3 Shocking Ways ‘Beijing Biden’ is Favoring China Over America

I remember a lot of us laughing about it last year when Donald Trump Jr. constantly referred to “Beijing Biden.” Now that Grandpa Gropes is illegitimately ensconced in the White House basement, it’s not so funny anymore. It’s terrifying. Joe Biden is so incredibly compromised by the Communist Chinese Party that he is a clear and present danger to America. Biden’s policies are actively favoring our enemies’ interests over our own. After being in office for just five months, here are three shocking China First policies Joe Biden has implemented.

First, there’s the Wuhan lab investigation. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had a division of the State Department conducting an investigation of the origins of coronavirus. Let’s face it: We all knew, for more than a year, where COVID-19 came from. A lot of scientific whistleblowers said right from the start that the Level IV military bio-lab that was across the street from the wet market was the most likely culprit.

The State Department had been working on that investigation for nearly a year when Beijing Biden shut the probe down. He then quickly launched a new investigation with his own compromised pro-China investigators. The reasons for this are just about too obvious to need to be stated.

We all know that by now, China has shredded or hidden every single document about its bat coronavirus gain-of-function research (paid for by grants from Dr. Anthony Fauci!). They’ve also likely shredded or hidden every scientist who worked on it. All the evidence is gone as the “Biden investigation” gets under way, and any evidence that the State Department had compiled – thanks to the Trump administration – has been scrapped.


Next, there are the Chinese drones. Under the Trump administration, the Pentagon banned the military and all federal agencies from purchasing or using drones made by a Chinese company called DJI. These are some of the most popular personal-use drones in the world. You’ve probably seen kids and adults alike using them at a local park. You can buy the civilian versions of them at Walmart.

But the military determined that DJI drones collect and transmit data to unknown Chinese servers. They’re a massive security risk. So, the Trump administration banned them from use in the American military and all federal agencies. Even though you can buy the civilian versions of these drones at American retailers, the Commerce Department under the Trump administration has added DJI to its “Entity List” – meaning that DJI is considered a national security risk. The Justice Department (also under the Trump administration) explicitly banned the purchase of DJI drones by American law enforcement agencies.

Good news for DJI! Beijing Biden is in office, so the federal government has now determined that its drones which collect and transmit data to unknown third-party servers are somehow no longer a national security threat. The Pentagon has even gone so far as to start ordering DJI drones for use in special forces combat operations.

Uh… no one at the Pentagon under the Biden administration sees this as a problem?

Third, there’s the lithium. You’ve probably heard about the big push to force us all into electric cars in the next few decades. California’s dopey governor wants to phase out gasoline-powered completely by the 2030s. Just one problem with this stupid idea: You need lots of rare earth minerals to make the batteries for electric cars, including lithium.

An Australian mining company believes there are sizeable lithium deposits in the high desert of Nevada, and it wants to explore for it. Since China has a near-monopoly on rare earth metals across the entire planet, this could be a huge win for America. If we have lithium deposits in the middle of nowhere, we’d be able to start manufacturing electric car batteries (and lots of other electronics stuff) here in the USA, creating jobs and making us less dependent on China for electric car parts.

But the Biden regime just found some dumb little flower in the desert that is more important than jobs or national security. They just shut down Australia’s application to search for lithium deposits, because it might hurt the dumb flower. And that’s another huge win for Communist China, courtesy of Beijing Biden.

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9 thoughts on “3 Shocking Ways ‘Beijing Biden’ is Favoring China Over America”

  1. Biden and his regime of Idiots need to receive a Free one way ticket to Nevada’s Desert to “Plant” each and every one of those Idiots with one of those Flowers at the head of each “Idiot Box”
    Biden is telling us to buy Electric Cars, we can’t even make a battery to withstand the vigorous and harsh use of a Lawn mower Battery. Then theirs the matter of rare earth metals and materials, Computer Chips, Diodes and other materials some of which is only manufactured in China. Biden doesn’t wount the USA to mine these Minerals in the US.
    No he wounts Chinese Materials!
    “Electric Car” deals are not going to be popular in the US but Biden is planning on Ramming this Electric car crap down our throats where we wount it or not. You can put wings on a pig that don’t make him fly, just makes him look good!!

  2. It is becoming clear that China released the virus and Soros organized the riots in order to collapse the American economy and society, and that The Dotard was plucked from ignominious final defeat on Super Tuesday 2020 and saved from being a historical figure of fun like Harold Stassen, Henry Krajewski or Lar Daly, on condition that he serve as Xi Jinping’s puppet and hollow out and dismantled the United States from within. He is a traitor and lickspittle on the order of Quisling, Laval and Emperor Pu-yi, and the result will be a one-party communist state with Chicom naval bases on the Left Coast and the Peoples Liberation Army in the heartland, probably crossing the border from Trudeau’s police state of Canada, which China has also conquered and where they have secret bases. The East Coast will belong to Russia, now reconciled with Red China and aiming to split world hegemony, and on the southern border we will be controlled by Cuba and Venezuela. It is going to take national risings like the ones 95 years ago last month in Portugal and 85 years ago next month in Spain to recover America’s independence and sovereignty.

    1. I believe in the end it will. This is a pure communist tyrannical takeover. yes that was the reason for the release of the virus. Europe is part of this program too. This is a worldwide situation. the Bible talks about this so we know. It is the book called the prophesy and it is all there. Believe me when I tell you it won’t be good. God is in control but he is going to let what will happen , happen. We can changed that but evil is so rampant we will not do that.

  3. There’s a word for Biden’s favoritism of China over the USA : TREASON! His actions fit the legal definition of the term; however, when his diminished mental capacity is taken into account, it could create a debate as to whether his actions are by ACCIDENT or DESIGN, which would tend to obfuscate any argument for or against a verdict of treason. Considering his political history and the actions taken since the advent of his regime, I would tend to lean toward the latter conclusion: DESIGN! As such, his actions AND his regime should be dealt with accordingly!

  4. Every day Biden does something that favors China and yet Dem voters still support this traitor! Compare his actions against Trump who was impeached yet for treason against his country! Scrambled and compromised brains are in the WH selling the country out so Biden & drug addict son can get richer! WAKE UP AMERICA and deal with the guy in the WH before irreparable damage takes root!
    The biggest joke of the day, I just heard what Kamala said after her NO visit to the border and said they have made tremendous progress despite the mess they inherited!
    Wake up America and kick these two incompetent traitors out!

  5. about the electric cars. My present car is fifteen years old and runs really good. Jeep. I won’t be around in thirty to worry about much of that future problem. don’t want an electric car anyway. The batteries are toxic and very expensive. I got a photo of a big piece of acres in France designated as an Electric car cemetary of sorts. The cares were lined up there just rotting away. Why? Because when the battery died no one wanted to store them till extinction because they put toxicity in the soil and are not at all healthy for the ENVIRONMENT. So the gov. had all these electric cars that they purchased for city cops and employees that were gone with the wind. It was cheaper and better to scrape the cars than to purchase a new battery or batteries whichever, than to try to find somewhere that will take the old ones. This problem is not going to go away.

  6. Biden and his family and friends should all move to China. We definitely do not need their group as they plan
    to destroy America. God Please Bless America.

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