This past summer, Donald Trump stated that the way to shore up America’s elections would be to switch to paper-only ballots and in-person voting. Democrats seized on that comment as proof that Trump was still spreading the “Big Lie” about the 2020 election. But wait a second… Didn’t every single elected Democrat in Congress support that exact same thing, right up until November 2, 2020? Why, yes, they did! But after the 2020 election, that legislation suddenly vanished faster than all the pie at the buffet after Jerrold Nadler waddles into the room.
That bill was the Securing America’s Federal Elections Act, otherwise known as the SAFE Act. The Democrats were so certain that Literally Big Orange Hitler was going to have Halliburton steal the 2020 election that they decided we needed a massive election overhaul in 2019. The SAFE Act was the bill that was going to save America. The House version was HR 2722, and the Senate version was S. 2238.
The bill called for all federal elections to use paper-only ballots. The Democrat sponsors and co-sponsors of the bill all said that electronic voting machines just can’t be trusted. They’re sneakily hooked to the internet, which obviously allows Putin to hack into the machines and flip votes in Donald Trump’s favor. Especially those Dominion Voting Systems machines, according to Senate sponsors (D-OR).
Wyden stated, “I fear the 2020 election will make 2016 look like small potatoes. The list of threats and vulnerabilities is enough to give you a migraine.”
Oh, do tell, Senator Wyden! Preach it!
Furthermore, the bill would have required all of those paper ballots to be counted by hand. No more running ballots through those counting machines made by the same untrustworthy companies! Those machines could be rigged to flip votes in favor of Donald Trump, said the bill’s sponsors. The SAFE Act would have basically eliminated ALL electronic voting and tabulating machines in all future federal elections – including the 2020 election – if they had passed the bill in time.
The bill also would have required all 50 states to conduct risk-limiting audits within the first year after the election, with the understanding that the findings of those audits could change the outcome of the election if fraud was discovered. According to the bill’s authors, this would be the only way to really reassure the American people that their elections were safe and secure. Audit every state! The bill would have provided extra election funding to every state in order to carry out those audits as each state saw fit. Mandatory election audits after every federal election?!
WHAT A BUNCH OF CONSPIRACY KOOKS! Everyone knows that election audits, paper-only ballots and hand counting undermines democracy, right?!
The House passed the SAFE Act late in 2019, with every elected Democrat voting in favor of these provisions. The vote was 225 to 184. The only Republican who voted in favor of it was Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL).
The bill started to pick up steam in the Senate after that. In addition to the bill’s sponsor, Amy Klobuchar, three other Senate Democrats who were running for president in 2020 co-sponsored the bill: Bernie Sanders, Kamala Harris and Corey Booker (remember that guy?). Democracy was DOOMED unless America switched to paper-only ballots, hand counting and audits of the results in all 50 states before the 2020 election arrived.
The SAFE Act never made it out of committee in the Senate. It died on the vine.
But no matter. This happens frequently in Congress. If your bill doesn’t pass during one session, you just reintroduce it during the next session. The bill would likely pass this time around, since Democrats still control the House and have a razor-thin majority in the Senate. Curiously, all of the Democrats who were clamoring for paper ballots, hand counting of ballots, and risk-limiting audits in 2019 and 2020 have not reintroduced the SAFE Act this year.
Poof! It’s gone! Like magic! Or like the gravy boat at the buffet after Jerrold Nadler… okay, I’ll stop with the Nadler jokes. For now.
Ron Wyden has been fighting to eliminate electronic voting machines for YEARS. He still believes Halliburton stole the 2004 election for George Bush, and he doesn’t trust electronic voting machines at all. But he hasn’t reintroduced the SAFE Act this year. Zoe Lofgren hasn’t reintroduced her version in the House, either.
Someone should ask them why they had a change of heart.
The Communist/Dhimmicrats have their Chosen Ones safely in power bow so they no longer need “honest” elections. The deliberately and actively used all those underhanded fraudulent methods that they accused Trump of to get Obidma into office again.
It’s a common Alinsky tactic for Commiecrats to accuse their opponents of doing exactly what the Commiecrats themselves are doing. DemoCommie voters have been moronically falling for it for decades now. Yup, they participate in fraud then point at the innocent to blame them. Criminals do that in court every day!
Don’t look for the cowardly GOP to step up and do anything about it.
Let’s reintroduce the same bill again.
The truth is, the democrats, since Jackson, have been stuffing, miscounting, and using as many grifts as possible to steal elections; mostly city and some state machines took the fraud and ran the cities and states- occasionally influencing national elections. Then, in the late fifties, the democrats took the election/ballot fraud measures to regional levels; inter-linking mobsters, political machines, and national organizations; by the late seventies, or early eighties, some republican in name only machines began to duplicate their crony cohorts in the now shifting further left democratic national party. The so-called rino’s under Bush Sr. fully took the reigns of the republican national party in hand, as the conservatives were drawn off by the perot debacle; more and more cities and states began to be co-opted my local machines interconnected with the national democrat machine. This movement of both parties to a silent uni-party caused the election of clinton; now, the steal a vote, jig the ballots, and redistrict for the values of local crooked political/criminal machines was full blown! The systemic organization was set in stone in the 2020 elections; the theft of the California recall has given the, now, fully radicalized marxist/islamist/cartel, new world order democrats complete national, state, and local controls of nearly the entire nation, and all spectrum’s of governing bodies. The links now are international in scope and agendas: their ruling elite tyrants, tycoons, and terrorist! Play to win, hope to change things; but it is now game, match, and courts to the rulers of their hell-bent new world order!
Who the thief? Every election season show how DEMOCRAT POLITICIAN STEAL THEIR DISTRICT! There is nothing these CORRUPT PEOPLE WILL NOT DO! When everything point at them! Trump didn’t try to steal the election in 2020! That was done by DEMOCRAT WITH THE HELP FROM CHINA, IRAN, AND YES RUSSIA! Wasn’t it HILLARY CLINTON WITH RUSSIA ON HER CAMPAIGN TEAM? Wasn’t it HILLARY WHO STARTED THE LYING AS SHE ALWAYS DO? Nancy Pelosi is a crazy woman, I just don’t believe she ever won her DISTRICT in California! Just as I do not believe Newsom won the re-call! California is CORRUPT TO THE BONE! Just as every NORTHEAST STATE IN AMERICA! America would be better off if every STATE HAD TERM LIMITS SO THESE DEMOCRAT POLITICIAN CAN’T STEAL THE ELECTION EVERY YEARS! No! There is no way BIDEN WON THE PRESIDENT SEAT! HIS WORD IN SEPTEMBER WERE—- I DON’T NEED YOUR VOTE, I ALREADY WON! Should been the REASON HE STOLEN THE ELECTION FROM THE PEOPLE! He didn’t steal it from TRUMP! HE STOLE IT FROM THE PEOPLE! Personally I KNOW NOW THESE DEMOCRAT POLITICIAN HAS BEEN TYRANNY SINCE OBAMA FIRST TERM!
There is only one way to end this total corruption, & it ain’t pretty!