Delusional Democrat Claims Trump Supporters Prepping for Civil War, Calls for DOJ to Go After Them, While TRULY Violent Liberals Call for BEHEADINGS

Democrat Rep. Maxine Waters might actually be one of the most conniving members of Congress we’ve ever seen (which is why the Dems love her) and she continues to prove that.

In a recent appearance on MSNBC Waters called on the Department of Justice to investigate “right-wing organizations” who support President Donald Trump because, according to her, they’re training for violence.

The vile leftist said, “You cannot trust anything that Donald Trump has to say no matter if he loses he is going to say it was fraud. He still has not accepted what happened in the last presidential election. We have to be very concerned about a former president of the United States talking about attacking his own country, talking about perhaps a bloodbath, talking about perhaps there is going to be trouble. He said it in so many different ways we should take him seriously.”

Anybody with a brain can see how Waters is – per usual – twisting Trump’s words to make it seem as though he is calling for some kind of violence even though he’s not done anything remotely close to that.


She goes on to claim that Trump “does not believe in the Constitution. He wants to be a dictator. This is a dangerous human being. We have to know what our country is going to do to protect us from him,” though it certainly sounds like that’s a more accurate description for her beloved Joe Biden, who has ACTUALLY given us reason to believe he’s obsessed with becoming a dictator.

Waters added, “I will tell you what I’m going to do. I’m going to ask the Justice Department and I am going to ask the president to tell us what they are going to do to protect this country against violence if he loses. I want to know about all of those right-wing organizations that he is connected with who are training up in the hills somewhere and targeting, you know, what communities they are going to attack. We need to know now, given he is telling us there is going to be violence if he loses, we need to know what his plan is and how we are going to be protected.”

This sociopathic representative went on to blatantly lie about Trump again by saying that he and his followers are preparing for a civil war which will see “racist” Trump “get revenge” by “attacking his enemies” who she claims are “people of color.”

Democrats have been pushing this type of rhetoric since 2015 but you can hear in the tone of their voice that they’re more desperate than ever now.

Trump has just been growing more and more popular among those very people of color as the election nears and the reason for that is because this anti-Trump propaganda is falling flat as minority voters realize that it’s the DEMOCRATS who actually hate them and Trump’s policies are the only ones that actually made their lives better.

Beyond even that, there’s another layer to this.

Waters is claiming that conservatives are “training for civil war” and need to be targeted by the Biden DOJ, but the truth is there are groups of violent leftists all across the country that would be far more worthy of the DOJ’s attention.

Liberals throughout America have been putting on violent displays under the guise of “freeing Palestine” and now they’re even calling for Americans who disagree with them to be BEHEADED!

George Washington University has seen leftist protesters demand their school president and members of the board of trustees beheaded with chants of “to the guillotine!”

Remind us again Maxine, who are the violent ones in today’s America?

You can see Maxine’s speech here:

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30 thoughts on “Delusional Democrat Claims Trump Supporters Prepping for Civil War, Calls for DOJ to Go After Them, While TRULY Violent Liberals Call for BEHEADINGS”

    1. How does she remain in office. She should be in a mental institution making pot holders. Well at least she won’t be tried as an insurectionist like Trump. She sounds like a very good case for mental evaluation.

    1. She doesn’t seem to understand who wants the REAL blood bath! It’s her dreamy President. Who to some of us is a dream but a specific kind of dream- NIGHTMARE!!!

  1. M.W. is a perfect example of a Democrat. Brain Dead, bigoted, prejudicial and a pathological liar.

    1. The problem is bigger that that old hag. Left wing PEOPLE/VOTERS keep the deranged, ancient individual in office. Anyone who calls on the population to damage property and attempt to destoy individual lives of people she doesn’t even know should be removed from society. Throw her out with the rest of the garbage.

  2. The old gorilla is crazy as shit!! The fact that the Dems want Trump dead is beyond comprehension. However the fact that most Americans would love to see the Dem party eliminated is reality. Maxine is the most racist biased swamp creature there is next to Pedo Joe Biden!

