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World War 3 on the Horizon? Biden Buys Hundreds of Millions of Dollars’ Worth of “Nuclear Emergency” Drugs

With major conflicts popping up all over the world thanks to Biden’s weak leadership and terrible international diplomacy, the administration seems to be preparing for a potential world war by stocking up on anti-radiation drugs used in the event of a nuclear strike by Russia or China.

Health and Human Services has ordered $290 million worth of drugs with the intent of using them in the event of a radiological or nuclear emergency.

According to a statement released by HHS, the purchase is “part of long-standing, ongoing efforts to be better prepared to save lives following radiological and nuclear emergencies.”


The drug, Nplate, is produced by California based Amgen USA Inc and is “approved to treat blood cell injuries that accompany acute radiation syndrome in adult and pediatric patients (ARS).”

The statement adds that the drug was developed for ARS with the support of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), part of the HHS Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response (ASPR), as well as the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health.

The Biden administration is claiming that the timing of the massive purchase is just “coincidence” and has nothing to do with the fact that a number of escalating conflicts could see a nuclear war break out at any moment.

“The US government said the procurement of Nplate was not in response to the war in Ukraine,” The Telegraph reported.

According to the outlet, an HSS spokesman said, “This is part of our ongoing work for preparedness and radiological security. It has not been accelerated by the situation in Ukraine.

However, Americans are simply not as stupid as the Biden regime thinks, and nobody is buying their claim that this has nothing to do with Biden provoking Russia into engaging directly with the United States in a full-blown war.

Just last week, the State Department urged all Americans to leave Russia “as soon as possible” following the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, which most international countries suspect was done by America.

Russia has also threatened on numerous occasions that it would be willing to use “whatever means necessary,” including nuclear weapons, to defend against aggression from the west.

Biden has been sending tens of billions in cash, and even more in high-tech weaponry over to Ukraine, helping them fight Russian forces and even allowing them to strike targets INSIDE of Russia – something Putin has warned would not end well.

Despite the official statements claiming the contrary, this massive purchase shows that the Biden administration seems to think that a fed-up Putin may finally make good on his threats to nuke the United States.

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29 thoughts on “World War 3 on the Horizon? Biden Buys Hundreds of Millions of Dollars’ Worth of “Nuclear Emergency” Drugs”

  1. So Biden wants to again spend our money to drug us because of things he has done to make this Country so vulerable, our enemies know how weak we are under democrat rule!

    1. I believe it is not that he is drugging us so much as he is being prepared for Putin’s craziness! Itis rather like Obama handling the ebola possible pandemic in Africa BEFORE it reached our borders and then having a plan in place . Of course, this plan was immediately scuttled by the traitor Trump and over 500,000 americans died.

      1. Truth seeker?, hmmm , why not use what little brain power you may possess to actually , admit and accept TRUTH, Biden , as well as Obummer creates all the things to assert power over United States, their ignorance is attributed to these catastrophic issues

    2. I trust Biden to handle this situation a MILLION times more than I would Trump. That big baby would have started a pissing contest with Putin, or surrender to him. Either way we would all be in trouble.

      1. Shari,
        It is obvious that you didn’t l recognize the fact that while under the Trump administration, we weren’t in a threat of war, Trump asserted his superiority power of the UNITED STATES , to make it evident we were not going to take any shit from these dictators, overseas, only NOW , to realize the dictatorship of our own government,,M.O.A.B.!!!


  3. Don’t let these people start another war . If so > require All of Congress and their families to be put on ” harms way ” like the rest of us !

  4. Biden is so busy playing tough guy he is leading the US into a war with Russia! He doesn’t know how to negotiate he is not trying to stop this action! Biden thinks everything that falls out of his mouth is historical while he is just a bad joke on us.

    1. Pr. @iden…by your own actions you are going to hang for TREASON. ..the world will be watching and become aware that AMERICA AND HER PEOPLE ARE TAKING OUR COUNYRY BACK AND DEFEND HER TO THE LAST MAN!!! FJB!!!

      1. I doubt you will hear any “Naysaying” from the general World – the vast majority of whom realise the dangers the myopic and degenerate Biden Administration are deliberately instigating. A new Nurenberg Trial will have just as many defendants – Biden et al included !

    2. Biden is the president and even trump knows this. However, he has managed to get all of his cult followers so enamored with teh Big Lie that they send him money. Keep suporting him.

  5. Don’t fall for it poeple the Dems are trying to start any war they can from a civil war to ww3. They know if war breaks out they can declare martial law and can’t be removed from office. To keep power and continue destroying the country until communism takes over. .

  6. Pr. @iden…by your own actions you are going to hang for TREASON. ..the world will be watching and become aware that AMERICA AND HER PEOPLE WILL BE TAKING OUR COUNTRY BACK AND WILL DEFEND HER TO THE LAST MAN!!! FJB!!!

    1. Interesting? Who is it that had highly classified materials hanging around in a resort AND THEN LIED ABOUT THEM AND REFUSED TO GIVE THEM TO THE ARCHIVES. Hillary NEVER had anything comproising on her emails AND SHE ANSWERED under oath for 11 hours without invoking the 5th. Can trump do that?? No, he has invoked the 5th over 444 times.

      1. Hey truth Seeker drink too much Democratic Kool-Aid and eventually you’ll be in the Jim Jones era every one of them in there are fools idiots and incompetent and you seem to be part of that Trump held Putin off Biden gave our oil to China now the prices are going up maybe you ought to try looking at the news instead of listening to the mainstream idiots

      2. Truth seeker,
        Obviously you are communist, Crooked Clinton , destroyed all the evidence that was surely going to put her ass in prison!, her involvement in the RUSSIA SCANDAL, was only more evidence she was hiding her own guilt… SMH

      3. Keep taking your Meds ! I have told you before not to risk stopping them ! Your option is a padded cell – just remember that 😉

  7. Hillary only let our fellow Americans die in Benghazi, and just go to the store & gas station and thank Creepy Joe for that, the difference between Depression & Recession is when it happens to you. We are not better under Obama Joe & Goofy Kamala.

  8. Get right with our Lord and savior.

    We have been witnessing a war between good and evil.

    It remains to be seen which will win this war.

    Pray like your life depends on it.
    Because it does…….

  9. Biden thinks putin is afraid of him! What a joke! Obama tried to bully putin as well over Crimea, Putin just smiled, flipped Obama off and did as he pleased. So now, doofus in charge is trying the same lame agenda, only to fail! WE will be the ones to suffer, the demonrats all have their safe bunkers to hide out in, we will be left to our own devices, which will not save us from a nuclear attack. Biden knows this. Does he care? NO! He is hoping for a war so he can declare martial law, put us under a police state, stop all elections and stay in office as long as he pleases. Then, Obama will stroll in and take over. why do you think Biden keeps saying that we republicans are enemies of the state? If he can get enough dumb people to believe that, and start a conflict here on our soil, he can and will do it. That is the plan. Has been all along. Don’t fall for the trap, stay focused and vote republican en masse. Get them out! When we take congress and senate control, remove him and Harris with the 25th amendment.

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