The Department of Homeland Security is reportedly preparing for what could be the largest surge of migrants in the nation’s history if Title 42 COVID-19 restrictions are lifted.
DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas asked whether the department was ready for a worst-case scenario of 350,000 to 400,000 immigrants crossing the southern border in October, according to two DHS officials familiar with the conversation, NBC News reported on Thursday.
The preparations are underway as a Trump-era policy called Title 42 faces a possible end this week. The rule has allowed Border Patrol to turn away illegal immigrants at the border due to their threat of spreading COVID-19.
On Sept. 16, U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan ruled the policy did not give the Biden administration authority to stop migrants from crossing the nation’s southern border. The policy was set to go into effect in 14 days on Sept. 30.
The ruling is under appeal and it is uncertain if the ruling will go into effect.
Concerns have grown as since it was revealed around 15,000 mostly Haitian migrants gathered under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas, drawing a national spotlight on migrant caravans traveling to America.
Now, as many as 60,000 more migrants are moving in caravans from Central America toward the American border. What will happen if there are multiple Del Rio-like camps across the southern border?
With Del Rio, the camp was cleared, but more than 90 percent of the migrants were not deported and were released into the country. What will we see if 350,000 or more illegal immigrants enter in October? If the pattern holds and more than 90 percent are resettled across the nation, 315,000 or more people will join the U.S. in one month. And COVID will be spread across our nation at an even more alarming rate than it already is.
If that’s not a border/health crisis, I don’t know what is. With those numbers, it would overwhelm not only Border Patrol, but also any National Guard response.
But maybe that’s the point. It seems the Biden administration is intentionally setting border security up for failure to allow as many immigrants to resettle in the U.S. as possible.
There are only two reasons a party would support such actions. The first reason would be political funding. If donors support it, Democrats will likely support it. That’s just the way it goes.
Second, and more concerning, is that Democrats also appear to be trying to import future voters, securing their power forever. At a certain point, so many illegal immigrants will be in the nation that the popular opinion will shift toward granting quick citizenship rights, including the right to vote.
Who will those illegal immigrants who become voters choose during elections? They will overwhelmingly support the party that opened the door for them to enter America.
The sad reality is that the border crisis is entirely manufactured by the left. With strong policies and enforcement in place, you don’t even need a wall to keep the border largely protected. But with numbers in the hundreds of thousand per month and no support to stop people from crossing, the border no longer matters.
Mayorkas is a Lying SCUMBAG, P.O.S. The clown is in Over his head, which is always up his ass or between China joes legs. He & china joe have the same problem, their mouths continue to spew lies while their brains have ceased to function. Both are a Disgrace & Embarrassment to the USA.