Joe Biden and Democrats are Intentionally Hiding Policies from Voters to Trick Them

NBC host Chuck Todd accidentally revealed Democrats plan to defeat Trump in November. He said they are intentionally hiding policies from voters to trick them. Essentially Democrats plan is to just focus on how bad President Trump is, because otherwise, they would have to explain their radical agenda and it would alienate a huge swath of voters.

The admission by Todd came during an interview with news anchor Jeff Hullinger. Hullinger read on air an excerpt from a Wall Street Journal article by Peggy Noonan that said, “I’m getting the impression that for a lot of people, the ballot this fall won’t read ‘Trump vs. Biden’ but ‘Trump vs. What the Other Guys Will Do.’

Todd explained that Joe Biden’s election plan is to intentionally be vague and to tell voters as little as possible of his agenda. “You know I think Joe Biden is trying to be all things to a coalition that includes Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and John Kasich…Look, if they started talking about specific policy proposals what happens to those moderate Republicans who seem to want to gravitate towards Joe Biden? So look they can throw a wide tent if they’re united on one issue which is ousting Donald Trump. The minute you start talking about other stuff, that’s when that tent starts to get holes in it.”

Joe wants to return us to those happy Obama days and roll back President Trump’s tax cuts. Biden’s first step will be to raise taxes on higher income earners, who already pay the majority of income taxes. Biden said to ABC News’ David Muir, “I will raise taxes for anybody making over $400,000. Let me tell you why I’m going to do it. It’s about time they start paying a fair share of the economic responsibility we have. The very wealthy should pay a fair share—corporations should pay a fair share.”

How about this for fairness? The IRS reports that the bottom 50 percent of taxpayers paid only 3 percent of all income taxes in 2016.

Biden has also promised to also get rid of Trump’s payroll tax cut and raise the corporate tax levels back to where they were before Trump cut them.

Biden and Democrats don’t seem to understand what most Americans really want. What normal Americans want are jobs, a strong national defense, an end to endless wars, fair trade agreements, standing up to communist China, a sensible immigration plan, and law and order. It used to be that no matter who was in power, both parties could at least meet somewhere in the middle to achieve those goals. That was before our first black President decided to hitch the Democrats to a new era of identity politics.

Americans are now defined not by the content of their character, but by their gender, the color or their skin or who they have sexual relations with. They camouflage this nonsense by perverting our language with terms like “women’s health” (for infanticide), and “undocumented” (for illegal aliens).

Then there is that colossal self-delusion that riots and burning down police stations are just “peaceful demonstrations.”

During their coronation of Barack’s mentally declining stand-in, Democrats doubled down on their denial by offering a unicorn vision that is so-not-President Trump. Here’s how they see what normal people want:

–Jobs aren’t nearly as important as hammering the people who make them possible. Recent high school graduate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, for example, managed to sabotage a deal to bring an Amazon distribution center in her district. Amazon took about 1,500 jobs elsewhere.

–A strong national defense to Democrats is using the military as a meals-on-wheels social action agency. America’s role as the one remaining superpower is to be a gracious back-seat partner, to put our troops in danger, and to pay the world’s bills.

–The Democrat view of law and order, judging from its total absence from the Democrat convention agenda, is simply not a thing. Show them a video of destruction and chaos that has been going on for two months in Portland and they cup their hands over their ears and yell “I can’t hear you!” or try to somehow blame that mean old racist President Trump.

In fact, most normal Americans are completely baffled by Democrat charges that our President is a racist. Democrats’ explanation is bizarrely simple. It derives from how the left has coopted language: If you believe marriage is between a man and woman, you are a homophobe. If you view millions of abortions since Rowe vs. Wade as a holocaust, you are a misogynist.

If you see Kamala Harris as a phony, left-wing racial token candidate, you are a racist.

The good news is that normal Americans, at least, know what a racist does and what law and order is. Americans don’t believe their President is a racist, but they know that Democrats stand for anything but law and order.

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1 thought on “Joe Biden and Democrats are Intentionally Hiding Policies from Voters to Trick Them”

  1. President Trump and the Republicans need to keep contrasting agendas. How is President Trump going to do to make All Americans lives better — safety, our Constitutional Rights, religious freedom, economy, pro-life believes. I don’t hear the media asking Biden what different strategies he would’ve enforced as solutions for the corona virus or addressing the riots and violence. All I have heard are the same strategies and ideas that President Trump has already enforced. Biden and the Dems play the blame game and trash President Trump every chance they get instead of giving us real workable commonsence solutions.
    PRESIDENT TRUMP, STAY FOCUSED IN YOUR AGENDA AND ADDRESS WHAT YOU WILL DO FOR EVERYONE – CHILDREN, ADULTS, ELDERLY, MEN, AND WOMEN OF EVERY COLOR. DO NOT ALLOW THE DEMOCRATS OR RADICALS SIDETRACK YOU. We want to hear about a HEALTH REFORM PLAN for your 2ND TERM –That will get our attention! PLEASE PLEASE no name calling or words like stupid, nasty, etc. That language turns off people especially women!!

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