Mexican Human Traffickers Celebrate Joe Biden’s Victory

The good news is that we’ve finally located an industry sector that is excited about the prospect of a Joe Biden presidency! The bad news: It’s human traffickers on the Mexican side of our southern border. Setting aside the fact that Joe Biden has not been elected president, it’s always fascinating to hear opinions from despicable human beings that the Democrats tell us are nonexistent. So, how do the Mexican slave traders feel about a possible return to Obama-era border enforcement? They’re  excited!

There’s been a big surge in illegal border crossings under way for the past couple of months. The numbers that the Border Patrol is catching jumped by about 33% in September and then it nearly doubled in October. Now that the entire US media is proclaiming Joe Biden to be “president elect,” the numbers are absolutely hopping.

A tractor-trailer headed for the US border from inside Mexico was pulled over by the police there last week. It had 71 fighting-aged, strapping young men jammed into the back. The truck was owned by the Gulf Cartel, best known for hiring MS-13 assassins to try to murder ICE agents in Maryland and Virginia.

During a search of an appliance truck at a Texas checkpoint this week, a Border Patrol K-9 unit went nuts. When the Border patrol opened up the refrigerators and clothes dryers in the tractor-trailer, illegal aliens came pouring out of them. In an effort to try to get Democrats to care about illegal immigration, I feel I should mention that none of them were wearing masks. Super spreaders!

So, while that craziness is going on, the Daily Beast hopped across the border in Ciudad Juarez to try to talk to some of the human traffickers. They succeeded. They talked to several of the sleaziest people on the planet. Not surprisingly, they are all ecstatic at the thought of a Joe Biden presidency.

They talked to one guy who goes by the name ‘El Cuate.’ Google Translate says that name means, “The Guy,” so you know he’s legit.

The Guy is really excited by the prospect of Joe Biden’s immigration promises. Biden has said he will freeze all deportations for the first 100 days that he’s in office. Biden also says he’ll end the extremely popular “Remain in Mexico” policy.

That’s the international agreement that President Trump secured with Mexico that says that any illegal alien who requests asylum after sneaking into the US must wait in Mexico for their court hearing. Since the number of illegals that actually qualify for asylum as “refugees,” the number of approvals is near zero – and then they have to stay in Mexico. It’s a highly effective policy that Biden has promised to nuke.

According to The Guy, “We think he [Biden] will not be as harsh as Trump, so we could go back to the Obama times where we could get a lot of people across. At least it was not as hard as it is with Trump.”

The human smugglers that the Daily Beast talked to also universally condemned the 400 miles of new wall that the Trump administration has constructed. They hate the new wall because it makes it really difficult for them to do their jobs. The new stretches of wall have made it really difficult for the human traffickers to do their jobs.

The Remain in Mexico policy has also made it difficult for them, although the plucky human slavers have tried to make lemonade out of that situation. They’ve set up stash houses in Ciudad Juarez to rent to illegals when they get caught by the Border Patrol and sent back south. “The Guy” complains that he normally has about 40 people crammed into his stash houses at once, but with Trump in office, he’s got about 80 people stashed away.

Sure, The Guy already collected his fee for smuggling them across the border once. But now he’s collecting rent from them as they await their court hearing. There’s that plucky entrepreneurial spirit of foreigners that we’re always hearing about!

So, there you have it. Some of the worst people in the entire world are excited about a Joe Biden presidency. They’re probably not going to take the news well after the election is finally settled.

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56 thoughts on “Mexican Human Traffickers Celebrate Joe Biden’s Victory”

    1. Well it appears that Biden is swinging open the doors to America and let this flood of illegals come into USA with no documentation no sources of income and no place to live! This is not good for the illegals or those who are legally coming to the USA!

      1. 15 or 16 Border Patrol agents have died from the coronavirus according to Mark (???) head of the Border Patrol. Those “border jumpers” aren’t all healthy.

        1. “RE-imagine I.C.E.

          The exact words out of Cum’allyas mouth two years ago while talking of abolishing them. Her plan is to get rid of the border patrol altogether and open these borders for all to come in.

          This ongoing nightmare of democratic control doesn’t end and it’s coming from every side of reality. These people have got to be shut down before the sovereignty of this country is lost without hope of ever getting it back.

