Here We Go Again: Pennsylvania County Sent Mail-in Ballots Out Too Early

Some of the same shenanigans that put Mr. LOL-81-Million in the White House in 2020 are under way again for the 2022 midterms. They just can’t help themselves. Election officials in Delaware County, Pennsylvania have already sent out tens of thousands of mail-in ballots to voters, without first running “Logic & Accuracy” tests on those ballots as required by law. This will create chaos on election night – as intended – so the Democrats can stop the counting until they can gather enough fabricated ballots to swing the election their way. The Pennsylvania Governor’s race and a US Senate seat are up for grabs, and they really want to keep those seats in the hands of their party.

Before we explain everything that’s happening right now in Delaware County, let’s review how the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump in Pennsylvania.


In the immediate aftermath of the 2020 election, reports of fraud and irregularities across Pennsylvania were pouring in. US Attorney Bill McSwain felt duty-bound to investigate those claims, since there were so many and they were so consistent: boxes of ballots showing up in the middle of the night, statistically impossible ratios for Biden in late ballots, and so on. Rudy Giuliani covered all the evidence that they found in public hearings later.

Attorney General Bill Barr, who would later claim that he had seen “no evidence” of election fraud, told US Attorney McSwain to “stand down.” Barr quashed the investigation. A year later, Bill Barr received a $2 million book advance from a New York publishing house that is partially owned by George Soros’ holding company.

In Delaware County, a lawsuit forced the release of a video of election officials discussing the destruction of election fraud evidence. “It’s a felony,” one election official said to another. They were talking about getting rid of voting pads and second scanners, which is in fact a felony. The officials continued their discussion and stated that they needed the records that would be provided to the public would match the 2020 election results. Not that there’s anything fraudulent about that!

And finally, Pennsylvania had 121,240 more votes counted than there are registered voters in the state. That’s not insignificant, when you consider the fact that Joe Biden’s official fake “victory” margin was 81,660 votes in Pennsylvania. This happened all over the country in states that allowed universal mail-in voting because of the pandemic. In Nevada, for example, 15 of the state’s 17 counties had more votes than the number of registered voters.

As you can see, Pennsylvania had major fraud problems in 2020. Since the legislature there failed to make any major changes to shore up these problems, Democrats are now planning to pull more of the same shenanigans. Back to Delaware County.

The County Clerk’s office sent out a press release on October 7. The release states that anyone who applied for a mail-in ballot before September 25 would soon be receiving their mail-in ballots. More than 42,000 would be sent out on October 7th and 8th. Mail-in ballots requested after September 27 will be sent out in subsequent mailings.

Not to keep beating a dead horse, but because the Pennsylvania legislature hasn’t passed any election integrity bills in the last two years, there are more than 36 Mark Zuckerberg-funded drop boxes distributed around Delaware County this year. The boxes don’t open until October 24, which is no doubt when the “mules” will go back to work stuffing them full of fraudulent ballots.

In the meantime, what’s the big deal about Delaware County sending out its mail-in ballots this early?

Because in a legal notice published on October 6th, the Delaware County Board of Elections announced that Logic & Accuracy tests on the county’s mail-in ballots would begin on October 11th – four days after tens of thousands of ballots were sent out. Logic & Accuracy tests have to be conducted to make sure that the vote counting machines can read the ballots. It ensures that errors from the printer didn’t mess up the ballots, because that could cause chaos on election night and force them to stop counting.

Logic & Accuracy testing is required prior to ballots being mailed out under 25 PS §3011(c). The machines and ballots have to be tested before the ballots are sent out. But that’s not what happened. Here we go again.

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21 thoughts on “Here We Go Again: Pennsylvania County Sent Mail-in Ballots Out Too Early”

  1. Perhaps the Sheriffs in that area need to be notified!!
    See ProtectAmericadotvote

    This group will educate voters and local Sheriffs on how they can work together to secure our elections.
    It will take ALL of us……

  2. How about the DEMO–C–RAT,JUDGES, LAWYERS,ATT.GENERALS,SEC.of STATE, GOV’S. & Anyone related to VOTING in any ELECTION ANYWHERE,must be PROSECUTED if they “BREAK THE LAW” !!! Very smart idea !!!

  3. Lier’s lie, piers support each other. Democrats are an unhappy unusual cult. They’re no longer the party of the working man. There a party of single issues and power over people anyway they can achieve it. The Democratic Party does not represent America.

    1. The working class has practically ceased to exist in politics today. Bureaucrats took her place. Sorry. What the left is serving to the whole world today, you can easily call bureaucratic socialism or communism of the Politburo and its officials.

    2. As far as I know, the Democratic Party was the party of the former slaveholders. Its ranks included members of the Ku Klux Klan. When I first heard this, I was surprised, but then I realized that ancient Greece, which created Democracy, was a slave state! It was a slave Democracy! The Democratic Party is the party of the slave owners, not the workers.

  4. Sorry but if a demo-crap is speaking, you can bet, whatever they say, ITS A LIE.
    I do not for an instant believe that brandon won the office. Lie, lie and yes, more lies.

  5. PA was one of the orginial 13 colonies. What is there problem out east. They should be taken to heal for what they have done to the United States. The people themselves have to hang their heads in same because of
    these bungling idiots. they are screwing themselves can not they see and understand this.?? They need kicked out of the 50 US states of the Republic.

