiduciary responsibility means, and who are not afraid to stand up for what’s best for our country even if it might not be what their party wants.
    Vote for term limits on all politicians and prohibit them from becoming lobbyists for at least a 10 year period after leaving their elected position.

  2. Those who voted for this and other massive spending bills, so big that NO ONE could keep track of where it all goes, I suspect many of them have ways to get LARGE amounts of the money in their own bank accounts, or off-shore accounts. So for them THE BIGGER THE BETTER. Voters: aren’t you tired of this? Do you think those interested in GREEN INVESTMENTS and funding, plan for much of the GREEN to go in their pockets. and could care less about the earth. They just use it as an excuse for their crazy spending, while they grab the overflow.

  3. We have many very stupid people in Congress. I am very disappointed in the Republican Senators that voted for this. I expect stupidity from Democrats.

      1. Why are they letting this regime play both sides of this war? We are paying putin for his war machine by buying our gas and oil from him, and they want OUR money to pay for Ukraine aid and ammo.

  4. the democratic party is gone and the damn republicans don’t get it and they keep voting to keep the democrats in power and spend, spend, spend. Where are the real republicans that figure out how to make money instead of borrowing us into debt, all the repblican party gives us is nothing but rinos voting like and with real democrats.

    1. This is why it is taking God so long to end this because he had to also catch the RINO’s. The greed that so many have learned is disgusting. We have plenty to clean up, I’m 74 and it is one thing I don’t understand about EVIL Dr. Fauci that he was willing to kill many people world wide so he could make millions, he is 81 what does he need that kind of money for? People like him, Bill Gates, and George Soros are NOT the people one wants to take after and this is where many in Congress have learned it.

  5. I’m proud of our Senator Rand Paul for continually working to uncover and expose all the corruption in Washington!

  6. Question??? Wasn’t it in the Ukraine where Hunter and Biden were hip deep in questionable activities and getting payoffs. Whose to say that a large portion of this money isn’t going to end up in an off shore account somewhere with Biden’s name on it. MORE PAYOFF MONEY, maybe??? Just curious and then of course the working citizens in the U.S. will be responsible for higher taxation in order to come up with the funds to pay off the debts that Biden has caused by promising money we do not have and borrowing from one of our number one enemies. Time to put a stop to the left, one way or another; but they MUST be stopped!!!!

    1. With inflation out of control and gas prices increasing every day people are using their bank accounts and credit cards to help ease the pain and feed their families and put gas in their cars so they can get to work so what does the Biden administration do they raise interest rates to make it even harder on families. Crazy isn’t it.

  7. If what Rand Paul says is true——–Than it looks like he is the only one in government with any common sense. COME ON people Wake up, It’s time to get rid of all the dead wood in government. That means Democrats & Republicans alike. How about we start a new party called “The People’s Party”. and get rid of all these leaches in government. We need a good business man in charge of our government, someone with some common sense who loves America. Lets get Rand Paul or Trump of someone like them to be in charge and to hold people in Government responsible for their actions. Without consequences, their is no TRUTH.
    Lies continue like water flowing under a bridge. (CONSEQUENCES—-An obvious lie to the American people on National Television and the politician loses a month’s salary, A second obvious lie and they lose three months pay . Third lie and salary is gone for a year. If they use the excuse they didn’t know it was a lie then they are out of a job because they are too stupid to hold that position. Who decides if it’s a lie? The American people who they are suppose to serve. I think than we may get some truth out of politicians. Now we get nothing but bullshit.. Don’t mistakenly think I’m the only one who thinks this way. If you lie to the American people, your time is coming. Joe

    1. I agree with you 100%. Time for the fraud to be punished also just plain stupidity of going along because they don’t to make waves. Time for repercussions for not doing their jobs and following their oath of office. After all, they are OUR employees, not the other way around

    2. Great post JP….. as of this moment, the mere sight or sound of this LYING BASTARD who believes he’s running this evil, sordid circus makes me shudder.
      Joe Biden is a condescending fuck of a man who cares NOTHING for the American populous. He’s being led around like he’s got a nose ring in his face and he’s being directed by (someone) to take this nation down at every turn.
      I seriously believe that this man really thinks, and believes in his mind, that he garnered 81 million votes during the election. That statement alone should frighten everybody. This man, and I use the term lightly, is a useless idiot that the zealots who control him use recklessly to achieve their warped agenda.

      New Green Deal…..what a bunch of crap
      How is it that this POS thinks nuking the oil pipeline on day one and doing away with our energy independence is helping or “unifying” the country.
      HEY JOE, there are still 250 MILLION PEOPLE USING GASOLINE…… you don’t just “pull the plug” on petroleum!!! Everybody I know blames Biden’s antics.
      In my heart I believe Barack Obama is calling the shots.
      Which means Hillary is involved as well. We gotta get this handled. These evil roaches have no business being in our political realm any longer in any way. EVILITY. Nothing more, nothing less. These people need to be stopped, and they need to be held accountable

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