          Why does this faction of America have no grasp on the ramifications of all of the doom and gloom they want this nation to incur. It’s inconceivable to me that all politicians could literally give a shit about the consequence they’re projecting on us.
          Is control and money so important to this small percentage of ELECTED OFFICIALS that their lives are so special?!!! To all of you people elected into office……. YOU WORK FOR US. Again, you work for us.

          If I see any one thing about this fraudulent election, and how fraudulent was it America?!!, we ‘re still not clear on the outcome some 4 1/2 weeks later. That in itself reeks of Democratic perpetration on the election results. And my biggest gripe is the goddamned Republicans who are allowing this to happen!! C ‘ mon RINOS, does anybody give a shit about our future?!!!!

          74 million strong…. we might have to take it back. It’d be great if the powers in place did their jobs as defined by the constitution, but as we all can see, our people “ on top” have their own agenda. Our chief Supreme Court justice should be hung for treason. Obviously this man hates Trump and won’t hear his case ( the overwhelming evidence) and this fuck won’t touch the case?!!! This court shouldn’t be told to take this on, seems to me it’s their DUTY to do so to SAVE THIS COUNTRY
          Biden, his excuse of a VP, CA’s Gavin Newsom….. they want to give social security monies and free health care to these diseased and morally corrupt illegals!!
          I don’t know?….. is it me?!
          I for one want my country back and I’m willing to do ANYTHING it takes to achieve that goal. Anything

          Pray that God will prevail in the next few days. America is on a precipice. We as a nation cannot let this happen.

          1. The country we knew No longer Exists! The Political Elite and DC SWAMP sold their Souls to the Devil and sold the American people out! Their GREED and Power Grab has Destroyed this ONCE Great nation! The ONLY way this country can be SAVED is if the PEOPLE REVOLT and Take the Country back! The Elites and Swamp will Not give up the Power they Worked so Hard to STEAL! IT IS WAR or SURRENDER!!! The Choice Belongs to the American people! The Elites are Betting We Surrender! That is Why they are TRYING SO HARD to take Our Guns! NOTICE: it is Not the Criminals guns they are trying to take, it is the LAW ABIDING Citizens Guns they want to take! DAMN SHAME SO MANY Americans Gave their lives so We could be FREE and live in a REPUBLIC with Representatives in Our Government AND a DEMOCRACY where WE the People ELECTED those Representatives! We DO NOT have EITHER of those NOW! ONLY the People can TURN this Country AROUND and IT WILL take a WAR! The SWAMP has ALREADY USED VIOLENCE to STEAL the Government AWAY from the people! They Will use Violence to keep CONTROL and they Betting the American people Will be AFRAID to use Violence to TAKE it BACK! I HOPE they are WRONG! IT IS MOW OR NEVER!!! FREEDOM or COMMUNISM! THAT is the CHOICE!!! GOD BLESS the PATRIOTS!!!

          2. I agree with you 100%. I just don’t understand how the United States of America has gotten to this point.

        2. Now everyone knows what will happen to our great country with Biden as President. If these people REALLY
          want to become citizens, they can do it the right way, All they want is the free stuff that the demon rats
          will give to them just to get their vote. Despicable sob.s

          1. It is time to ” Rise Up ” against our evil government , even though we might get shot for it.

        3. When a trainload of children rode into the US, obysmal scattered them throughout the US. The increase in hepatitis and tuberculosis in schools was alarming. There were so many of them, they occupied enlistees housing at military bases which deprived military families from obtaining onbase housing they were on lists for years to get

        1. Wait until Biden messes with the income tax rates.

          I would bet his popularity will plunge and deservedly so.

    2. Yes it sure does and getting into every aspect of our lives! Satan is whispering to these folks to “follow him ” ! The King James Bible tells a lot about this happening ( in the “End Times future that we are in now ) from the books of the Old Testament when the Prophets were instructed by GOD to write it and teach it.

    1. If you really mean that, then encourage your friends to learn how to help V.P. Pence on January 6. He needs more Republican Senators to challenge the Biden Electoral College votes. If enough Senators agree to challenge those then eventually after debating the issue, the Alternative Electoral College Votes for Trump can be counted in place of the votes for Biden. I think you may need 1 Senator and 1 Representative to the challenge the Biden EC Slate mailed to Pence from each of the seven states which have submitted Alternative Electoral College Slates for Trump. They are Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.

