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GOP Rep. Mike Waltz Exposes Nancy Pelosi for being Compromised on China by Husband’s Investments

Florida Republican Rep. Mike Waltz just went on the record that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is soft on China because of her husband’s financial investments in the communist nation.

Waltz shared the concern on Fox News Radio’s “Guy Benson Show” responding to Pelosi’s video that asked American athletes in China not to speak out against human rights issues.

“But yet, she wouldn’t support my bill calling for a boycott, nor would she support my bill saying, you know what, if you’re going to sell products made with modern-day slave labor that we know is also building the Chinese — building up the Chinese military, then you shouldn’t be able to sell to the Defense Department. None of those she would support,” Waltz said.

The congressman argued Pelosi was once tougher on China, but changed a few years ago after her husband’s investments in the nation grew.

“And the thing is, she’s always been pretty tough, historically, about Tibet. She met with the Dalai Lama. She was tough. But she switched a few years ago,” Waltz commented.

“And, coincidentally, it was about the time that her husband became heavily involved financially in Chinese investments and in Chinese firms. And look, Guy, this is how the Chinese Communist Party operates. They co-opt people,” he added.


This revelations about Nancy Pelosi possibly being compromised is important because Congress is debating whether to pass a bill that would prohibit lawmakers from buying or selling stock while in office due to a conflict of interest. While the bill is bipartisan, the details of it are not.

Why not? Just watch. The Democrat version will only apply to lawmakers and not their spouses. If it does include spouses, the bill would not apply until after a time long enough in the future that Pelosi will no longer be in office. She’s 81 years old, at best she has 1-2 more sessions of Congress (meaning 2-4 years) in her.

There’s a reason the bill banning stock trades by Congress members has not already moved forward more quickly. While lawmakers from both parties are involved, Republicans are signaling they’re ready to make the change, knowing it’s Nancy Pelosi and Democrats who would be impacted the most.

But the insider stock trading is not the only concern. As Waltz notes, the financial connections can also lead to changed views in other areas. Pelosi is soft on China. So are some others in Congress, though it may be due to factors other than stocks. These motivating factors need to be examined.

Whether stocks, campaign money or other concerns, we cannot be a free nation when those who lead us are compromised by a communist nation out for its own advantage rather than putting America first. Our lawmakers are to represent the American people, not foreign influencers.

Pelosi is a prime example of how money can change values. Helping the American people and speaking for American freedoms is not her top focus, as her video telling US Olympians not to speak out against China while competing in the Beijing Olympics makes clear.

The growing concern with insider trading could be an issue impacting major world topics, including in this case the nation’s relationship with China.


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6 thoughts on “GOP Rep. Mike Waltz Exposes Nancy Pelosi for being Compromised on China by Husband’s Investments”

  1. Piglousy belongs in Prison, based on her recent insider trading criminal spree alone. Surprised Martha Stewart isn’t pitching a bitch publicly about the double standard. Piglousy should be on death row, right behind Slick Willy
    & Hitlery . These demonrats are living proof that skunks fornicate with sewer rats.

  2. America had better wake up very soon or there will NOT be and America for our kids. Piglosi is one of the major forces driving this country into the ground (or into China’s hands)

  3. Are you forgetting our “president”?
    How much in favors does he owe China?
    How much did China pay his son Hunter and his brother and I think his sister too?
    So, when the heads of our country, the president, the Speaker of the house and some congress men and women / their family members are invested in China how can they be tough on china? After all, their mantra is “Me Myself and I come first”.
    Do you really believe that they will put the country and the USA citizens ahead of their own riches?

  4. you can add mitch mcconnell to the compromised by china list!!!! His family business is a fleet of chinese ships that sail back and forth to china his wifes sister is involved in top chinese intelligence. and as often as mcconnells head is buried up polosis’ ass he himself probably is involved with inside trading like polosi is with china. all the old swamp reps and senators need to be investigated for compromised situations nomatter what party they belong to. He is a rhino.

  5. Pelosi is EVIL. She and her family are going to pay a high price when this all comes out. She and Biden are both involved in all of the EVIL crap and they have already sold us out. She and Biden both need to be kicked out of DC NOW! They had better be careful because God is watching all the EVIL they are committing.

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