The Democrat Party, the mainstream media and the GOP leadership in DC have been consistent in their messaging since last year: The 2020 election was the “safest and most secure” election in history, and therefore you must not look closely at the results!
It’s a good thing that a lot of patriotic Americans have ignored them. Evidence continues to mount in every swing state that was called into question after Joe Biden’s supposed “victory.” The state of Wisconsin is refusing to launch a forensic audit of its 2020 results, despite the fact that hundreds of thousands of ballots have now been found to be questionable, at best.
This comes on the heels of Monday’s report by the Georgia Star News. That outlet examined the chain of custody documents of mail-in ballots that were deposited in drop boxes in Fulton and DeKalb Counties. It turns out that roughly 90,000 of the ballots were picked up and then vanished for as long as 22 hours before being deposited in their respective county registrar’s offices. They were not “immediately transported” to the registrar as required under an emergency regulation.
Without proper chain of custody, the validity of those ballots cannot be confirmed. Therefore, Georgia’s official election results should be decertified, and those electoral college votes should be stripped from Joe Biden’s total.
In Wisconsin, Joe Biden was declared the winner by a margin of 20,682 votes. Today state election officials there are admitting that they “lost track” of some 82,000 mail-in ballots. The ballots were mailed out, but they have no idea what happened to them.
I have a theory!
Wisconsin was the state where Joe Biden was trailing Donald Trump at midnight when the vote counting was stopped. At 3 a.m. the morning after the election, there was a batch of 143,000 ballots added to Wisconsin’s total. The makeup of those 143,000 ballots was 143,000 for Joe Biden and zero for Donald Trump. The 82,000 unaccounted-for ballots could possibly have ended up in that batch, no?
The other possibility is that those 82,000 ballots were cast for Donald Trump and ended up in a shredder somewhere. Either way, a discrepancy of that size makes the outcome of Wisconsin’s 2020 election unknowable. Again, Wisconsin’s election results should be decertified, and those electoral college votes should be stripped from Joe Biden’s total.
But the malfeasance in Wisconsin appears to go even deeper than that. A group called Looking Ahead America Research has done a deep dive into the remarkable number of people in Wisconsin who declared themselves to be “indefinitely confined” in 2020, and therefore were sent absentee ballots. 169,000 people declared the indefinitely confined status for themselves for the first time in 2020, largely because of coronavirus (meaning they were almost all Democrats).
The Trump campaign sued Wisconsin back in December and won the case. Wisconsin’s Supreme Court ruled that state officials were in the wrong by telling people they could call themselves indefinitely confined by COVID. Based on that ruling, Looking Ahead America Research has determined that roughly 157,000 people cast illegal ballots in Wisconsin in the 2020 election.
That brings the combined total of illegal and questionable votes in Wisconsin to 239,000 – more than 10X Joe Biden’s margin of “victory.” We don’t know whether the illegal and missing ballots were for Biden or Trump. The only thing we know for certain is that it is now impossible to declare either one of them the winner – and therefore the “official” results are moot, null and void. Decertifying Wisconsin’s results is the only logical and fair response to this.
Checking the math, if the electoral college votes for Georgia, Wisconsin and Arizona (which will soon release its forensic audit results) are subtracted from Joe Biden’s total, that drops him down to 269 votes. Joe Biden would therefore not be the constitutional winner of the 2020 election, falling one vote shy of the required 270 votes.
With no clear winner based on the electoral college votes, the 2020 presidential contest must be decided by Congress under the laws passed in the Electoral College Act. Each state gets one vote in Congress. With 27 Republican-controlled states and 23 Democrat-controlled states, Donald Trump will handily win the 2020 election. With so many people howling for Joe Biden’s impeachment and removal from office right now over Afghanistan, wouldn’t this be an even better solution for America? Let’s put someone who actually cares about America back in the White House!
I’m reading and hearing about evidence but when are they going to do deliver it what’s the hold up.
It’s way past time for the roots of the Tree of Liberty to be refreshed by the blood of as MANY tyrants and as FEW Patriots as possible! If bloodshed is the only way to obtain justice and rectify malfeasance in the franchise of this great nation, then SO BE IT!
TEN MONTHS later and another BOOM! BAM! POW! We got’em now article detailing the mountain of proof that election fraud decided the lat election.
And still the GARBAGE leadership of the Republican wing of the Democrat Party refuses to get involved. Refuses to get involved except to BLOCK any meaningful action, that is!
The GOP is a sold-out mob of two-faced liars. They preach the Constitution then bend over for their CCP Party Bosses issue after issue.
We have NO friends in Washington, DC. (District of Commiecrats)
I HATE the Democrat Party. I LOATHE the Republican SELL-OUTS. Year after year they support the re-elections of RINOs like Romney and Murkowski, ’nuff said!
If the American CCP (democrats) have “NOTHING TO HIDE”, then why are they “NOT” in agreement that there should be total recount of the so-called “Swing states” and the Ballots-in-Question excluded from the “FINAL VOTE”??? The LEFTISTS know without a DOUBT that the “RIGHTFUL PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IS: #45! PRESIDENT, DONALD J. TRUMP!!!✝️
Does not matter what they find they will do nothing abut it. It is time “We The People” did something about it. Time to rise up and speak out and demand that Biden/ Harris be removed from office and never to hood a political office again!! Show congress that they must concern themselves with the will of GOD!!
Another WEEK has gone by, evidence continues to pile up proving election fraud and what has changed?
The ILLEGALLY “elected” Obidma Regime continues to force more and more dictatorial Communism on us and that is all.
Unfortunately, most of our “brave defenders” have died from their FORCED injections of that toxic chemical soup that has been labeled Covid Vaccine.
The few survivors sold out for fat paychecks or joined the Republican Party. Same thing, really.
What a historical tragedy! The mighty United States destroyed by outright lies and a tiny hypodermic needle. Remember back when they were so afraid of the damage illegal street drugs were doing to our society? LOL, it was the “legal” variety that finished us off!