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Reminder: No Crazy Plan Was Off Limits When it Came to Removing Trump

The anti-American left is insistent that even if the audits prove that the last electoral contest was a fraud, there’s nothing that can be done about it. There is no conceivable path for Donald Trump to end up in the White House later this year. Neener-neener!

This is in stark contrast to how the left behaved for the entire Trump presidency. No cockamamie plan was too crazy to be above consideration, if it would get Trump out of the White House and install Crooked Hillary there instead. Someone just unearthed a hilarious Newsweek article that calmly and rationally explained to liberals a way in which Hillary could become president in 2018 – a full two years after she lost to Trump.

And the Newsweek plan was one of literally thousands of loopy plots to get Trump out of the White House. Remember when Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was going to “wear a wire” to spy on President Trump? Under that insane plan, the plotters reasoned that if the American people could hear how craaaazy Donald Trump sounds behind closed doors, public sentiment would turn against Trump, and they could use the 25th Amendment to get rid of him.

Spoiler alert for Trump’s enemies: We already knew how Donald Trump sounded when he talked. THAT’S WHY WE ELECTED HIM!


The entire Russian collusion saga was a psy-op designed to lead to impeaching Trump and removing him from office. It was only hampered by the lack of A) Russians and B) collusion. Nor were there any potty tapes, trips to Prague, or hacking of election machines. But whatever! All of this was just a means to an end, and that end was to install Hillary Clinton in the White House no matter what.

The reason why this old Newsweek article caught my eye is because it is so deliciously appropriate to what the country is going through right now. The article was published in 2018 and its title is, “Hillary Clinton Could Still Become President if Russia Probe Finds Conspiracy Evidence.”

The piece was authored by a guy named Lawrence Lessig, who is the “Roy L. Furman professor of law and leadership” at Harvard. Rather than make a legal argument (what were you expecting from a Harvard law professor?), Lessig makes an appeal to fairness and basic human decency. If the Russian collusion probe managed to prove that the 2016 election was stolen, Donald Trump and Mike Pence should both resign.

Next, then-Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, who was third in line for the presidency, should decline the big promotion due to the fact that his party had “committed treason” in Lessig’s view. Ryan should instead nominate Hillary Clinton and step aside to allow her to assume her rightful place in the presidency.

In an alternate universe where Russian collusion had actually happened, Lessig’s plan would have been a decent, fair and just outcome. If only. But of course, the Russian collusion never happened.

No one pointed at Lessig and laughed at his plan back in 2018, despite the fact that his argument had no legal or constitutional support for it. Lessig was basically appealing to “playground rules,” rather than getting bogged down with the law. Just because the Constitution did not provide a mechanism like the one Lessig was suggesting does not mean that we couldn’t do that as a nation. We could.

But now that we’re discussing prying Joe Biden and Kamala Harris out of the White House and replacing them with Trump, that plan is a NO GO. Democrats who suggested with a straight face just a few years ago that we could set aside the Constitution out of basic human decency, to correct an election that was “stolen,” are suddenly clinging to the Constitution like it’s a suicide pact.

20 states have now visited the Maricopa County, Arizona audit center and are considering auditing their results. The Democrats have good reason to be worried about this. If the audits prove that Joe Biden was not legitimately elected, what happens next? According to the Democrats’ own playbook from 2018, the only proper response is for Biden and Harris to resign. Then, because her party committed treason to steal an election, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi should nominate Donald Trump to fill the presidency and Pelosi should step aside.

That would be the fair, just and decent thing for the Democrats to do. And as we all know, they are all about fairness, justice and decency.

Here’s the link to that old Newsweek article on Lessig’s plan to replace a sitting president with another person, if you’re interested.

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27 thoughts on “Reminder: No Crazy Plan Was Off Limits When it Came to Removing Trump”

  1. Pelosi nominate Donald J Trump!!
    For president, Not likely, she had rather climb under her Rock, she climbed out from under to start with!
    Pelosi would jump off the face of the Earth before that happens.
    Trump would love it though, that’s right up his alley,

    1. EVERY BUSINESS gets audited and has accounting firms reviewing their financials for accuracy..EVERY MAJOR BUSINESS HAS SHAREHOLDERS TO ANSWER TO, and independent auditors……….why is there an issue with auditing ELECTIONS…….????……..there have been all manner of fraud allegations………it would seem to be in EVERYONES best interests to have through and complete audits to put any rumors of false allegations to rest once and for all……unless there’s something to hide…… which case it is even more necessary to have the audits….me think the Democrats protest too much……if everything was fair, honest and accurate, then it shouldn’t be a problem for anyone…….unless all this smoke and mirrors truly is a serious reason for the American People to be very very concerned about election integrity. The biggest problem I have, and no one seems to have an answer to it, is HOW IN % KEY STATES THERE WERE MORE VOTES CAST THAN THERE ARE REGISTERED VOTERS…… can you have more votes that there are people registered to vote????????????

      1. I would suggest you volunteer and work for your supervisor of elections…for then you might see why there is no need for “through and complete audits”!!

