A New Zealand court has taken custody of a baby who needs a life-saving heart surgery, after the medical establishment in that country argued that the parents are “conspiracy theorists.” The parents made a request to provide “Baby Will” with a blood transfusion from an unvaccinated person. They had dozens of unvaccinated volunteers who were willing to donate blood for Baby Will’s surgery.
In ruling against them, the court took custody of the baby from the parents, so that the health establishment in that country can now inject Baby Will with the blood of a vaccinated person against the will of the parents.
The parents’ argument was perfectly logical and reasonable, based on the fact that they had willing blood donors lined up to contribute plasma samples for the baby. The parents’ lawyers argued the following before the court:
The blood of a Covid-vaccinated person is certain to have spike proteins present in it. The only question is what the concentration of spike proteins will be. The doctor who was supposed to perform Baby Will’s heart surgery admitted to having no expertise when it comes to the Pfizer/Moderna mRNA shots. But instead of listening to the parents or doing any research, their doctor labeled the parents as “conspiracy theorists” because of their concern for Baby Will’s health.
Keep in mind that the parents WANT Baby Will to have this surgery. Their concern is with the safety of the blood supply when so many people have submitted to these shots.
Baby Will’s mother had these concerns because another baby at the same hospital is in serious distress and coughing up blood clots after receiving a transfusion during surgery. Here we have actual evidence that points to potential harm from a contaminated blood supply.
The parents’ lawyers argued that the mRNA shots are not safe. This is true based on mountains of evidence. It is true that spike proteins can be shed from a vaccinated mother’s breastmilk to her baby during nursing. This has been conclusively, scientifically proven in multiple studies now. What we don’t know is whether the spike protein remains in donated blood samples, and whether the spike proteins can thereby be transferred to an unvaccinated person through a transfusion.
No one knows the answer to that question for two key reasons: No one is testing the blood supply for the presence of spike proteins, and no studies have been done showing us the answer one way or another. I’d be thrilled if the studies show that a person cannot get infected with spike proteins through a blood transfusion. That would be great news for humanity in the wake of this medical catastrophe. But the honest truth is that no one knows.
Finally, the parents’ attorneys argued that the New Zealand Blood Supply and Baby Will’s doctors should be looking for proof of safety instead of looking for proof of harm. This was a smart argument, because many hospitals are covering up cases in which babies are dying as a result of the spike protein in blood transfusions.
Steve Kirsch brings up a baby in Spokane who received surgery at Sacred Heart Hospital. “Baby Alex” had his surgery and then began coughing up blood clots earlier this year. The doctors laughed at Baby Alex’s parents and told them that vaccinated blood is “super safe” when they expressed concerns that the transfusion could have caused the baby’s clotting problems. The doctors backpedaled when Baby Alex died. Then they scrubbed the records, so there’s no official proof about this case that you can find anywhere, except on “conspiracy” websites (and the mom’s Facebook page).
Finding proof of harm is extremely difficult in this environment, so the lawyers argued that New Zealand health authorities should be looking for proof of safety. And there’s no proof of safety!
Even though the parents had blood donors lined up and ready to give samples for the baby, and the parents want the surgery, the court ruled against them. The government now has Baby Will in its custody and plans to do the surgery using vaccinated blood “for the child’s well-being.” Never mind that kidnapping a baby from the parents under color of law is never good for any child. We should all be praying for a good outcome for Baby Will’s surgery, now that a court has taken him away from the parents and is going to force the operation on him against the reasonable conditions the parents asked for.
If I were the parents, I would sue the government if Baby Will dies as a result of this. I’m afraid that it may not take much more of this, before an armed revolt takes place. People are going to get fed up with government abuse of their rights and through force of arms, put an end to it.
This is but another reason governments try to remove the citizens’ right to keep and bear arms.
Yes, I agree
It has been happening in America over cancer chemo and many other reasons for a very long time.
This is insane. Even the FDA coundn t back up that these shots are safe. Vaxes weren’t made for infants, especially when they already contain DNA from aborted fetuses
I cannot believe this, I am shocked!! What a nightmare for the parents. Where is this world going? More and more governments are mandating what we have to do. This is such a sad case. Can this go to the supreme court in New Zealand? The problem for the parents is that the surgery must happen soon, I imagine, and trials cost a lot of time. I certainly feel very empathic with the parents, and wish them lots of strength and luck.
Jacinda seems determined to fundamentally transform her nation into the 4th Reich. Hopefully, the U.S. will strive to ensure its government is limited and of the people, by the people, for the people and shall not perish. If she lived in the U.S., she’d be a revered democrat.
What a shame for the continent of Australia. When they allow fear to override their humanity and others freedoms, it is a true disgrace for the citizens of Australia
Jacinda is a male dressed as a female
This whole dirty covid scheme, includung the fake “vaccines” is not about disease prevention; it is biological warfare.
This is insane! We claim that women have the right to choose whether they terminate the life of their unborn babies or not yet, here is a perfect example of how hypocritical this whole scheme is. If you are in the military, government job etc. you don’t have the right to “CHOOSE” not to vaccinate. People who oppose the vaccine are vilified and in many instances denied necessary treatment because they don’t conform. Where are these parent’s right to “CHOOSE” what they feel is best for their child? They simply requested to have blood donated from unvaccinated individuals and they had individuals willing to donate the blood. They were not opposed to the operation. Instead, a group of evil overreaching irresponsible individuals who don’t really care about the child as the parents do, decided to terminate their rights. This is not about the child or the child’s well being. This is about imposing their agenda without regards to a baby’s separation from his parents at such a critical time in his/her life.