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You Don’t Say?! CDC Admits Vaccinated People Can Still Get COVID

The oh-so-trustworthy CDC is surely doing their party to spread unwarranted fear surrounding the “deadly” new COVID variant, telling their most loyal followers who took the experimental vaccines that variant poses a “threat” to them!

CDC officials have admitted that the new variant they’re using to promote more lockdowns and mandates can infect even the vaccinated – SHOCKER!

They claim that it’s just “too soon to know’” exactly how dangerous these infections might be, but that their “concern” is that the mutated variant could “escape vaccine immunity.”

“The large number of mutations in this variant raises concerns of greater escape from existing immunity from vaccines and previous infections compared with other recent variants,” the CDC stated in its assessment.

While anybody who has been paying attention can tell you that the vaccines never ACTUALLY protected anybody from getting infected, the CDC is very cleverly revealing this at the perfect time, and pretending as though the new variant is responsible for breakthrough infections.

Funny enough, the agency does admit that antibodies from prior infection will likely provide the best protection against the new variant.


But of course we know that won’t stop them and Big Pharma from rolling out another dangerous injection which they’ll claim is the “only way” to defeat this new variant.

“At this time, we don’t know how well this variant spreads, but we know that it spreads in the same way as other variants,” the CDC carried on.

A top official with the World Health Organization, meanwhile, has designated the BA.2.86 as a “variant under monitoring,” noting that there is “limited” information about the variant.

Michael Osterholm, the head of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, noted the fact that there have been a massive number of COVID variants which never amounted to anything and that at this point there is ZERO evidence to suggest that BA.2.86 is a serious threat – yet the CDC is doing exactly that and they’re not alone.

Businesses, schools, offices, and hospitals have all suddenly decided to bring back the same idiotic mask mandates that didn’t work the first time around.

Media outlets have been petitioning for a broader return of the mandates while pretending as though this new variant is some kind of deadly game-changer even though there is no backing to that whatsoever.

The Democrat propaganda machine is highly committed to fearmongering the hell out of us, so of course they don’t care about the facts, they’re going to try and convince us to panic.

And conveniently enough, Moderna, Pfizer, and Novavax are all scheduled to released brand new injections this fall, just in time to save us from this supposedly “lethal” new variant.

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27 thoughts on “You Don’t Say?! CDC Admits Vaccinated People Can Still Get COVID”

  1. Well they can keep there new injections I for one am not taking them. Look at how many young people just drop dead from them !!! Nope the big pharmas can stick it up there butts. And if the Democrats mandates it well —- im still not . Hell im not even getting the flu shot to much scare in these things.

    1. Their Covid jab was no vaccination.mRNA is a treatment for growths etc that can not be reached any other way.

      1. I read an interview with the creator of mRNA. He says it does exactly what it was designed to do. It was designed to OPEN your DNA with NO SHUTDOWN. He says “Once open there is no way to shut it down again” So it’s open to ANYTHING the Government Wants to do.
        Personally, I’ve had CoVid, the J&J shot & 1 booster. That’s it for me, I’ll get my annual Flu shot and or Pneumonia shot other than that just my standard inoculations. What the Government will say is, just like last time, any deaths or hospitalizations are going to be stated as COVID. The Flu will be relegated to an “amazing decline in flu cases”, Heart Attacks will be the same, attributed to “CoVid with the heart condition underlying”, all younger deaths will be attributed to “unknown causes” just like last time. Don’t fall to the Panic the Government needs to inspire in you so you do what they say when they say. They need Puppets for the Biden Regimes.

        1. Don’t take the flu shot either I took it in 2020 and now have all kinds of symptoms I never had before. Then I learned they’d begun to mix covid vax and flu vax together in 2020. Don’t let them sneak it in on you too.

    2. Smart…I’m 76 …Took the first two and did not want to…I never took another or booster…Liars , big pharma , doing Biden’s bidding…Never got sick …My sister and her husband had all the shots and both got sick with covid…I really don’t think it was covid…I think it was flu…It was right during flu season with the same symptom’s…Babies have died with the shots…Perfectly healthy young and strong athletes dropping dead…It was a scare tactic to keep everyone locked down…

    3. Just in time for elections, again. The timing is amazing. They’ll call for ballot harvesting and mail in ballots so get ready for that….