        BTW We call them recounts…not audits!
        For 2020 there were so many recounts it took some states weeks to finalize the counts!
        Not one single state out of fifty states provided proof of any significant fraud that was game changing.

        1. By your comment I can see that you have your head up your a** where the sun doesn’t shine and full of s***.
          Wake up man and realize that you are just a socialist commie kiss a**.

        2. Are YOU that much of an idiot? They have THOUSANDS of people testifying of VOTER FRAUD. Where do you get YOUR information? You need to stop watching cnn and msnbc.

          1. why is there an issue with auditing ELECTIONS…….????

            Normally there isn’t an issue…except now we are dealing with a sore loser who can’t believe he lost by 6 million votes…due to for the most part…incompetence…not to mention all the other BullPOOP!!
            Suggest you get a job working for your Supervisor of Elections for an election and see and learn for yourself why auditing ELECTIONS isn’t needed!!
            Here’s a clue…the people that do the hard work…do a really good job at counting accurately and you can bet your life on it.
            Everyone has to take an oath to work and get the opportunity to goto Federal Prison if they feel the need to cheat.
            I’ve worked elections for 25 years, I have Cheating Chads for sale and I am a highly experienced Ballot Scanner Technician for the last 17 years.
            All my years I’ve never seen mass voter fraud…surely a few dozen or so every election.
            However…voter fraud to the tune of 6 million…not a F’ing chance, Donny is a looser in more then one way for sure!

            The DS850 high-speed central scanner and vote tabulator is the fastest central scanner in the election industry, capable of processing 300 double-sided 14-inch ballots per minute, or 18,000 per hour!

            “They have THOUSANDS of people testifying of VOTER FRAUD. ”
            Then why weren’t they in the 60+ courts around the country??

            Where do you get YOUR information?

        3. Clearly you are a leftist hack! Already all signs just from this Arizona audit, are pointing to HUGE problems with the 2020 Election in November! You OBVIOUSLY have your entire head STUCK wwwaaaaayyyy up in your ASS Sparky boy! What a DUMBASS!!

    2. Does not matter what dems believe when election fraud is proven ! The dem leaders & all of bidens’s appointed cronies will be indicted and prosecuted for high treason ! All U.S. Citizens are victims of dem’s criminal fraud !

    1. The time is coming when conservatives will revolt and take out these crazy wackos. My only regret is that I am too old to see it or participate in it!

      1. I’m sure there is something you can do to help oust these stinking commiecrats and return Trump to his rightful office !!!!

      2. Hey Bud…I see killing id forefront in your mind…how wonderful !!

        “The time is coming when conservatives will revolt and take out these crazy wackos.”

        Has anyone told you to stay away from schools??!!??

      3. Your not the only one that feels that way Bud. I too, and many more that I know, have said the same thing to me. just a note: getting old really sucks when you are needed for something this important to help.

    2. Republicans, GOP…TRUMP are nothing if not hypocritical. No moral compass or ethical foundation.

  2. Things must be done or we all lose our country to communism and the ignorant who think that is the answer will sure be sick having to live that way in slavery – picture the “old cotton picking days for the slaves” if the Chinese let us live. Read the greatest book ever written – has all the answers!

    1. Another fantasy book, cool ! is totally FREE

      I wouldn’t say it’s “totally FREE” !
      Even garbage cost money to throw away!

  3. It is really too bad that the repubs don’t have the guts to use any advantage they can get to oust this illegitimate corrupt administration. I’m sure the delay in the Arizona audits findings is because of the uproar that’s going to take place when the full extent of ALL the voter fraud and corruption(in just 1 district-Maricopa Country) is made public — if it ever is !!!!! The same reason our UN-supreme court refused to hear all the evidence –FEAR !!!!!!

  4. Everyone on the planet knows that if there is nothing to hide in an election when you have auditsYou don’t complain you say yes bring on all the audits you want nothing is fraudulent but if you refuse the audits everyone knows with half a brain that fraud is in the election if you refuse and fight for the audits not to happen. This fraud against the American people has to be exposed in the people responsible have to be held accountable!!!!!!!

  5. This time, we wouldn’t need someone wearing a wire. The whole kit ‘n kabboodle regime is pretty blatant where they want to take our country. No secrets, it’s all public knowledge. Impeach everyone of them and take them to the woodshed and take away their powers. Even if you impeach, piglosi can still wield that gavel.

  6. Hey Gerry…are you the Gerry in Gerrymandering…how fitting!

    “full extent of ALL the voter fraud and corruption”

    The same full voter fraud and corruption the GOP proved during the election and since!

    You folks are funny!

  7. At some presently unknown time (except perhaps to the Almighty), to paraphrase “Reverend” Jeremiah What’s-His-Face (Obama’s former pastor), the Democrats’ chickens will come home to roost.

  8. There i`s only one answer to dealing with the liberal dem bloodsucking parasitical ticks.
    Talk and voting are not it. We have despised these life forms, for 60 years, that has evolved, today, we hate them all with a depth, intensity and bitterness, that has no bottom.
    Civil war is inevitable

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