As the 2024 election rapidly approaches the man behind the curtain of the Biden regime – Barack Obama – is nervously peeking through more than ever and is making it ABUNDANTLY clear that he’s calling the shots.
It’s long since been suspected that Obama is the White House’s puppet master, telling Joe Biden what to do behind the scenes, but recently he’s become more overt about his status as the shadow ruler of America.
Obama has been in regular communications with Biden and has made several calls to Biden’s top campaign aides in to direct them on exactly how they should be running “Biden’s” campaign to fight off an increasingly popular Donald Trump.
But as Biden’s chances of (legitimately) winning the election seem to be fading with every day that passes, the power-crazed tyrant that is Obama has been ramping up his involvement in those sorts of activities.
This comes amid reports that Obama himself has suggested that Trump could very well SWEEP every critical battleground state in the November election.
It’s abundantly clear that Barack has ZERO FAITH in old Joe’s ability to do the job – or more accurately, trick the American people into believing that he’s capable of doing the job to allow Obama to carry out a FOURTH term as president.
After all, Obama has been against Biden for president since way back in 2016 when he talked his buddy Joe out of running in order to allow Hillary Clinton to run as the Democratic nominee.
Then again in 2020 Obama refused to endorse Biden until AFTER the primaries – hoping one of the other idiots in the Democratic field might muster up enough support to take the nomination from Joe.
You see the thing is Marxist Obama knows he can control whoever sits atop the Democratic party, but he needs to ensure that the Democratic party sits atop America and even he can see that the American people are not dumb enough to think Joe Biden is a competent “leader.”
Others like former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard have given more validity to this theory, suggesting it’s “not a leap of imagination to know that” Joe Biden is NOT actually running this country.
She revealed that the “Biden” White House is FILLED with Obama’s former right hands “so it’s no shock or surprise who the influences are behind the policies that are coming out of this White House.”
Gabbard revealed that twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton also has tremendous influence over the current administration.
Joe Biden is a walking corpse who is incapable of forming a coherent sentence – let alone run the country.
The disastrous policies that are coming out of his White House are no accident, the powerful Democrats like Obama and Clinton are unleashing them on PURPOSE to destroy America without even having a chance to be held accountable.
Besides being gay and born in Kenya.
Americans who love this country, need to wake up and rid ourselves from those parasites.
Absolutely! I’m stunned that the senile old man hasn’t been removed yet.
Why should he be ? He is the cover for Obamas 3rd term. Perfect for those wanting to destroy our country.
Amen girl!!!!
He has no business being anything in our “government “. Of course Killary is his right hand henchman. Literally man.
Agree, How is it that Obama thinks he is the only one who knows what is best for our country? He wasn’t even born in America. Obama is a made up puppet who is happy to help destroy America paid very well to do it! He loves money and himself, no man born and raised in America would do the things he does to destroy her!
My thoughts have always been that Oblabba (oops, Obama) has been “in charge” all along. His old stand-by group of American destruction doers have been in charge of the White House all along as Biden has no scruples at all! We the People MUST rid our Country of these evil takeover artists once and for all!
I agree…it’s time we get rid of the people that are destroying our country and put hopefully Republican like Trump back in
Keep in mind that Soros and his demonic cronies are involved. Reports have said for quite awhile, that Obummer is also a puppet, assigned to wrangle Bidiot, who just happens to be the most pathetic of the two.
Both are easily manipulated due to their love of the almighty dollar, and their lack of integrity makes them prime subjects to blackmail.
Agreed !
Both Democrats and Republicans should be screaming “Invoke the 25th amendment now” . We are devoid of a president in charge. This “Obama in charge thing now” is out of the bag and needs a lid put on it. This nation is now in an unacceptable situation caused by willful blindness.
Just more proof most of our current politicians really don’t care about our citizens and country, just taking care of themselves, family and friends. Anyone who goes against the current politicians of greed and power gets attacked 24/7/365 by dems and msm as repubs remain silent! IMO
Yes they should but the corruption in the GOP is enough to remove any back bone they had and they are compromised by the same payoffs and blackmail. Some GOP are trying but can’t change it without the support of all of their party
And how are we to stop Barry? Putting Kamala in Biden’s place won’t solve anything. Evil Barry and his minions will still be in charge.
We need to get these incompetent people out of the White House and Government. Americans, we need to get out and vote, watch the elections and mail in ballots, not leave ONE voting place without a Republican “watcher”, and don’t be afraid to kindly speak out when opportunity arises!!!
The Cancer on America has been running Biden all along.The Muslim Fraud will destroy America
Just realize that no matter who gets tapped at the convention to replace Joe, it will be another person with Obama pulling the strings. Then this country will be totally “transformed” as was his intention since he came into office.
It isn’t just Joe, but Obama himself ought to be arrested and tried for treason. Time to rid this nation of all these Demonrat politicians and their surrogates in the Media to the trash can forever.
