A False Flag Event is Coming, Don’t Fall for the Left’s Trick to Incite Us into Doing Something Stupid After Trump’s Indictment

The America we all woke up in on March 31, 2023 is a forever different country than the one we’ve lived in all our lives. A fat, sack of hot-sidewalk-garbage prosecutor from Manhattan who was only elected thanks to an infusion of $1 million in campaign cash from George Soros has indicted a former president. Banana republics aren’t this obvious. It would be too shameful.

DA Alvin Bragg convinced a grand jury to indict Donald Trump on somewhere between 30 and 34 charges, related to a non-crime that didn’t even happen seven years ago. This is a truly dark time in American history.

In what was really one of the darkest segments we’ve ever seen on Tucker Carlson Tonight, Jason Whitlock summed up what many of us are thinking:

“It’s sickening for me. I’m upset. I’m emotional. I’m ready for whatever’s next. And I hope every other man out there watching this show, I hope you’re ready for whatever’s next. If that’s what they want, let’s get to it.”

Whitlock then confessed that he’s never voted in an election before, which he’s not proud of. But because of what the Marxist and communist left in America is determined to do to Donald Trump and the rest of us, Whitlock said, “I’m hardcore MAGA tonight.”

He’ll be voting for Donald Trump in 2024, as will tens of millions of additional Americans thanks to this godless and groundless indictment. Voting for President Trump’s reelection is, in fact, the second-best way that you can fight back against what’s happening right now. (The best way to fight back is prayer, as always.)


The worst way to respond right now would be to fall for the next false flag that the FBI/CIA/Cabal has already planned. The FBI and the DC Metro Police acted in concert to instigate violence during the January 6 mostly peaceful protests. Trump supporters weren’t attacking anyone. They were peacefully protesting. It was the cops and the FBI that were causing violence, vandalism and death to several of the peaceful Trump supporters.

When Donald Trump is arrested next week on these BS charges, the FBI is going to kill someone. They’ll dress one of their brainwashed transgender windup toys or some other leftist nutjob up in a MAGA costume and they will assassinate a federal judge or kill some cops or set Alvin Bragg’s office on fire. This will be intended to provoke us to drop the plow and react.

That time is not upon us, yet, so don’t respond to it. You’ll know the false flag when you see it, so do everything that you can to publicly call it a false flag. Someone will be injured or killed, or there will be a bomb threat or a fire in New York next week. Shout it from the rooftops, and post it on your Facebook/Twitter or other social media channels and call it out as an FBI/Deep State false flag, which is what it will be.

Harris Faulkner made a great point on Fox News as well. Alvin Bragg probably won’t get his big moment of putting Donald Trump in handcuffs next week, even if he reports to New York for his fake “arrest.” The Secret Service will be setting all of the terms, and from what I’m hearing from both former and current agents, they like Trump a lot more than they like the regime in power.

If the Secret Service tells Alvin Bragg, “You don’t get to put the president in handcuffs,” then Alvin Bragg doesn’t get to put Trump in handcuffs. He won’t get to have his big CNN-televised perp walk with the left’s main target.

I also have to give a little bit of credit (just a little) to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis about this. He says he won’t help to facilitate Donald Trump’s extradition to New York, which I suggested last week before he totally screwed his response to this up. His statement wasn’t as strong as I would have liked, but at least he threw down the gauntlet. It’s now up to Trump whether he wants to set foot in New York for this kangaroo court, and I’ll trust his instincts – no matter what he decides.

And I’ll just say this one more time: It’s not time to react yet. You’ll know when it is. In the meantime, follow Jason Whitlock’s advice: Pray and get ready for what’s next.

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25 thoughts on “A False Flag Event is Coming, Don’t Fall for the Left’s Trick to Incite Us into Doing Something Stupid After Trump’s Indictment”

  1. I have heard reports that if the arrest is carried out, it will speed up the plan to expose them ALL.
    It has been recommended that we sit back and let things play out. DJT has been prepared for previous BS, so it makes sense that he is prepared for the upcoming sh#* show. Looking forward to the day when this miscarriage of justice backfires in the BIGGEST way possible.
    Question everything, trust NO ONE, and stay vigilant.

  2. I believe a “DEEP DIVE” into this “EASY ON CRIMINALS, SOROS POLITICIAN HUNTER Windbag DA’s background would be appropriate at this time! Emails, texts, memos, notes, phone calls, bank records, anything to do with this phony case against President Trump

  3. Like Wyatt Earp said to the red cloth cowboys. You call down the thunder, you tell the rest hell coming and I’m coming with it! We can say this line was what these CORRUPT POLITICIANS SAID TO TRUMP AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE! If democrats going violation the CONSTITUTION laws. What rights given to them to CHARGE OTHER? There were MORE CRIME IN THE DEMOCRAT PARTY SINCE CLINTON WAS PRESIDENT. JUST GETTING WORST EVERY YEAR! It take some kind of STUPID PEOPLE TO CONTINUE VOTING FOR DEMOCRAT! To me, these are people who deserve NOTHING! Because they refused to live in a FREE COUNTRY. LIKE A FREE PERSON!

