The NSA has now indirectly admitted that it has been spying on Tucker Carlson’s emails in order to have his popular Fox News show taken off the air. This is infuriating. There are few national figures who are as competent at expressing Donald Trumpian, common-sense truths to the masses in America.
If the illegitimate Biden regime is directing the NSA to spook Tucker Carlson out of the public eye, imaging what they are planning for MAGA patriots like you and me. Good for Tucker for calling out these pigs on their illegal activities. And we now know the excuse that the NSA was using to spy on Tucker’s emails and text messages.
Before I get to that, I want to share a personal story with you about the evils of the Deep State and our reckless, accountable-to-no-one intelligence agencies. Hopefully this will illustrate just how creepy, totalitarian and freakish these agencies are.
As I’ve mentioned a few times previously, I started my professional career at ABC News affiliates. I spent the last few years with ABC News at its affiliates in Alaska. This was during the tail end of the George W. Bush administration, and the first few months of the Obama-Biden administration (2008-2009). And during those months, the Deep State put quite a scare into citizens of Alaska and Hawaii.
Every night, for about six months straight, the entire mainstream media including ABC News kept telling the world that North Korea was preparing to launch a nuclear weapon test missile that was capable of hitting Alaska or Hawaii. Holy ICBM, Batman!
Needless to say, this was scary. I had a wife and three young kids in Alaska’s most populous city at the time. The idea that the crazy nutjobs in North Korea might launch a nuke at Anchorage for kicks and giggles was unsettling for my wife and I. All of our friends and neighbors felt the same way. Every night, the national ABC News feed stories about this from Washington, DC ended like this:
“North Korea claims that they are attempting to launch a communications satellite for cell phone service in their country. But US intelligence agencies assure us that this is a test launch for a nuclear weapon.”
Jeezly crow! Scary stuff, right? I heard that every day at the office for six months straight.
And then the rocket blew up on the launch pad in North Korea, because communist nations are not exactly good at stuff. A few months after that rocket failed to launch, I ended up having a friend-of-a-friend lunch with the head of the Alaska missile defense command. I won’t share his name to protect his identity, but he was basically the Alaska military guy in charge of saying, “Push that red button” any time a nuclear missile is headed toward America, so our own version of Israel’s “Iron Dome” can shoot it down.
During our conversation, he casually dropped the fact that North Korea is not any sort of threat to America. In fact, they had failed to launch their communications satellite just a few months previously that everybody had been talking about.
Huh? What the…?
Alaskans, Hawaiians, and my own family had just spent six months worrying that North Korea was going to drop a nuke in our laps. And the whole thing was a lie – which was perpetuated by the entire mainstream media for months on end. The entire thing was a lie from the pit of hell. There was never a nuke, or an attempt at launching a test missile that could deliver a nuke. It really was a failed attempt at launching a communications satellite.
If the CIA, the Deep State and the entire mainstream media was willing to lie to the American people about something as dumb and pointless as that for six months straight, what wouldn’t they lie to us about? Needless to say, the scales fell off my eyes during that conversation. Since that day, I’ve never felt the slightest bit of doubt about doubting EVERYTHING that the mainstream media tells us.
So, the biggest “tell” about the Tucker Carlson/NSA spying story is the fact that the media says Tucker is lying. He’s not. He has confirmed the truth of the matter through multiple different whistleblowers.
We now know that Tucker was trying to arrange an interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Tucker was emailing back-and-forth with US-based Russian embassy personnel to try to set up the interview. There’s absolutely nothing out of the ordinary about this. But the NSA used that as the pretext to crack open Tucker Carlson’s digital email and text messaging communications. And then they leaked those communications to other media outlets to try to hurt Tucker Carlson.
This is creepy and totalitarian, and it needs to be stopped. There are only two ways to end it. The easier way would be for Congress to finally step in and reform the laws that prohibit the intelligence agencies from lying to the American people. Fat chance of that happening, since they likely have blackmail dirt on the most powerful Members of Congress. (Imagine what they have on Lindsey Graham… yuck!) The other way would involve torches and pitchforks. Either way, these agencies need to be reined in.
Remember president Reagan said the most scary words. I am from the government and I am here to help you!
Cows may come and cows may go, but the bullsh*t in the Deep State intelligence community goes on forever!
Scary Stuff that our Government is working against it’s own. Deep State we’ve heard about, IS TRUE, tyranny from within. God please protect America from Evils of those Greedy Politicians and plain Evil people.
Amen Jane! My prayer is that God reveals corruption in the Deep State.
American news media supported by military intelligence have been allowing journalist to print scare tactics that help justify their need to punish innocent people. These tactic were used on those who were forced to live in reservation. Have you learned of the ghost dance? It was a spiritual dance to bring back the buffalo & their ancestors, an interior secretary & a journalist printed in the paper that these people were getting ready to go to war! The 7th Calvary were sent in with 1500 troops & murdered nearly everyone, women, children, boys, girls, men & babies! Pelosi claims if it’s printed it must be true! Our government officials still use these tactic to scare people into supporting their ill willed demonic ideology’s!
I agree! If we do not stop it now we will have regrets later. Our Government is out of control . Media, support for the Biden administration is not rocket science, the Socialist agenda is supported by the owners of most media organizations.
I may be wrong, but did BHO write an execcutive order just days before leaving the White House which gave the alphabet agencies free rein to gather and share intel without the “mere formality” of a warrant? If someone could research that, it would be appreciated.
He did expand the network of intel officials who would receive fresh intel, making it possible for himself to receive the newest stuff through leaks that would be hard to find and stop. At the same time, the Jan 2017 Oval Office meeting set up the plan to deny intel to Trump and his team. Result: Adam Schiff was leaking fresh intel that Trump had never received.
Simple principles that are timeless. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
The concentration of power is what our founders feared the most and knew it to be the primary threat to any republic. Great power in any form be it position or wealth is a threat to our nations existence.
I have not bekieved one word from our lame so-called media outlets since I returned from Vietnam at the end of the 60s and saw how they were MISREPORTING the war. I had to have a 2 hour talk ith my Dad because he watched a so-called documentary of the Tet offensive(which I fought in everyday & most nights) and point out their lies, THEIR opinions(not facts) and what really happened because my younger brother was due to go over there. I convinced him to NOT watch or listen to anything they reported. I have not believed anything the media has reported(mostly misreported) and have researched everything until I had the facts and not their lies and opinions ever since. Our government is full of lies and misleads us daily with the help of the lame media as we heard 4 straight years of lies, fabrications and false accusations against President Trump on a daily basis. It is disgusting, pathetic and embarrassing that our government and now it seems ALL of our once respected alphabet agencies have become the most corrupt organizations in the world.
Gerry, thank you for your service and your insight into the abysmal condition of our current media outlets. Even FOX’s Bret Baer failed his audience when he prematurely called election results in Biden’s favor. Virtually every American institution is failing “WE THE PEOPLE” (military, education, entertainment, sports, legislative, judicial, executive, etc.) at this critical time in our nation’s history. WE THE PEOPLE must rise up and take back our country, beginning at the ballot box in 2022. God help us!
MY GOD, does this crap ever stop. We are Americans….we are better than this.
Fire those who think they are to good to follow the rules that are supposed to keep us all free and safe.
Personal choices are just that personal. Not for the whole world to see or comment on. Just sayin….!!!
Gerry, you are absolutely correct in everything you stated. I have known about our lieing government Abe the news media for over 60 years.