Terrifying: The Dementia Potato Tells US Troops He’s Sending Them to Ukraine

It’s truly scary to think that America does not have a real president in the White House right now. Aside from not actually winning a fair election, Joe Biden also has a brain that turned into a bowl of oatmeal long ago. He’s just a figurehead for the shadowy cabal that’s actually running the White House.

Watching his public appearances, one can’t help but notice that Biden’s dementia is progressively worsening. That’s scary – especially when there are serious and dangerous things going on in the world, and we need competent people making decisions.

For example, Biden nearly sparked a nuclear war on Friday when he blathered that he’s sending US troops to Ukraine very soon.

Biden went to Europe late last week to speak with Polish officials after operation “Surely Renowned Diplomat Kamala Harris Can Fix This” failed spectacularly.

It’s interesting that the Europeans have no qualms about laughing and pointing at Biden behind his back, despite the fact that they’re on camera. They don’t care. They just laugh and point at the doddering old fool as he shuffles around in his dotage while muttering about ice cream and looking for little kids to grab so he can sniff their hair. What an embarrassment for our nation.


Anyway, the Dementia Potato was in Poland on Friday. For perhaps the first time since he took office, Biden spoke to a room full of US soldiers. Here’s what the dementia-addled buffoon said:

“Look at how they [the Ukrainians] are stepping up. And you’re gonna see when you’re there, and some of you have been there, you’re gonna see, you’re gonna see women, young people standing, standing in the middle, in front of damn tank just, just saying, ‘I’m not leaving, I’m holding my ground.’ They’re incredible. But they take a lot of inspiration from us. And you know, woman who just died, the Secretary of State used to have an expression, she said, ‘We are the essential nation.’ It sounds like a bit of uh, hyperbole but the truth of the matter is you are the organizational principle around which the rest of the world, the free world is moving.”

Madeleine Albright was a personal friend of Joe Biden’s for decades. How it must warm her heart that Biden refers to her as “woman who just died.” Yeah, he’s fine. Nothing wrong with Biden’s brain.

But the truly disturbing thing about Biden’s remarks is that he told the 82nd Airborne troops, “You’re gonna see when you’re there…” It kind of makes you wish they were still hiding him in the basement, doesn’t it?

Biden pretty much effectively stated that he plans to send American soldiers into Ukraine – of all places – to start World War III with Russia.

Good thing Putin doesn’t own a television! If he had seen Biden muttering such a reckless and dangerous statement, it could have spooked him into launching a preemptive nuclear strike.

The fact remains that while most Americans feel sympathy for the Ukrainians, this is really a Russia-on-Russia-Jr. regional spat and most people don’t support launching World War III over it. It serves no national interest whatsoever for the United States to send troops into Ukraine. We have no interests in Ukraine to protect. In fact, it would make the situation worse since it looks like President Zelensky is ready to negotiate terms for peace.

Anyway, the White House is backpedaling furiously after Joe Biden’s demented “I’m sending US troops to Ukraine” speech. The White House stated that Biden “has been clear we are not sending U.S. troops to Ukraine and there is no change in that position.”

OK. Then why did he just tell a room full of frontline combat troops that they’ll be in Ukraine soon? Who are we supposed to believe? The lying communists in the White House who tell us the 2020 election was the “safest and most secure election ever,” or the doddering fool who is ostensibly in charge, who just told the world he’s sending US soldiers to Ukraine? More importantly, who is Vladimir Putin supposed to believe?

Here are some things to keep in mind as we head into spring. Biden gave another speech this past week in which he said that food shortages are coming. The Selective Service tweeted a message implying that the military draft is about to be reinstated. And Biden just said he’s sending the troops to Ukraine. Plan accordingly.

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6 thoughts on “Terrifying: The Dementia Potato Tells US Troops He’s Sending Them to Ukraine”

  1. People have had a problem with the amount of time Biden has spent in his basement for over a year now.
    At this point, I think the safest place for him to be, is in that very place…..

  2. These liberal Americans are fixing to see that Joe Biden is going to get our military right in the middle of one of the nastiest wars that has ever been fought. He is doing everything he can to get the media and Americans off of Hunter Biden and his failures back here at home. He is doing it at expense of our men and women in uniform. For the life of me I can not understand how and why liberals can not see that he is a screwup. Obama said it plain as day, “everything Joe touches he screws up”! They keep hollering Trump this, Trump that, but I would bet the farm on if Trump was president Putin would not have attacked the Ukraine nor would China be chomping at the bits to get involved. They all know Biden is mentally gone and he is not calling the shots and they are going to take full advantage of it.

  3. I agree…Biden is the scariest thing that has happened to the United States in my lifetime. I hope all the people who voted for him are recognizing what a huge mistake they have made.

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