    1. Voting time is upon them and the democrats need to find a way to place fear in everyone. It’s been proven there was a Covid lab in Fresno California and that Newsom funded a part of it in the time on 300K.

      These shots are not vaccines and I will no longer get any “vaccine” shot. There is no way to prove that Bill Gates and his MRNA hasn’t been out in the shot. The CDC has been lying all along, why believe anything from them any longer. Dear government, you have proven yourself a fear mongers. You have proven you had no intention to heal but to kill and reduce population. We the people no longer trust you! Your words are dead to the American ppl. Your one world order is your only focus. May you rot in hell if it does exist.

      1. You are right these “vaccines” are not vaccines. Vaccines by definition contain a portion of the dead virus, just like the flu & tetanus vaccines. The COVID-19 vaccine only OPENS YOUR DNA FOR WHATEVER THEY WANT. My question is “What do they want? ZOMBIES?”

  2. The CDC can stick these so called vaccines up their A$$ es !!! I use to believe in the CDC but never again

  3. They are all liars, this administration is nothing but liars…there will be another lock down and it’s all because of the elections, nothing more, and there will be stupid, ignorant people that fall for it, they know it…then soon after the elections it will suddenly disappear! ISN’T THAT AMAZING HOW VARIANTS WORK!

  4. The vax was done with criminal intent of reducing the population period. Thus all who pushed the shots are murderers.

  5. I agree with all the comments that have been written. Biden, Faucci, Newsome etc… have a Globalist Intention to control the World through their Depopulation Agenda and those who did not see it at its inception, hopefully are waking up to the Evil perpetrated by the United States and Canadian Governments!!

  6. Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci, the CDC, these globalists have lied so much that it seems no one cares anymore. The corrupt political establishment is working hard to murder as many people who they cannot control, so they will continue to create more vaccines, shut down the world again, the corruption will only continue. Hitler did this in Germany, these people are the second third Reich. Vote, speak, use your constitutional rights and research America’s laws, this is why the 2020 election was rigged by corrupt Zuckerberg Ceo of Facebook, George Soros, Hillary Clinton. These political operatives are all bought and paid for, CORRUPT TO THE CORE!


  8. The CDC has a Decades long history of Major Retractions! They are another incompetent and disingenuous government bureaucracy!

  9. tryed to leave comet about how bad this cov is. and shot me down. we need a rebellion to save our America sick in tired of Biden and the rest of them that are pulling his strings , the puppet , by Clinton Obama Plosie all the dimwits ,

  10. There is talk that those marionettes dangling from the Globalist Marionette Mobile may again start issuing tyrannical edicts such as wearing completely worthless Face Diapers and Social Distancing if not worse trying to force people to get injected with those toxins being peddled as immune boosting vaccines.

  11. The “vaccines” were designed to change your DNA, make you susceptible to ALL diseases” they” create to kill us all! That is the Gates plan, population reduction! Why do you think they are pushing the abortion agenda? Population control! And the mutilating of our kids to “ change their gender”, the tranny agenda needs to be stopped, abortions banned, and jail Fauci, malone( the creator of the mRNA ) and throw in Biden, Obama and Soros! Think for yourselves people! Take NO vaccines, they are all laced with the mRNA factor, to kill you, not help you!

  12. Apparently we aren’t dying fast enough to suit the Globalists. My husband and I got Covid last year from a triple jabbed relative. We will never get that toxic shot.
    We were sick for 2 weeks, and got over it. We are 70, and survived.
    We will NOT be science projects for the depraved demons!
    Question EVERYTHING.
    Trust NO ONE.

  13. I agree with all posted respondents. Not vaccinated! No more vaccines for me. I had covid, or at least they said I had. No big deal. Only thing was the fear they promoted. Blocking other treatments such as Ivermectin was criminal. The nursing home decisions was murder. Question is, when will there be accountability?

  14. I try to make an informed decision about serious topics , but this current administration is in no way serious about anything. They are a circus, running in circles with no direction and the other half, which I thought has more brains, seems to lack the bravery to really get anything done to help the American people. I’m actually disgusted by both parties for various reasons. The so called right has good arguments, but there’s never any action. It’s definitely time for a new generation! It’s time for logical thinking people to be in charge! The government does not have the right to force us to do anything with our bodies that we do not want to do, Period!

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