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Mitch McConnell Reminds Trump Supporters Again That He Hates Us All

It’s been kind of remarkable to watch the unified hatred being sent in Tucker Carlson’s direction this week for exposing the January 6 videos. Both Republicans and Democrats are calling him a threat to democracy and demanding that Fox News take him off the air for his accurate and truthful reporting.

The Republicans are the worst. And Mitch McConnell, who is perfectly happy remaining Senate Minority Leader for the rest of his political career, is the worst of the worst.

Tucker fairly and accurately described January 6 as “mostly peaceful chaos” when he began reporting on the exclusive footage that House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) allowed his team to access. All of the violence perpetrated that day was committed by Capitol Police and undercover FBI agents. We’ve known this for a long time.

It was always obvious. The FBI has been infiltrating groups while undercover and fomenting riots since the 1960s. The FBI is Black Lives Matter. The FBI is Antifa. And all of the cops who got punched on January 6 were probably punched by FBI agents. This is what they do.

But when Tucker blew the lid off of everything, including the fact that people who committed no crimes at all are now sitting in prison, Republicans in the Senate blew their tops. And they were led in doing so by Mitch McConnell.


“My concern is how it was depicted,” said Mitch McConnell, when he took a break from swimming around in his pile of Chinese cash to attack Tucker Carlson. “Clearly, the chief of the Capitol Police, in my view, correctly describes what most of us witnessed firsthand on January 6th… It was a mistake in my view for Fox News to depict this in a way that’s completely at variance with what our chief law enforcement official here at the Capitol thinks.”

Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC), a truly loathsome, Trump-hating figure with no political or even moral principles to stand on, also voiced his opinion of Tucker’s accurate and fair reporting:

“I think it’s bulls**t.”

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT), a sad and pathetic little man who is also a coward and a liar, had to weigh in:

“I think it’s really sad to see Tucker Carlson go off the rails like that.”

Go on Tucker’s show and tell him that to his face, you feckless coward. Seriously? A man who is such a weak sissy that he set up a Twitter account calling himself “Pierre Delecto” just so he could take deranged pot-shots at President Trump, is claiming Tucker has gone off the rails?

We all know what January 6th was really about. It wasn’t about the mostly peaceful chaos. It was about November 8, 2020 and the election that was stolen from Donald Trump. That’s why all of these politicians who probably participated in that theft are so enraged that Tucker has exposed all this.

These fake and fascist “Republicans” are lining up with Chuck Schumer to demand that Tucker be taken off the air. And yet when the mainstream media clearly, demonstrably lied about the Russia-Russia-Russia hoax for almost three years, not once did Romney or Tillis or McConnell demand that any of the liars at CNN or MSNBC be pulled off the air. They only reserve that level of betrayal for someone on our side.

Speaking of going off the rails, allow me to do so for just a minute.

One of the first things on the news on Thursday morning was a story about how Mitch McConnell “fell” during a party and was in the hospital. Gee… that’s too bad. I know we’re supposed to say something nice about someone in a situation like this, but I find the timing a bit odd.

Remember former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV)? Every time he failed to pass a bill that his Mafia or Chinese benefactors wanted him to, Harry Reid would have an “accident” with his personal gym equipment and show up for work with a black eye.

Mitch McConnell FAILED to get Tucker Carlson taken off the air this week. If he shows up in public again with a black eye or a bum leg from a “fall”, we’ll know that he didn’t actually “fall.” I suspect that someone is upset with McConnell for his failure.

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35 thoughts on “Mitch McConnell Reminds Trump Supporters Again That He Hates Us All”

  1. If he shows up with a velcro boot on one leg, they have been known to hide ankle monitors on various legs over the past few years.

  2. McConnell is a liar and a traitor to America and Americans . He like china joe is owned by the chinese and they send him a wife to tell him what to do !

    1. Amen to that! Who gives a rats a** what that old tired bony assed Bitc* McConnell thinks anyway! His approval rating is lower that the idiot Joe Bidens!!

    2. I agree Thelbert. I hope Kentucky can finally see that it’s time to put McConnell out to pasture. He’s been standing by Biden’s side all these years steadily helping to destroy our country. Time to vote that traitor out!!!!

    3. They honestly feel deep down that the American people just don’t matter and they feel their lies and deception are just for the low life Americans should be thankful they allow us to live

  3. It’s time Mitch is retired from the Senate. Please primary him and UT a person for the people in.
    Remove this Swamp Thing.

  4. Its amazing how all of these people are married to china women !!! And get their money from China !!! In the first place they are all too old to being in office !!! For Gods sake I am 81 and wouldn’t think of holding office !!! Let get real !!! This goes for Biden also !!!