      1. These Congressmen and women couldn’t care less what happens in Washington, as long as they keep derawi8ng their enormous salaries and benefits and get re-elected. Biden was there for 47 years and did nothing. Never missed a paycheck. That’s why some of the Republicans vote the way they do. What the Governors and Mayors are doing to this country with their mandates don’t mean anything to them so they don’t care whether it stops or not.. This country is going to hell and Biden will see to it that it gets there.

      2. Bob Ogden, I like your advice and you have inspired me to call my senator. It is not about Trump now. It is about our Voting Integrity and Honesty, about our future generations.

    2. Well his VP is a radical and even worse. They will bring more disease than just the corona virus.
      Scary and disgusting. And they were not even voted in.

  1. Biden & Kamala spell Doom for America. We will no longer have a free country. We will be ruled by socialist despots and I pray that our President overthrows the rigged election.

    1. I don’t know about any of you all, but i wasn’t one of those million votes that voted to help destroy our Freedoms!!! IT’S NOT TO LATE TO CALL YOUR STATES REPRESENTATIVES AND LET OUR VOICES BE HEARD!!!!!

  2. If you think Biden will be bad, wait for Kamala. She wants to celebrate Kwanzaa with the illegals that make it across the border.

    1. Well it appears that Biden is swinging open the doors to America and let this flood of illegals come into USA with no documentation no sources of income and no place to live! This is not good for the illegals or those who are legally coming to the USA!Bull hockey!!!!!!!

  3. The Bible tells us that we do not battle flesh and blood but spiritual wickness in high places. This will come to be true once Biden and Harris take over!!! God help us all

  4. Wake up America! apparently, we haven’t suffered enough yet with the Obama administration. Stupid liberals want to repeat the destruction of American values, morals, family, and so much more that PRESIDENT TRUMP accomplished in 4 short wonderful years. Voters should educate themselves on what their party truly believes in now before they exercise their privilege to vote. This is not the Democrat party that your grandparents knew and voted in decades ago. Th party of compassion and tolerance is actually the opposite of what democrats in power believe today.

  5. Well I hope these stupid dumb Dems are happy with what they are doing to our country. Hopefully they will offer their homes to all the illegals that will be coming into the country. They can slave at their jobs to feed and provide clothes for them. Maybe as a good will gesture they will just turn over their riches

    1. I’m sure a lot of Demacrats like myself didn’t vote for Demacrats,and our votes were switched or thrown out.


  6. If Joek Obiden and Kamel-breath do manage to steal the presidency, we’re going to go down FAST ! The Inmates Will Be Running The Asylum ! Hell has arrived for our country.

  7. The demon rats are destroying everything that is near and dear. This morning the news announced that the kids are returning to school from their winter break, not Christmas Break as it has been called for years back on ending. That is another thing they want which is to attempt to destroy Christianity, which they will work real hard at doing and we must pray and work real hard at not letting that happen. They want the country run by criminals. What do you think will happen to our Great Country? If we are not to abide by laws or anything else what the hell is left? The immigrants from Russia and other communist countries say we are experiencing much the same that they did before they became a communist country. Nothing would be sacred any more. We must resist with all of the ability we have.

  8. But Biden hasn’t won anything yet. Not news yet. That might change, but it would need to for this article to make any sense.

  9. the crooks in gov will celebrate if biden gets in ?they get to steal more of the taxpayers money! amd make a shithole out of this country.

  10. Our incoming VP has just combined the two oldest professions !!!! What a win for her and at our expense!!! So sad for our nation.

  11. It will be CRIME ALLEY and plenty of customers. Do we have jail space? Maybe open White House or Pelosi’s ice cream frige? Lots of room in NYC so they can watch diBlasio’s dance steps?

  12. biden ,harris share the wealth should plant all the illegals in their homes and let them drain all that crooked money out of them ! let them pay higher taxes to support them! why should legal residents pay higher taxes to support them!

