Let’s Worry About Russia While the Chinese Steal the Entire Farm

Contrary to the claims of the Russian collusion kooks masquerading as “journalists,” the greatest threat to America is not Russia. We’re at war with communist China and we have been for a number of years.

China is a nation that not only plans to rule the world, but also has a 1,000-year plan for its empire. This is worrisome to those of us who pay attention to these things, for two reasons. One is that Washington, DC is populated with highly unimpressive people who don’t even have a five-year plan, let alone a 1,000-year one.

The other is that Americans are being fed the equivalent of “stupid pills” by a 24-hour news cycle that focuses on squirrels, shiny objects on the ground and of course, those Russian agents who are hiding in the bushes outside your house right now.

While Shifty Adam Schiff (D-CA) and his crack OJ team of investigators in Congress are still hunting for the real collusion evidence, China is waging war with us using every method short of shots being fired.

That will come eventually, but for now, China is content to continue trying to steal the farm out from under us while our next-to-useless political class plays a fiddle song on an endless loop called “O Russia, Russia, Where Are Thou?”

Just a few days ago, a female Chinese spy named Yujing Zhang was arrested at Mar-a-Lago, President Trump’s lavish monument to capitalism and American greatness in Florida. Initially, Zhang was able to dupe Secret Service agents into letting her into the building by pretending that she “not speaka Engrish” very well. So, she’s probably a legal immigrant if she’s already figured out that trick.

After getting past the first security checkpoint, a Trump hotel clerk with more savvy than the Secret Service quickly determined that there was something hinky about the lady. She called the Secret Service, and they pulled Zhang aside for some more intensive questioning.

Suddenly, she spoke perfect English. She had two Chinese passports, four cell phones, a laptop, a detachable hard drive, and a USB thumb drive with an unknown piece of hostile malware on it. The Chinese government would probably have full access to the network at Mar-a-Lago by now, if she had managed to plug that thumb drive into any available computer.

Nobody knows what Zhang was doing at Mar-a-Lago. She’s probably not about to tell us, either. She told the Secret Service she was trying to reach the pool, but she had nothing with her except for her spy tools (and no swimsuit). Then she said she was there for a United Nations event. Her story kept changing, so they finally just arrested her. President Trump wasn’t at Mar-a-Lago at the time of the woman’s arrest, but he was in town at the time, so security was tighter than usual.

The president’s sister was also hosting an event that evening. Zhang may have been trying to get close to either one of them, but it’s more likely that she was trying to plant her malware for some straight-up old-fashioned espionage.

China now has hundreds of thousands of soldiers who have dual citizenship with the United States, thanks to our stupid anchor baby policy. Birth tourism in the US is a booming business for the communist Chinese government. Their government pays women to fly over here when they’re eight-and-a-half months pregnant, so they can give birth to a dual-citizen baby and fly back home.

These “American” babies are then raised by a communist regime that hates us. China also has compulsory military service – every citizen joins when they reach a certain age and is trained to fight and kill the imperialists (that’s you).

Because these soldiers are “Americans” by way of the stupid anchor baby scam, they can fly back into any city in the US at will and wait for the order to strike from within. They’re afforded full US citizenship, so they can utilize our superior health care, get into our top notch universities, vote communists and socialist into office, and stock up on guns and ammo.

States where the people have allowed their worthless politicians to disarm the populace – like New York, California, New Jersey and Illinois, could be captured in the span of a leisurely afternoon. If I was an evil communist with a thousand-year plan and delusions of grandeur, that’s how I’d do it. (And probably vote for Kamala Harris, too.)

Trump’s grand foreign policy strategy coming into office was to hem the Chinese threat in. What did everyone think the North Korea talks were really about? Stronger military relations with India and Japan are likewise geared toward slowing China down. Russia was necessary for Trump’s grand plan to work, but unfortunately, the Trump administration can’t even talk to Russia. And it’s all because Crooked Hillary and Obama couldn’t accept their loss in 2016.

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