Most Americans are simply shrugging at the latest fearmongering from the left due to coronavirus and moving on with our lives. Did you hear about the first confirmed case of “Flu-Rona?!” The media made it sound like COVID and the flu had a mutated baby together that was going to kill us all. It turned out that the patient simply had COVID and a case of the flu at the same time. *Shrug*. Moving on.
Now that they understand that we just don’t care anymore, the narrative is starting to shift once again. They’re trying to backpedal their way out of this mess, but we shouldn’t let them. Take a look at some of the things the leftwing media and health officials are finally starting to admit.
Here are a couple of bombshell admissions that the fraud-in-chief himself, Anthony Fauci, has made within the past week. First, Fauci admitted that the “Omicron” variant hasn’t been as dangerous to people because there’s a lot of natural immunity to COVID in the US. He didn’t say that people are less likely to be hospitalized or die from Omicron because of the vaccines. He said it was because of natural immunity – those who have already caught the COVID and recovered from it are less likely to croak from Omicron.
That’s a pretty big admission from Fauci. The other thing that he finally admitted is that all of the children who have been reported as being hospitalized because of Omicron are actually being hospitalized “with” COVID. Not “from” COVID, but “with” COVID. The hospitalized children are all suffering from comorbidities like obesity, cancer and other bad stuff, and they just happened to test positive for COVID when they were admitted to the hospital.
This is another big admission from Fauci. Most of these kids are in no danger from COVID and they didn’t even have symptoms when they were tested. The bottom line: There is no wave of children being hospitalized because of COVID.
Here’s another huge admission, this time from Chris Hayes at MSNBC: The death rate from COVID is actually comparable to the flu. I’ve only been saying that for the past 22 months here, but welcome to the party Chris Hayes! This is objectively true.
It also dovetails nicely with the embarrassed admission that the CDC made last week. They recommended that hospitals stop using PCR tests to check for COVID. Why? Because the PCR tests… (oh, gosh, this is so embarrassing!) … the PCR tests cannot differentiate between COVID-19, the flu and the common cold (which is also a type of coronavirus). So, how many “cases” of coronavirus that were diagnosed by these tests over the past two years were actually just people with the flu or the common cold? We’ll never know!
By the way, you didn’t actually think that the flu just vanished from the face of the earth for two years, did you? It was like a Christmas miracle that we had zero cases of the flu (and pneumonia) between March of 2020 and today, right? Too bad about all those COVID deaths, though!
CNN is also getting in on the action of finally starting to admit the truth about COVID. Leanna Wen, who is CNN’s “medical analyst” and a former Planned Parenthood director/abortionist, admitted within the past week that cloth masks don’t actually stop the Omicron variant. Do you guys want to tell her? I kind of want to tell her.
Cloth masks and paper masks don’t stop any respiratory virus and they never have. We’ve had anecdotal evidence of this as well as multiple research studies which have confirmed it. Biden’s Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was parading around last week like he was cosplaying Darth Vader at a nerd convention. He’s fully vaccinated, and he was wearing TWO masks and a welding helmet to protect himself further. Guess what happened to him? Yep. He caught the coof!
Why all the sudden honesty from these people after two years? The writing is on the wall. In just ten months, we’re going to witness the largest electoral bloodbath in US history in the November midterms. They can’t scare us any longer about COVID, so they’re trying to minimize the damage that we all know is coming. And we’re not going to let anyone forget how they lied to us and did very real harm to America with all this COVID hysteria.
All the people of our world needed from Day One, was the TRUTH.
We and our Healthcare professionals could have then proceeded to use COMMON SENSE
to treat and guide us all to success in contending with this and other maladies.
My, how things could’ve
been SO different…..
Don’t let anyone forget what he left has been saying about this virus for two years and how many lives they’ve ruined. Don’t let it get sidelined.