  3. Democrats have become the tongue of the devil. Whatever they accuse the opposite side of doing is exactly what the devil Democrats of doing.

  4. The problem is bigger than that old hag. Left wing PEOPLE/VOTERS keep the deranged, ancient individual in office. Anyone who calls on the population to damage property, and who attempts to destroy individual lives of people she doesn’t even know, should be removed from society. Throw her out with the rest of the garbage.

  5. Maxine Waters loves the spotlight, what can we say? She should have been put out to pasture many years ago. What has she really done for her constituents? And WHAT has she done for herself? Have you seen the home she now lives in? Have you noticed all the fine jewelry she wears? How much was taken from her campaign funds to pay for a lavish wedding for her daughter? Who do you think paid for all that? Diid she EARN that money, or did it somehow SLIP into her bank account somehow? Maybe a Waters investigation should be initiated.

  6. Yes,the insurrectionist “mad max” who publicly stated for everyone to “get in their face” when you see them at a gas station or at a restaurant you tell them they’re not welcome here! It seems pretty obvious that she’s trying to rile up the African American people once again like they did in 2020 with the defund the police movement. Police aren’t pigs,Piglosi is!

  7. All stupid ass democrats are pigs ( sorry to disgrace you pigs ), this one nut case can be dangerous cause stupid people start to believe what she says. And that is bad for Trump who is all American and loves his country and its people. Not like the evil democrats who only love themselves and hate America and all its people . Ms. waters is an old fart who needs put out to pasture she is a pass her time to talk . We need Trump in office like now cause Biden is destroying our country fast. And the total idiot is flying in more illegals this has to stop. So people don’t listen to the drain dead power hungry idiots who are democrats vote them out now .

  8. Maxine Waters is dead wrong about everything! The 2024 Election was stolen by her Democrat Party. Get free from Amazon Gregory Cliveden’s The Conventioneers’ Guide to the Party at the End of Its Universe, and read how it was stolen by them. What must be done to reverse the disastrous Biden/Harris course the Democrats have put US on? Get free from Amazon and read Cliveden’s sequel, The Conventioneers’ Guide to Eligibilizing BHO. Maxine may also be brain dead, but not those in the know about what happened and what must be done via Cliveden.

  9. Just another example for term limitations! Removals of all those representatives of the people that have served multiple terms in violation of the Constitution’s written limitations! It states “A” term is to be Two years when in the House of Representatives, and just Six years in the Senate such term limitation would improve the results coming out of Congress on so many levels! And replace the dead wood with vibrant new blood that might fix the current messed ups that have resulted from their cronyism to benefit donors over their constituents. Vote them out get fresh ideas and efforts to make the USA number one again up from the current position they have moved us into!

  10. WOW! This Maxie pad Witch is really off her rocker. MSNBC, It has been so long since I have watched them, I’ve forgotten how full of crap they really are. I can’t see how any one could ever believe their lies. Satan worshipers and demonrats love talk like this.

  11. It’s amazing to watch . This person said we could live on the sun Where is the call against this thinking ! Calling for the murder of those who disagree with your evil . Satan does and Hitler did ! As the demonic forces reveal themselves!
    DC is truly the seat of Satan . There is not one thing in that place even suggests this has or is a Christian nation !
    Here lies the proof . Those who sit in our chambers work for only one . It’s time Americans decided ! Where will you be ? When you wake up dead ? The choice is yours .
    Our last election was taken by those who didn’t show up or campaign. Now has we see Magoo And Fetterman And now RFK jr with half his brain gone and disabled cognitive abilities. It proves that the evil among has too many mental problems to run a nation. But ! When that nation is run by Satan himself ! Well ! See what we get !

  12. I couldn’t even stomach to watch that whole video…Those people are Evil & NUTS!!! who the hell is voting for them??? Praying for Trump.. he is our best chance of draining the swamp enough to make America Great again!! We need a Truly Patriotic person in charge to fix what this administration has destroyed….& I pray it is not too late! Stand Behind TRUMP PEOPLE!

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