FDA Admits NEW Pfizer Jab Causes Incurable Disease, Still Approves It

Not satisfied with the boatloads of cash they raked in from experimenting on the masses with their COVID injections, Pfizer is back with a new vaccine – and you know this one must be bad if even the Big-Pharma-loving FDA is issuing warnings about it!

Adverse reactions have skyrocketed since the rollout of the mRNA COVID vaccines offered by Pfizer, but the FDA has been SILENT about the dangers. When it comes to Pfizer’s new RSV vaccine, however, the federal agency is sounding the alarm.

According to results of a clinical trial for the all new injection, it can cause SERIOUS complications – including Guillain-Barre syndrome.


Guillain-Barré syndrome is a rare disease which causes your body’s immune system to attack your nerves.

Most people do recover from Guillain-Barre syndrome, but severe cases can be FATAL, while others can result in PARALYSIS.

Worst of all – there is NO CURE for Guillain-Barré syndrome.

“Given the temporal association and biological plausibility, FDA agrees with the assessments of the investigators that these events were possibly related to study vaccine,” the FDA stated.

This disturbing side effect was enough for the FDA to flag it as “an important potential risk” from the RSV shot, but of course that didn’t stop greedy Pfizer from seeking approval for general public use.

According to Pfizer, “no safety concerns were identified during the trial.”

Pfizer wants us to IGNORE the side effects and take their injection – sound familiar?

It’s been reported in the past that individuals have also contracted Guillain-Barré syndrome after receiving their COVID vaccine. One individual became partially paralyzed from the waist down and suffered full facial paralysis from the disease shortly after he was vaccinated, but apparently that’s not enough cause for concern for the FDA to stop the money train that is the COVID vaccine.

Sufficient to say that just because the FDA is warning about this known adverse reaction – that doesn’t mean they won’t give Pfizer the greenlight to unleash it for the masses to use.

The FDA and Pfizer are claiming that the RSV vaccine is 85.7% effective at preventing severe illness, but forgive me if I’m not buying that line!

We’ve seen Pfizer completely LIE about their shot’s effectiveness in order to give the FDA a reason to approve it, even if it is not even close to what they’re claiming.

Let’s not forget when the company’s CEO, Albert Bourla, claimed that the COVID jab was “100% safe and effective.”

They don’t care about keeping people safe and healthy, their only objective is to make as much money as possible and the government agencies which are supposed to be protecting us have been completely paid off. We’re on our own!

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24 thoughts on “FDA Admits NEW Pfizer Jab Causes Incurable Disease, Still Approves It”

  1. This is another example of why people don’t trust government agencies – let me see – you could be paralyzed or die but we still want you to take it!

    1. All Pfizer employees should be taking those shots along with the FDA, CDC and all politicians and their families that profits from these vaccines!

  2. ABOUT TIME the public becomes aware of the dreadful vaccine effects. Yet, some people who got Covid despite all the jabs say, :
    “Thank goodness I had the vaccines” What??? Are you kidding??
    People have no intellectual capacity to determine for themselves whether or not a medication is safe for them
    How can our Americans believe ANYTHING this corrupt government says about anything

  3. If the public would just STOP believing the national media and research, NO ONE would have ever taken any of the MRNA or any other vaccine that has not been tested for years.

  4. This is not a vaccine, but gene therapy to forever damage your DNA, cause cardiac arrest, strokes, and blood clots for starters. Friends and neighbors learning the hard way.

    1. But THAT is the problem Larry – IS ANYBODY actually learning from the realities when from the very top through to the dregs of society NOBODY is telling the TRUTH ?
      Maybe we should take just a handfull from each sector involved in the lies – no public trials or prosecutions – and JUST SHOOT THEM ! Anybody think this could have even the slightest salutory effect on these GERMS of society ?
      OK – so we DO IT AGAIN – this time with a couple hundred each from the same dregs – now THIS just might catch their attention !
      ME ? an extremist ? Nah ! Just don’t trust ANY “administration” or “SWAMP” dweller.

  5. Masks dont work. PZIFER AND MODERNA ARE SUING EACH OTHER.mRNA takes away our God given DNA.. AND THEY CANNOT GET THE MRNA IUT OF THE BODY. Lets not forget what it does to the Pancreas, diabetics and the list goes on. Never ever will I trust the government again!! Walgreens is in on this too. Anything to make a buck.

  6. Some people can be affected by all vaccines. mRNA has been studied starting in the 1970’s. There is a long history of research. Any way the system has been thoroughly researched, for safety. Almost all heavy-duty drugs could have death as a side effect. Because multi millions of people like me have been fully vaccinated, we are helping people that aren’t vaccinated. We had lockdowns all over the country before this and more than a million deaths to date. Life is pretty well back to normal. Ron DeSantis didn’t understand that his weather and no transportation system crowding people together (like New York or Chicago’s subway systems), kept his figures relatively low. But he personally was the largest spreader of the disease by allowing unfettered gatherings for two Christmas’s and two spring vacations. Many of those people got covid, then brought it back to wherever they lived in the country. I believe that your above article is nonsense.

    1. You just don’t get it! And you’re not helping the unvaccinated at all. You are a puppet on a string. We actually have minds and use them NOT to follow the world like you vaccinated people!!

    2. Hey Barry, WheN The animal studies WERE DONe BEfORE ALL Of THE FERRETS DIED!! Sure THEYVE Been studied since ThE 70’S. The 40 rats used durinG COVID trials most DIED, anD THE onES THAT DIDN’t Had offspinG WITH exTrA ribS. SO GO AHEAD WIth the jab, YOU CAN have MY share. SOrry AbOut ThE CAPS MY CaPSlOK is fUbAR Not goinG Back to FIX shyt

  7. What Pharma company in there right mind would offer a drug that cured a disease?
    If the disease is cured, only a limited number of people would get it and profits would stop.
    Pharma companies are in business to make money. How many drug do you take that the Dr. indicates that you will take it for the rest of your life? Why?

  8. Personally, I’ve given up on trusting anything and anyone that has to do with the medical profession and the treatment of any and all ailments and/or diseases–that would include the doctors, the hospitals, the research labs and most definitely the pharmaceutical companies. The blatant betrayal by those in the medical profession, who tossed their Hippocratic oath in favor of the almighty dollar and pushed the “jab” on their unsuspecting patients or refused to treat them with known and successful medicines in favor of deadlier treatments just so they could continue to collect their funds from the government and insurance companies is enough to keep me from ever putting faith in those that “play God” in their efforts to use their patients as guinea pigs rather than human beings. These folks destroyed their own reputations with their despicable actions and I, for one, will never trust them again, nor will I forgive them.

    1. Jane – it has always been this way – we simply did not recognise the symptoms before. MONEY is the Big Betrayer – no matter what “Profession” is involved – MONEY always speaks the loudest in the end.
      HIPPOCRATIC OATH ? Falls about laughing !!!!

  9. I’m in my 70s had covid, both varieties, and am still alive. It seems that the omicron variety can be seasonal, like the flu, and can be caught numerous times.

    1. Even Laboratory Virus’ retain the capacity to learn and develop – that is why they offer such potential as Bio-Weapons and why most “advanced” countries have BANNED research into their laboratory enhancement.
      Unfortunately there will always be those ( Hello Tony Fauci !! ) who just know they know better than the rest of mankind and who will endorse ways around the safety nets and then LIE about it !

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