  13. I am at the point now where I do not want to live anymore. I refuse to live under socialistic communism and the damage the Democrats and the rino’s are going to do. They are so dangerous because China is waiting in the wings for Joe to open the doors for them to invade us. China has submarines off shore in our waters 100 miles from the California coast and 500 miles off shore from Florida at the Bahamas just waiting to invade. Is this enough for you lazy ass people to get up and DO something? Form militias from your friends and relatives who can bring in more and go to DC and end the lives of all those treasonous criminals in Congress, Senate, some from the White House, The Clintons, Obama’s, Soros, The Bill Gates and many more. You know who all these people are. Do it or go through hell and death. Fema is stock piling thousands and thousands of plastic coffins to put you in when the Democrats and Kamala gives the order to murder us. Don’t even think for a minute that I made all this up. It is the TRUTH and not exaggerated in any sense of my words. If you don’t do something, then go ahead and die, idiots!

  14. People in Georgia are too stupid to understand what at stake. Most see only color of skin to vote. They will vote for anyone black. Thinking they will get anything free. Been to Georgia. Most are uneducated and lazy. Major cities there are dumps. They will help destroy America with their stupidity.

  15. All democrats do not want to enforce our laws and are not held accountable for their violation of their oath to office. Violating their oath is a willful act and they should be prosecuted.

  16. I am Canadian and have been observing what has been happening over the last number of years to both our countries, hope never leaves my heart for Christ is with me and many who stand for truth , we have a creep as prime minister who has shown his true intent, but that will be dealt with, have faith and courage brothers and sister of the USA for you will overcome , Christ rides the stallion of deliverance, trust that and be glad, ALL WILL BE WELL, Brother in arms!!!

  17. I have never been in favor of having a Gun — BUT, am rethinking that approach. I DO have other defense “items”, that will go unmentioned.
    The above comments seem to say it BEST. WHEN / IF, BIDUMB and Horrible-Harris, get into office and their ‘string-pullers’; Demoncrats; OBUMA; Sickening SOROS; and their Far-Leftwing Cronies, take “charge” (READ CONTROL), THEN WE (READ USA) will really see the S’ Hit the Fan! TOO SAD to even think about, let alone, FEAR!
    Wake UP, AMERICA: DO YOU REALLY WANT the United State of BIDEN?????

  18. Give no malice for as you think and say and do is a reflection of what lays deep within you, think of these words before you utter your heart!!!

  19. In Follow-Up of my above comment: If you have never read the book “1984”, by George Orwell, you might find it an interesting parallel to our current Government. i.e.; “BIG BROTHER is WATCHING”. My paperback copy is worn out and I need to replace it with a hardcover copy!

  20. With all the ways the DEMON CRAT COMMUNIST PARTY cheated the election and stole the presidential office not only from President Trump and the American citizens that have been proven…

  21. I’m on underground platforms, free ones, like gab. (Parler is compromised). It went down like this: Trump had great rally, Patriots walked to the capitol, all was peaceful. (See RSNB) Suddenly “Patriots” stormed the Capitol and a woman got shot and killed. BUT the “Patriots” turn out to be Antifa in patriot drag, who were ALLOWED past the barricade! And because it was a set up, and someone got killed, one guy confessed (video and photo evidence on gab). (this is why free platforms are going down)
    Turns out Pence Pelosi and McConnell set it up to OUST Trump! BUT several Special Ops agents went in with Antifa. Several government laptops were stolen, INCLUDING NANCY PELOSI’S! So now, they are ALL PANICKING! Rumor is Pelosi was online with China when she ran.
    Oh, don’t forget the “Patriots” (cough cough) who “terrorized the Capitol”. NOW every conservative in America is a “domestic terrorist”, and God help you if you say one word you are “deleted” from the world! FIGHT BACK! THIS IS NOT OVER! SHUT THEM DOWN TURN THEM OFF, AND COME TO GAB! #THISISTREASON

  22. head for the hills and the show is going to begin I hope this country stays strong because its about to get really bad Biden is no leader he is a puppet for the left he is weak

  23. I think someone should start a movement to recall Biden. He is worst president the US has
    ever had and is going to ruin this country. The illegal immigrants from south of the border
    need to be arrested and deported immediately. I am so glad I don’t live near the border.

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