  5. This country needs leaders that work for the benefit of the people and country. We have to many wolves in sheep’s clothing in charge. This is Democrats and Republicans.

    1. Amen. As of now, I still stand with Trump. The Jan 6 riot was orchestrated by Pelosi and the radical Democrats. I do believe Trump will rise again and become the 2024 candidate and POTUS. It’s time for WE THE PEOPLE to drain the DC Swamp, radicals and RINO’s from Congress. WE THE PEOPLE need representatives that representate our wishes (constituents) who elected them.

      1. Sharon, you are SO RIGHT!
        Pelosi orchestrated Jan. 6 to her liking when she refused the National Guard Trump suggested she needed. She is the one who should be rotting in prison, not the peaceful protesters of Jan. 6. It is disgusting and shameful that OUR COUNTRY is holding those people in prison STILL. How are we any different than terrorist Iran or North Korea???

  6. I love when the left tries to tell everyone what they’re seeing with their very eyes isn’t what they’re seeing. Your bullshite is wearing real thin. Time to clean out the Federal Bureau of Instigators.

  7. B nice if the nurse gave him some fentanyl
    Some of his own medicine from biden the drug lord. They r all in cahoots together.

  8. Thom Tillis is from NC. And a freaked COWARD! He has been nothing but a disgusting and disgraceful politician from our state! He more a democrats liberal fool. Than a republican! We the people will need to get him recall or removed from his seat in the Senate. He does NOT REPRESENT THIS STATE TO THE BEST OF HIS ABILITIES. But does represent those SICK LIBERAL WHO MOVE HERE FRIM BLUE STATE! These are the ones that need to package up and move back to a blue state!

  9. Joe Biden don’t respect the Constitution why anyone else respect his orders let’ put up the wall and let the chips wherever they fall.

  10. Fox News better not get rid of Tucker – he’s about the only one who has the guts to tell the truth and expose all the liars, crooks, and thieves in DC. He’s the only one I listen to and trust.
    There are too many illegitimate “public servants” destroying our country, and it makes me angry that no one is stopping them or booting them out of the offices they stole through election fraud. I’m afraid we saw our last honest election in 2016… once the left knew they could cheat and steal and get away with it, there was no stopping them from boldly doing it right in front of everyone. They’re not held accountable and their illegitimate “winners” get away with theft and crimes against We The People and our Constitution.
    And the FBI, CIA, DOJ, IRS are all run by the biggest crooks and criminals!! They’re illegally holding innocent citizens as political prisoners based on this Jan 6 BS. And NO ONE is doing anything about it!! This is blatant hypocrisy and the Supreme Court should put a stop to it, NOW!! Good for Tucker!! We need a lot more Brave Americans like him – on TV, in DC, and everywhere if we hope to ever save our great country from the insanity and evil that’s infiltrated government (and schools)
    Otherwise, America is toast…

  11. Oh, for the day of statesmen! Oh, for the day of a Vandenberg and a Taft and an Eisenhower or Truman and others like them. And the only way to get the likes of them is to get rid of what we have at the ballot box, but the American voter seems to vote for promises rather than for men/women. And the promises are nothing but trash,. Real men cannot compete with the liars, because too many Americans don’t think! I thank God for Tucker Carlson who is unafraid “to tell it like it is.” How is wish he’d “throw his hat in the ring.” We need the likes of him in the White House, the Senate and the House. Let’s beat the drums for Tucker or for DeSantis or for someone like them. It’s time, America! It’s past time!

    1. No let’s not divide the MAGA party by throwing in Tucker or DeSantis. As much as I love them both, that’s EXACTLY what the left WANTS us to do.

  12. Rich Mitch who married a wealthy china family in shipping is Joe’s best friend when it comes to the CCP

  13. I believe a;; these long term politicians be fired. They are all corrupt. These ones that are married to a Chinese should be prosecuted Apparently they are only in there to steal our money & fill there own pockets

  14. I don’t understand why Mcconnell claims himself as Republican. He belongs to the Dem. Party because he is a liar.

  15. Ditch mitch the traitor of America – Folks don’t contribute to GOP, donate directly to the individual you support

  16. IF it wasn’t for Tucker, fox would go down the crapper! I want the dang truth not the “here’s what you need to know” that all newscasters use these days. Who the heck told anyone what I need to know!? That’s a dead giveaway of MSM for me and I don’t trust anything after that phrase. Tucker himself is a voice out of the wilderness, welcomed truthful, and brave. McConnell is a rino and should be in bed with fetterman! Old fart is just as senial as biden and brain dead as that other guy! Jeez, no wonder why we are so screwed!

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