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IRS Filings Reveal “Zuck Bucks” Flooded Swing States in 2020

One of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s non-governmental organizations (NGOs) has filed its IRS form 990 for 2020 and it is a treasure trove of information on the dark money that Zuckerberg poured into thousands of local election offices across the country. When the dust settled from the 2020 election, it turned out that Joe Biden “won” the electoral college in the 2020 election thanks to a roughly 50,000-vote margin in five Democrat-controlled counties in swing states. We now know that the “Zuck Bucks” that flooded Democrat-run cities played an outsized role in the illegitimate outcome of that contest.

The Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL), which is Zuckerberg’s main NGO based in Chicago, filed its form 990 this month. The form documents thousands of “grants” that were issued to elections offices throughout America. The really big bucks went to Democrat-controlled offices in the following states – and stop me if this sounds familiar:

Arizona, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

Weird! Aren’t those the exact five “swing” states where Donald Trump’s lawyers, 86% of all Republican voters, and 56% of all voters in America think that the election was stolen?

Zuckerberg also poured an awful lot of funds into Virginia, another state which I’ve maintained since November 4, 2020, was stolen. And Zuckerberg dumped money into Texas, North Carolina and Nevada. Trump won Texas by 700,000 votes and North Carolina by less than 100,000 votes; if you wondered at the time why those states were so much closer than they should have been, perhaps we know now. And in Nevada, every court challenge to Biden’s 30,000-vote “victory” there was dismissed for “lack of standing.”


We know from the interim report from the special counsel in Wisconsin that Zuckerberg’s CTCL approached local election offices all across that state. We can assume that the group operated similarly in every state that it was pouring money into. The CTCL offered to help the COVID kook Democrat election officials to protect against coronavirus in the elections. But then midway through the negotiations, the CTCL made a different offer:

Let us give you a bunch of cash and we will “help” you administer the election.

An awful lot of Democrat elections officials took the money. CTCL then paid for unsecured drop boxes across Wisconsin that bypassed the postal service for mail-in ballots. It was bad enough that the postal service union endorsed Joe Biden the month before the 2020 election. But Mark Zuckerberg’s money cut the postal service out of the process in swing states and allowed the partisan Democrat operatives who work for CTCL to administer the 2020 election.

This has never happened before in American history. Elections are supposed to be kind of important, and state and local elections officials are supposed to be impartial referees in these contests. Imagine if the Dallas Cowboys were allowed to bring their own referees to every NFL game that they play in. That wouldn’t sound very fair, would it? That’s what the Trump-hating Mark Zuckerberg did to taint the 2020 election in favor of Joe Biden.

We also know, from reporting from True the Vote earlier this year, that ballot traffickers stuffed those unsecured drop boxes with ballots in multiple swing states. In Georgia, they identified 240 individual ballot traffickers who did this. Using cell phone GPS and surveillance footage of the drop boxes, True the Vote determined that those individuals were traveling to Soros- and Zuckerberg-owned NGOs, picking up batches of ballots, and then stuffing those ballots into drop boxes.

Just as a reminder, in states like Georgia and Wisconsin, one person is allowed to deliver one ballot for a relative who is elderly or disabled. Yet these ballot traffickers were found on video to be stopping at drop boxes and emptying backpacks full of mail-in ballots.

The Wisconsin special counsel also noted in his interim report that once CTCL began “administering” local elections, the group effectively turned state and local elections offices into get-out-the-vote drives for the Democrat Party. This is yet another violation of law. State and local elections offices are supposed to be non-partisan.

These latest filings also show that Zuckerberg poured another $328 million into the Silicon Valley Community Foundation. That’s a leftwing community organizing group that does Democrat Party get-out-the-vote operations. And he donated another $70 million to the Center for Election Innovation and Research, which passed the money on to Secretaries of State in other states. That’s an awful lot of money to “fortify” an election.

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15 thoughts on “IRS Filings Reveal “Zuck Bucks” Flooded Swing States in 2020”

  1. The Un-American Kike SCUMBAG needs to be dangling from a rope., Next to Soros. Their assets seized & distributed amongst the TAX PAYING, WORKING Americans. This may put them on a level playing field with the MOOCHERS & pimples on the ass of society that have Suckled on the TAX Payer’s teet for generations of their worthless lives.

  2. Soros and Zuckerberg deserve Jardani’s wrath, but how about leaving the rest of the Jewish population out of it as we are just as disgusted as you are with the apparent corruption wrought upon our country by these evil billionairs.

  3. This shows that the only donations to candidates should come from people LIVING in the SAME DISTRICT that the candidate is running to represent!! NO OUTSIDE FUNDS EVER!!

    That would do at least three things: 1) limit the amount of money spent on campaigns, 2) shorten the length of time we have to suffer the constant TV ads and 3) would actually REPRESENT what the people IN THE DISTRICT want, not outside interests!

    1. I totally agree with your statement ARJAY. The way things are going in this world now is “If you have the money, you can buy anything in this world”.

    AS SEEN. the Democrats NAZI party has started falling apart, none of their stealing schemes are working out as planned. WHAT DID THEY THINK THAT ALL AMERICANS ARE STUPID! We see what’s happening, one scare tactic after another. All this IDIOT BIDEN had to do when he STOLE the election was stay in his basement. Pat ‼ NAZI ZUCK AND SORO COULDN’T HAVE DONE ANYTHING WITHOUT THE HELP OF THE DEMOCRATS.


  6. This is PART true, but they Dominion machines stole the elections as much or more than Zuckerbuck. The machines must be gone or they will keep stealing the elections.

  7. Zuckerberg needs to be put into jail with the one he helped to put into office.
    Biden has not only let the people down he has abandoned his country and its people!!

  8. The Constitution CLEARLY states that the powers to elect belong TO THE PEOPLE. As a nation of individuals, with civil liberties and personal freedoms; it is clear this country was formed to support the integrity of the individual. We really need to emphasize that AGAIN. Corporate donations have no rights to participate. Corporate lobbyists have no rights to influence. Organizations like NGO, DNC, RNC, Special Interest PACS and campaign donation groups do NOT have the right to vote, influence, manage or represent the PEOPLE in any capacity. At no time EVER was it okay to turn elections into BIG BUSINESS that is very attractive to GLOBALISTS.

  9. Linda the problem with that is the Far Left is Destroying our Constitution the very one that states very Clear who has the Power.
    Everyone knows that we the people are suppose to have the power, and we do ! All it takes is for the people to Come Together
    And Vote the Dumb Asses out of office it’s as simple as that. So less start with 2022 and Vote the
    Those called Leaders out of Office.

  10. Don’t lose sight that your deeds, good and bad, will represent your welcome mat offering to Heaven for those that believe in Heaven and the Lord Almighty.

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