    1. Wyatt , unfortunately there are some really, really, really STUPID idiots who will never not vote Democrat.
      No matter how bad it gets, they turn a blind eye and still vote for the big D
      I live in California Wyatt, it’s nuts here. The people are literally insane. I have no other word for it.
      You see Biden-Harris bumper stickers on cars everywhere.
      Even if I was a stupid Democrat, I wouldn’t be advertising it with a bumper sticker like that on my car. Because at this point I’d be way too embarrassed to let anybody know I voted for him.
      Let’s hope we can get him out of the White House and keep him there

      1. You are right Daniel. According to Einstein, insanity is repeatedly doing the same thing (voting Democrat) and expecting different (good) results. Dump the Dems.

      2. Hi Daniel,

        With all due respect sir but how do you keep on tolerating the insane political atmosphere there on the West Coast. I have longtime friends who have resided in southern CA for several years who are also Republicans and I wonder often how they’ve been able to keep on tolerating the blue wave political climate in that part of the country.

        I live in a Red state Ohio e.g. and you’re always welcome to come here friend! 🙂

  4. Who remembers back in the 1990, when Bill Clinton was President? There was so much wrong done by this fool. Not one AG or DA lay a hand on him! That was the start of the corrupt democrat idea! Everything Bill Clinton did was way worse than anything these DEMOCRAT are accused Trump of! But NOTHING WAS DONE TO ARRESTED HIM! He RAPE MORE WOMEN AS ARKANSAS GOVERNOR. THEN AGAIN AS PRESIDENT OF USA! Here what I hope happened now— Huckabee the governor of Arkansas go after Bill Clinton, for his CRIME AS GOVERNOR! Lock him up! Hope she not afraid to do it! Because if democrats want to play stupid game. Over fear of all the Corrupt they have done. Then all Republicans should arrested those democrats in their state!

  5. Eagerly awaiting indictments from Fani Willis & Jack Smith. I say that because the country will see the evidence televised in a courtroom and I’m sure it won’t be Mike Lindell; it will be someone in military gear. Then it is over.

  6. This will decide the fate of our country. Thank God for president Trump & protect him. The democrats are setting up for the one world order like the Bible talks about. Pray! Pray! Pray! It’s the only way out but if the time of the end is here this has to happen to fulfil prophesy. Prepare you soul. Repent. GOD HELP OUR COUNTRY!

    1. SPOT ON. No one has ANY IDEA what’s coming if these people take total control. Prepare mentally, physically and spiritually because it will make the pandemic look like a cakewalk.

  7. Trump fought for this country. Took mo salary
    yet Biden and his family have gotten rich selling Americans out. California
    New York.Washington ..
    Oregon and other places
    are unsafe to walk in.
    Philly..all controlled by Democrats.
    Party affection is a joke.
    Vote for those who want
    to keep us free.
    Except for a few RINO’S
    the Republican Party works to protect us.
    Cheney..Kissinger..and others try to destroy it.
    If you love your country
    vote all Democrats out.
    Give them a chance.
    Use common sense.
    We don’t need stricter gun laws ..we need for
    criminals to go to jail.
    We need the border to be shut down.
    We need to fight to save this country..if not what
    do you have?
    We need to drill for oil.
    Not buy from a Communist regime.
    Vote the Democrats out
    and give the Republicans

    1. You can add Milwauke, Wi. to the non-safe places.
      Democrat Janet Protasiewicz vs Daniel Kelly for for supreme court judge.
      Wisconsin spring election April 4.
      Ms. P is being funded by Soros with BO and Hilarity campaigning there.
      Vote Dan Kelly, conservative.

    1. I would like to see that tubby hung in the public square with flags flying bands playing, people cheering,

  8. New York has achieved the democrat dream. It empowered The Manhattan Mouse with prosecution without proof. Most of America’s people tolerate New York’s fattest rat because he’s unable to function in peaceable, lawful states.

    Prosecuting a U.S. President is much like a rabbit punch in boxing. It’s illegal and deserves the strongest form of retaliation. Since politicians aren’t up to the challenge, retaliation is left to the people. The goal is to scrub the scum off the American landscape.

    1. The scum of new york put this piece of trash in office, and when the sky falls all the scum will be buried in the septic tank where they came from. Have a n ice day and pray for Trump He will be back in office.

      1. I lived in southeast NY state for 2 1/2 years during the 1980s. Sure am glad I don’t live in that damn part of the country anymore!

  9. Does Alvin Bragg have standing? He has charged Trump with a federal crime and he is a state attorney. Federal courts have refused to indict Trump.

  10. Your Country, the USA had great honor and pride when President Trump was the man in charge of your Nation. From day one I have been led to pray for him and his family as well as his leadership.
    I believe that he is a type of modern day Cyrus, being used by God to open up great things not only for the USA , but the world. Cyrus is spoken about in Isaiah Chapter 45 in the Old Testament.
    Prayer and encouragement for one another as well as for President Trump will be a major victory for us all.

    A Canadian Citizen

  11. Hopefully tonight at 8 o’clock EDT on Fox News Mark Levin will SLAM HARD on Alvin Bragg and that jury!!

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