The Centers for Disease and Control (CDC) has quietly updated its death statistics related to COVID-19, revealing that they made serious errors in reporting the deaths – and it may be just the start.
According to the change, which impacted 26 states and all age groups, the agency had included an extra 72,277 deaths that should not have been counted as COVID-19 deaths.
The CDC attempted to write off the misleading overcount as a simple “coding logic error.”
“The CDC also noted that some jurisdictions also include probable COVID cases in their death count and that back in August, the data on COVID deaths was changed after they identified a data discrepancy.”
This means that the CDC is now admitting the data is massively flawed and the amount of overreported COVID deaths may be much, much higher than just 72,000.
The Daily Wire’s Mairead Elordi explained, “So they’re pretty cryptic on what exactly these errors were and why they happened, but the end result is that COVID deaths were apparently significantly overcounted.”
With a total of about 969,000 deaths from COVID, the CDC’s overreported deaths make up about 7.5% of that number.
Another significant revision made by the CDC was the admission that there was an extra 416 pediatric deaths included.
“The huge change in the pediatric death count drops the estimate of COVID deaths in children down to 1,341 nationwide. Children were about 19 percent of all COVID cases but only about a quarter of a percent of those cases were fatal,” Elordi noted, pointing to data from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Several states have already changed their virus death stats by significant margins since the start of the pandemic.
Last month, Massachusetts dropped its COVID death count by 3,700 after adopting new criteria.
New York also revised their numbers, but in their case, they were forced to increase their death toll associated with the virus in the state’s nursing homes.
An investigation by the New York attorney general found that the state may have undercounted nursing home deaths due to COVID by as much as 50% while under Andrew Cuomo – an issue which the mainstream media and the Democrats worked desperately to cover-up given Cuomo’s role in those deaths after he sent COVID positive patients into nursing homes and exposed the most vulnerable population to the virus.
CDC director Rochelle Walensky recently issued a letter detailing what she calls the CDC’s new Data Modernization Initiative, which is supposed to make the data it puts out more reliable and accurate.
This is not the first time that the CDC has faced criticism for its handling of the pandemic, and Special Counsel Henry J. Kerner in December substantiated a whistleblower’s claims about the CDC’s mishandling in both New York City and Atlanta in February and March 2020, were “reasonable.”
For example, the whistleblower alleged that public health workers were not properly trained when they assisted with the COVID-19 response at New York City’s JFK Airport in the early months of the COVID-19 outbreak.
As time goes on, I pray that more whistle-blowers will come forward,
and the world’s population will FINALLY get some information that is truthful. As bad as this seems now, the silver lining is that it’s a perfect illustration of how the lying mainstream media manipulates information to suit whatever agenda they are paid to push. The fact that those in the medical profession were often paid
HUGE sums to report wasn’t true further shows how very important it is for us to do our own research,
question everything, and never go on blind trust. Always remain vigilant.
Why lie? Covid bioweapon plan for world oligarch rule aka TurnTheWorldIntoCommunistsUtopiaVirus required Covid dictator power.
More Covid death = more Covid dictator power for the legions of well rehearsed politicians and bureaucrats aka Dr Death faucists army.
Tribunal time to prosecute and hang those legions of Covid dictators perpetrating deadly vax deadly faux treatments while banning speech and proven cures and remedies.
Fauci Gates Soros CDC who ama to start.
The CDC has been corrupt, thus dangerous, ever since the Obama administration. It a shame that we don’t have an honest, competent and reliable source for health information. I hope we can get to the bottom of this and put some people in jail as domestic terrorists.
Before that, remember Dr Always Wrong has been there since before Aids.
As with most of the Biden and Fauci agenda this BS that is being brought to light now is or should come as surprise to most. This was certain part of plan to get the gullible public to get the vaccine shots. My fear is that this was done for more than the election, and this will have to wait and see. Thought were we guinea pigs for something?
It is called DEPOPULATION!!
It’s about time and it is just the tip of the iceberg! Remember the CDC is NOT a “Federal Agency” it is a private corp working on behalf of it’s stakeholders, which include the pharmaceutical and vaccine industries that profit from the spread o disease, not from real prevention and cures. This company also owns more than 32 patents on DEADLY viruses!!!!
Hospitals (doctors, etc.) were directed to report ‘Covid Death’ to anyone that died who also had the virus – even if taken to the hospital for other reasons, e.g. auto accident. The reason is that a Pandemic was needed to force vaccinations and population control and hospitals complied because they got money for each ‘Covid Death’.
This is all sick and twisted and the doctors that pushed the poison are just as guilty as the pharmaceutical companies who pushed it. Crimes against humanity.
Why is the CDC doing this now. Do not forget the mid-terns are fast approaching. This being done to help the Democrats and Biden. Headlines like this one do not reflect well on them. – ”GRIM MILESTONE Ignored by Fake News Media: US COVID Deaths to Pass 1 Million Mark Today — More than 600,000 Deaths Under Joe Biden”
The CDC is running interference for the Biden administration by making huge adjustments of the numbers to bring them below 400 000. Will they adjust numbers for Trump’s administration as well.
What does CDC is really trying to say is they are willing to take it up to Biden to keep the liberal democrats in charge do they get more money That way
Changing the COVID death rate now will not help the Democrats. It will show how they manipulated and lied to the American public.