The narrative coming from MSNBC, CNN, The Washington Post, New York Times, and Democrats right now is that the riots are justified; we need to burn down random buildings, loot every store, defund the police and kick every white American in a position of power out of office in order to fix our justice system. Besides, they say, the protests are only violent in response to police brutality. The protestors never strike first.
You know that’s a lie, but being armed with hard facts always helps. These stories are heartbreaking, but they’re the only hope of reaching some of the insane leftists without escalating to more violence. It might be a long shot though…
Korboi Balla

You may have heard Mr. Balla’s story as it has circulated social media. He’s a firefighter in Minneapolis. He saved for years in order to open his own bar and live his dream. Shortly after doing so, rioters burned it to the ground. For anyone wondering, he’s a black bar owner. So, it turns out that black lives matter, but no black livelihoods. Leftism is tricky.
Madison Mavity

If you want to be angry — like truly, righteously furious — then watch the video of Mrs. Mavity (screen shot above). She and her husband own a store in Rochester, New York. In the midst of riots, she was begging people to not destroy and loot her store. She didn’t threaten them. She was certainly not a harbinger of fear and violence.
For the audacity of asking rioters to spare her store, she was savagely beaten by eight men with metal clubs and 2X4s. Her husband tried to intervene. He was beaten worse.
It’s important to remember the unquestionable truth the mainstream media and the left have been imparting. Violence has only emerged in these riots when the rioters are overtly threatened. It’s always self-defense.
The woman in this story has not been identified. She was in a viral video that will absolutely break your heart. She’s a partial owner of a store in New York. It was looted and destroyed, and, yes, she’s also black.
In her video, she says what we’ve all been thinking, “You said black lives matter. Why don’t you choke me? I’m black. Look what you did to my store.”
She also later told looters to get a job. Unfortunately, the tragedy of the situation destroys any katharsis that you might hope to glean from her video.
West Broad Street
This story involves multiple families who wish to remain unnamed. A multi-family building in Richmond was set on fire. Several families were trapped inside, including small children. When firefighters came to save the people in the burning building, rioters blocked their access. Ultimately, the firefighters had to use force to get through the crowd.
While no one was killed in the building, smoke injuries and burns were sustained.
Obviously, the children in that building were racist cops who deserve to die for being complicit in a corrupt system.
The morning after the police chief went on tv to talk about the incident and broke down in tears talking about the injured children and how devious the rioters were to block their rescue.
The Fire Man

This last story is significantly less tragic in an attempt to help you get through your day with a little less depression. A rioter in Fayetteville, NC, was trying to burn down a building. Instead, he set himself on fire. This idiot is another victim of leftist stupidity, but at least he’s the victim of his own wrongdoing.
Here’s the important lesson to remember. If you oppose any of these stories or condemn any of the bad actors, you’re an evil racist and part of the problem. That’s what our media wants us to believe and that’s what the man running against President Trump in November believes.