I thought a person could only hold the office of the Presidet for two terms. This is Obama’s third term. He is a marist and wants this country to becontreolled under Communism. When are the people going to wake u and demand Obama’s removal fromthe White, incuding his control?
Most of the Democrats are communists today. At one time, Communism was not even allowed to have a preswence in our government. Now, it controls the country. St Michael, defend us in our battles against the wicknedness of the Devil, rebuke him we humbly pray. rebuke him and all his evil followers. Cast down into hell Satan and all his evil followers.
Well maybe some people are now realizing what and why this great transformation is occurring in our Country. I have never forgotten Obami’s declaration to “fundamentally” transform America. Well he has been working on that transformation since that time and continues on his conquest. During his years in the White House he diligently filled many government positions with like thinkers, by the thousands. After vacating he continued his objective through the assistant of the constant investigations and impeachments of Trump, which inturn hindered Trumps ability to counter act Obamas damage and infestation of extreme left thinker’s into government positions. By then, his machine was under the radar, continuing his path to change. Trump, in turn, was never able to concentrate on what he needed to be doing by replacing positions. This brings us to the questionable election of Sleepy Joe and his continued appointment of governmental positions with many left supporters and incompetent individuals. Obama is not through in completing his goal and everyone will see this come to reality as we get close to the election and the threat to that goal posed by Donald Trump…… stay tuned!!
Not news to me! I felt all along that oblabba was behind the curtain, telling stupid Joe what to do. Every thing biden has done was fulfilling the Obama agenda of destroying our country from the inside! Any fool who thinks the obama’s are wonderful needs a lobotomy! They HATE us, they HATE America, they are racist bigots, they would love to get a race war started so Biden could declare martial law, stop the election, and hold us all hostage to an illegitimate , illegal regime! We must stop them! Get Obama out , charge him with election interference, treason, and un American activities!
Our elections have been RIGGED SELECTIONS for decades.
Weaklings who are easily selected thanks to their insatiable desire for wealth are placed in key positions within our government on MANY levels, then later become targets of blackmail as skeletons pile up in their closets thanks to depravity now made affordable due to fat bank accounts. If you have ever wondered how the same incompetent individuals keep getting into office over and over,
reports have revealed that the “Selection” process is a key reason why.
I like the tone and vocabulary used in this article. It mirrors the contempt I have for anything democrat. I call it the party of division. The party of slavery. The party that initiated the first civil war and will probably be responsible for a second one pretty soon. Time to take out the trash, America.
Perhaps it is time to enforce the terms of the Constitution. It is stated that a House of Representatives term is two years, and the term in the Senate is six years, perhaps it is time to follow what our forefathers installed as term limitations. It makes sense for a nation that wants limited governance to limiting how long and entrenched a candidate becomes. I see where two years as a representative in the House for a state, can lead to the six years in the Senate for a state then they can run for President or judgeship. That way the citizens have experienced that the person elected has a demonstrated record to follow their political ambitions that they want to represent them and their home state.
I can’t help but feel Obama is quietly running to be President again. Either that or Dictator Newsom from Commiefornia is waiting for the so-called Democrat (Communist) party) to beg him to run. If that jerk is elected, God help us all, including the stupid morons who voted for Biden in the first place.
the degenerate in the background that has directed Joe’s every move through his Marxist compadres in the current cabal
If this persists, they will invoke the REAL insurrection – and it wont be pretty.
The scrooge in America and cancer ,who the h— does he think ne is?Except a Narcissist.
The worse in history is in and of course it wants to stay in the Biden administration ( aka Obama) needs out . To get him out want be easy , he has a lot of pull . The justice system is in their back pocket they have been using it on innocent citizens for fun. The nasty ass democrats all need horse whipped. We have got to get them out of all offices and agencies are we will not have a country to live in . The open border is against the law if our land but the democrats are laughing and letting them illegally come on in this is committing Treason against the American people but the dam democrats don’t care. Never vote for a democrat if you love your country.
Some of my wording got off in that sorry. Anna
There’s MORE than enough “Proof” of this meddling in OUR Government by this America hating POS Obama. They need to “Start” an investigation, which if done “properly” even a blind, deaf and dumb individual could see, he has committed acts of treason against our country among other crimes that could veery well bring a DEATH SENTENCE!
DO I hear calls for TREASON coming from the public!? Both he and his “Stooge” Joe could languish in the same cell together for the rest of their Lives and talk about their attempt to destroy OUR COUNTRY!
Democrats have foistred an imposter on AMericca Barry Dunham Soetero is the man who has fooled America into thinking he is Barack Obama He is the child of a WHITE WOMAN< UNMARRIED, Barry claims to be Obama, africa born of an american motheer False, a ie, Democrats thought this was okay, they covered for him, lied to Amrica Now this imposter is having a thied illegal term as Biden's puppet master Barry should be arrested, jailed and Biden and his crime family removed