  6. This decade will go down in history as the most corrupt. The DOJ is corrupt. The military is corrupt. The Democratic Party is corrupt (and always has been). Donald Trump is no angel, but he did everything he could for this country. The libs have been trying to destroy him from the start. The only reason they are still relevant is that much of the population is either brain dead, stupid, or in the Dem’s pocket. Here’s hoping the Red Wave is real, and we can get this country back on the straight and narrow. How Biden can even function is beyond me. Someone is pulling his strings. He doesn’t have enough brain cells left to make such decisions. I don’t think Obama is the puppet master. He’s too smart to be making such bad choices. Who knows, maybe Hunter is really in charge.

    1. As a non-USA citizen, it is beyond belief what has/is happening in the ‘Land of the Free’. The US of A as the ‘apparent’ guardian of the rights of the man/woman, has been compromised by communist mafias. I am disappointed and appalled at where the US of A finds itself today. Mid terms must surely mean end of terms for ‘bye-den’ and Co? I sincerely hope so.

      1. It’s a SHAME to our ‘public anti-education schools’ that soooooo many of our ‘born-here’ citizens don’t see the handwriting on the wall as well as do our non-USA citizens and even our illegals. It’s ALL thanks to Dems who for some unknown ‘reason’ hate America and are trying hard to destroy her faster than you can blink!

  7. The thought of yet another compromised election in America is disturbing, disgusting, intolerable.

    A short thought about False Reporting: Prior to the release to the public, any report reference Election Process Irregularities, must originate from a credible source. Anyone or Entity falsely reporting, fabricating a deleterious report, shall be the investigative target of a Grand Jury. If evidence supports Charging, Issuing Warrants, Arresting, and Placing those charged on Trial, so be it. The same is to be said of those individuals and / or entities not accurately reporting, failing to report, ignoring credible information, or failure to notify the public of reports or credible information’ they should have a right and need to have.

    Per Pennsylvania- If reports are accurate that Ballot Distribution Rules were violated, making possible yet another compromised election, there must be consequences to those persons and entities involved.
    In this case – early reports out of Pennsylvania are troublesome. Those early reports alone cast cloud of suspicion over the upcoming election, not just in the reported county in Pennsylvania, but nationwide.

    In reference to Election Integrity, Election Management, Chain of Command, the appearance of or discovered Voting Rules Violations, Process Irregularities at a county level, or throughout the State of Pennsylvania, the following suggests that every level of government shall be suspect until proven otherwise.

    One solution – negate every printed ballot sent out. Destroy every existing Ballot so there is no chance they will ever be used in any scheme imaginable.

    Convene a Grand Jury immediately..

    Most importantly, if evidence supports, place under investigation every person in the chain of command that influenced or directed the early mailings, and / or violated said law (that means – every Elected, Employed, or Volunteer).. Be aware of the word Incompetency on behalf of those involved in elections; incompetency is a convenient excuse , and oft used to cover up criminality.

  8. Everyone is watching the mid-term elections and, in my opinion, i do believe if there is any fraud in the mid-term elections, all hell will break loose and possibly cause a revolution. The American people are tired of the socialist Democrats/RINO’s and will take action.

    1. The American people will not stand for another fraudulent election. It’s a surprise to me that the first one was condoned, being presidential. Another by the commie democrats would be the end of the country and our society as we know it, and we owe it to our future generations to preserve the republic that so many loyal, patriotic Americans have fought and died for. To allow these communism-bent traitors that have already dealt the country a near-fatal blow by putting a brain-dead puppet in the White House to commit another fraud and finish their mission-the destruction of our country, is unthinkable and must not happen.

  9. These commie/demorat/progs are like termites, they bore deep into the wood of infrastructure making it very difficult to remove them. Unlike termites which they would have us eat they are listed as human, very low grade, but human anyway. So we can’t kill them en mass like the bugs. These demorats have no sense of ethical behavior, shame, or guilt which makes it tough humanely pull them out of their rat holes, especially as they own the DOJ, congress and the senate. China Joe is a different case, as he is guided by Obummer and crew. Throw in 3 handfuls of RINOs and the task is almost impossibe.

  10. Do we need to station American Patriots at all of the drop boxes with cameras? The lack of election integrity decimates democracy. Funny how the left is always trying to paint us as tearing down democracy. And, yes, these people need to go to jail.

  11. I didn’t understand why if they know the boxes are there why they don’t trash them. I’m just sick of all this fraud.

  12. And they thought Jan 6th was scary after they rigged 2020 But all the cities burning all the lives lost all the billions in damages all the businesses put under all the lives destroyed was acceptable for their political gain. Wait until after the mid terms if they rig it again special operation teams will be paying these traitors personal visits at all hours. They won’t be able to hide and mysteriously they will be calling to refund more police lol. A promise from the people!!!!

  13. Sometimes, in the response to fraud, not suspected in the 2020 election, but proven, it’s necessary to fight fire with fire. Being the ‘good guy’ and playing by the rules is what got us where we are today. The Democ rats are unscrupulous, without consciences or decency and their deeds must be addressed before they happen. Each one gives them more power (their goal) and to rise up afterwards and take back the country becomes less likely. All the states need to follow Florida’s example, and form an ‘election police’ force to monitor them. Failing this, drop boxes should be eliminated entirely as an invitation to fraud, or monitored by Patriots, bipartisan if necessary. The thing that stands out to me is the lack of imagination; the same methods employed in ‘20 appear to be tried again, in Pa.

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